#WriteWed Inspiration is all around me . . .

Every year my family makes a trip to get our Christmas Tree and to visit New York City to see all the Christmas sights. This year it was a challenging trip. Lots of rain, at times with powerful winds that drove the wet into us. We persevered and got our tree and had a lovely time, although we did have to camp out for about two hours in the Time Warner center to warm up, dry off, and get some dry socks. All in all though, it was a lovely day filled with laughter.

I know that some of our experiences from this rain-soaked holiday excursion will make it into a book someday. Here are some photos from our day. I’ll have more from you as soon as I download them from my camera. It was just too wet to risk using the phone at times for the photos. Click on where it says CHRISTMAS 2014 to see more photos!