The Claimed #Paranormal #Romance #FreeRead

THE CLAIMED Paranormal RomanceI’ve been busy re-reading and taking notes from THE CLAIMED as I will shortly be starting the next book in the series, THE SHATTERED.

For those who have been asking, YES the hero and heroine are Sammie and Ryan. I so loved both of them in THE CLAIMED and I hope you will not be disappointed with their story. It’s going to be a very emotional one as Sammie and Ryan deal with all the changes in their lives while getting sucked even deeper into the war between the united Hunter clans led by Adam, Bobbie, Christopher and Victoria, and the Dark Shadow Hunter clan led by Christopher’s father, Alexander.

Plus, there will be some very interesting new Hunters in the mix, from new life for the Hunter leaders and some totally unexpected visitors who bring a warning about how life can be if the Hunters do not end the war between the Light and Dark factions.

So excited! Plus, I’ve heard all of you about the Carrera family and you will be seeing more of Mick, Caterina, Liliana, Jesse as well as younger brother Tony. I’ve missed them also. By the way, if you’re looking for the books from the SINS series on the site, try in the Suspense section. Although they were released as “paranormals”, I always thought of them as suspense books.

Since I’ve been reading THE CLAIMED, here’s a sexy – VERY sexy – excerpt from the book for you. WARNING – 17 and over please for the read.

If you can’t see the excerpt below, you can click here to read it.

THE CLAIMED #Paranormal #Romance by Caridad Pineiro

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