Thoughtful Thursday – The Office Fridge

Photo courtesy of microsoft office clip artThose of you who work outside the home understand the dreaded words “The Office Fridge”.

I went to get some milk for my coffee this morning and there were two hard-boiled unshelled eggs there in a small plastic container. At least, I think they were eggs. The only remaining white part was where the boiled egg white was in contact with the plastic lid, thereby confirming to me the message in those Foodsaver commercials that air does weird things to food.

The rest was of the eggs were a weird brown color and I think one of them may have winked at me!

Of course, I dared not look at the rest of the fridge nor breathe since it seems like it’s time for that bimonthly emptying and major scrub down that occurs to remove the food that has now seemingly turned into someone’s science experiment.

I always wonder if the poor cleaning person wears a Hazmat suit for that task.

Unfortunately, those who deal with Office Fridges know that the science experiment part is only the tip of the iceberg. There’s the Office Fridge Thief who steals people’s lunches or worse yet — just takes a bite and PUTS IT BACK!! I kid you not.

Considering that our Office Fridge is in a fairly visible and trafficked area, you wonder how the Office Fridge Thief manages it. You also wish that one day that person would take a bite out of one of those science experiments.

So, have you had similar experiences with your Office Fridge? Did your fridge at home provide an unexpected surprise one day? Share the uglies this morning with us!

On a parting note, check out the cool countdown widget I created for FURY CALLS, the next book in THE CALLING Vampire series which will be out in March 2009. You can click here to download the code for the widget and post it on your sites/Myspace pages! Send me a screen print of it once it’s on your site or a link to the site with the widget and I’ll send the first 50 people who do so a CALLING t-shirt!

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