#FunFriday SUMMER HEAT #Romance #Boxset #99cents

I love working with fellow authors on new projects. My next endeavor is the SUMMER HEAT Contemporary Romance Box Set which features 16 sexy stories from 16 bestselling authors. My story is titled UNDER THE BOARDWALK and it’s about a husband and wife who are trying to rekindle the passion they once shared in order to save their marriage. Here’s the blurb for it!

    Natalie Ramirez has spent less and less time with her husband over the last year and more and more time alone. She longs for the happy days of summer when she and Chase would pass the time together on the beach and under the boardwalk, exploring the passion that simmered between them as hot as any summer sun.

    Chase Smith had to work hard for everything he ever had, including his wife Natalie. His wife had never wanted for anything in her life and Chase didn’t want to disappoint her. But somewhere along the way, Chase lost sight of the most important thing she wanted: his love.

    A passionate night under the boardwalk brought them together, but can Chase and Natalie rekindle that lost love and save their marriage?

I have to tell you this is one sexy story – hotter than a ghost pepper – five alarm hot 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥! LOL! I hope you’ll enjoy it.

The SUMMER HEAT Box Set is specially priced at 99 cents for a limited time and is now available at Amazon. I’ll have more info for you shortly on availability at the other retailers.

If you’re free on March 9, join us on Facebook for our release party where we’ll be giving away a Kindle Fire in addition to the prizes. I’ll also have something going on at the blog as a giveaway for those of you who don’t do Facebook!
