Tardy Tuesday Guilty Pleasure!

Used under Fair Use ProvisionsI want to thank all of you for your b’day wishes and apologize for missing our usual Monday together. Unfortunately, Facebook decided to block most of the thank yous I was sending to all who decided to leave comments! Nasty FB. Bad bad FB.

Somehow between that FB issue and a mess of work, the entire night and day got thrown off!

So, belatedly, this week’s Guilty Pleasure – Paul Walker. Hmmm. He is soooo hot and what a body. I know he played the baddie in SHE’S ALL THAT, but wow. So handsome.

As for the guys who visit the blog, I’m sure you won’t mind the shot of Jessica Alba in this poster either! LOL!.

Thanks again to all of you for the kind b’day wishes! I’ll be picking a winner of the prize this week and announcing it on Friday!