#ThrowbackThursday A Quinceanera!

In Latin tradition, girls are given a quinceanera, or Sweet 15, in order to celebrate their passage from girl to woman.

We had a quinceanera for my daughter with our family and close friends as well as a number of her friends. It was a lovely time and I think everyone had a blast!

Part of the tradition is that the women of the family, mom, aunts, grandmother and godmother, each present the young woman with a gift that symbolizes the passage. Things like earrings, bracelets, rings and other items that a woman would wear.

Here are some photos of my daughter, her godmother (my sister), her aunt, her grandmother and me doing that rite of passage.

Here is a photo of my daughter, hubby and me. If you believe in such things, you will notice the orbs that were present in this photo and many of the others. One friend who attended and is a sensitive said the place was haunted. It could be. We had the celebration in an old inn that has been around since 1843.
Mom, Sam & Dad