Fun Friday -Will & Kate & Bachelor Parties

Thanks for yesterday! I spent the morning at IKEA finding new furniture for my child and then spent another seven (7!!!) hours assembling it. Needless to say, I am sore this morning and needing a little fun.

That’s why I am sharing Episode 3 of the very Funny or Die spoof on Will & Kate called “Will & Kate Before Happily Ever After”. There are actually 4 episodes, but I found this one kind of hysterical as Kate discusses the need for penis-shaped things at “hen” parties. Visit for the remainder of the series.

Here goes and I hope you’ll all have a great weekend. If you can’t see the video below, you can click here:

Will & Kate: Before Happily Ever After (Ep.3) from Allison Williams

3 Replies to “Fun Friday -Will & Kate & Bachelor Parties”

  1. It seems like your day off was no vacation. I just finished all of my school shopping yesterday. Most people would probobly relax, but now I start my Christmas shopping. Loved the videos. I love Pippa & the crowns the girls had on. Have a great weekend. —Rachel

  2. Gorgeous actors.

    I wonder who really had the better time, William or Kate. Loved the “prop” castle…looked like it was a third grade diorama in a shoebox. 😉

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