#WriteWed Recipes for the Romantic Soul

I’ve been stuck on the next scene for EMBRACE THE NIGHT, but had a revelation this morning about it! Yeah. I’ll write it on the way home and hopefully have this story ready for you in early September. I’ll also have a new book for you with a baseball hero – ROOKIE OF THE YEAR. This is a contemporary romance revolving around a fictional NJ baseball team. The sequel to it – A WINNING SEASON – will be out in October.

Today’s Write Wednesday inspiration is all about recipes. You know I’ve been sharing them with you and I’ve decided to put them all together into a cookbook. I’ve been searching for the just right image for the cover and in truth, it occurred to me that just one image would not do it. I like the idea of a collage for the front cover of the book. RECIPES FOR THE ROMANTIC SOUL will not only have recipes, it’ll have stories about my family, friends and/or scenes in my books that inspired the recipe.

For now, if you’d like to try out some recipes, please visit the Cook’s Treat section of the website!