Oatmeal Smoothie Recipe

I love oatmeal and oats are great for you! They are high in fiber and protein, may help lower bad blood cholesterol, help regulate sugar levels, may reduce the risk of cancer, reduce high blood pressure . . .

I could go on, but enough said about the wonders of oats and oatmeal! But with the hot weather, it’s tough to think about a steaming bowl of HOT oatmeal.

So today, we’re talking about an Oatmeal Smoothie, but I cannot take credit for these recipes. Please take a moment to visit TheYummyLife.com for an assortment of Make-Ahead Oatmeal Smoothie recipes.

I used the Apricot Orange mix, but substituted strawberries and mango/orange juice. I think I needed to up the juice and/or strawberry factor, but even with that, I had a smooth, thick delicious smoothie. I doubled the recipe and had enough for two mornings worth of cool smoothies to take to work.

Take a moment to check out the recipes and play around and create your own for a healthy snack. FYI – If you’re wondering where to get the chia seeds, Costco had a big bag (when aren’t they big) and most health food stores should have them.

You can also just sprinkle the chia seeds in salads for extra fiber and omega 3 fatty acids!


2 Replies to “Oatmeal Smoothie Recipe”

  1. YUUUMMM! It sounds fantastic!!! I really need to dig out my blender. Thanks for the heads up on the recipe.

  2. I love finding new recipes. I will have to check out the site for more ideas.—Rachel

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