My First Christmas in America

My nephew is getting married in September which is very exciting! As part of the preparations for the wedding, my sister has been rounding up some family photos. She shared this one with me. It was one I don’t ever recall seeing and yet it’s a special one.

This is my sister and me on our first Christmas in America.
First Christmas in America

That’s me in the back, closest to the tree, a Charlie Brown one if ever I saw one and yet you can see how happy we were.

We were somewhere safe. We were with my parents again. It had been nearly a year and a half since my parents had been forced to flee Cuba and came to the United States to request political asylum. My sister and I had remained with my maternal grandparents in Cuba, expecting that all of us would soon leave shortly to join my parents in the United States.

It didn’t happen that way. Not with Castro.

It’s a long story, but seeing this picture and our joy, I know that things worked out as they should have even if the road to get here was difficult.

Seeing where I’ve gone in all those years, how our family has prospered thanks to this Nation, I know the sacrifice and journey was worth it.

Thanks for coming by today! I hope you all have a lovely Tuesday.