Thoughtful Thursday – On taxes and tea parties . . .

teapartyFirst of all, my apologies for missing Wicked Wednesday only it was a crazy day at work and of course, even worse, it was Tax Day!

The lines at the Post Office were awful, I’m told. There were dozens in line to buy stamps to mail their tax returns and even more people dropping by to place their returns in the bins labelled for the respective tax centers in the area.

Tax day and tea parties! Now, whether you’re for or against the current tax and stimulus plans, here’s the thing . . .

You have the freedom to speak out about it. If you follow all the rules and behave responsibly, you have the right to stand up and let your voice be heard. Whether or not the politicians and media listen is a whole different thing, but it doesn’t lessen the fact that you have that freedom.

Freedom and responsibility. They go hand in hand.

My daughter and I were talking about this the other day. She’s taking a sociology course in college where they are discussing all kinds of interesting things. Political democracy. Economic democracy.

Democracy period. A fascinating concept to be sure. Wikipedia defines it as “a form of government in which power is held indirectly by citizens in a free electoral system” and goes on to offer various examples of different kinds of democracies.

The bottom line is . . .

Democracy only works if you do as well. Vote. Voice your opinions. Demand honesty from your politicians and the media. You have the freedom to do so, but more importantly, it’s your responsibility to do so.

7 Replies to “Thoughtful Thursday – On taxes and tea parties . . .”

  1. Amen to all these comments! It’s way
    past time for folks to stand up and make
    their opinions known. Your elected representatives can’t know what your feelings are if you don’t let them know! Today CNN shared information on a site that keeps tabs on totals of people who gather for various reasons. The site estimates that the total for yesterday’s tea parties is approximately 250,000 persons.

    Pat Cochran

  2. I agree that many people don’t vote and then complain. I think we should have term limits. Congress voted for term limits for our presidents – why don’t they have them?

  3. Hear, hear, Caridad!!!
    I say if you don’t vote, don’t bitch, whatever your views.
    Voting is something that way to many people, women especially, just take for granted. 😐

  4. For too long the citizens of this country have depended on our elected officials to speak for them. What a mistake that has been. We elect new officials who vow to make our voice heard and then DON’T. It is our fault for not speaking out sooner. I fear we have waited too long. I hope we can take back at least a part of our fate. Have a great day and hugs to all.

  5. For too long the citizens of this country have depended on our elected officials to speak for them. What a mistake that has been. We elect new officials who vow to make our voice heard and then DON’T. It is our fault for not speaking out sooner. I fear we have waited too long. I hope we can take back at least a part of our fate. Have a great day and hugs to all.

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