#WisdomWednesday – Keep Calm and Read a Romance

I love reading, but I love reading romances even more! I’m a hopeful romantic and no matter what mood I’m in, even a horribly bad mood, reading a romance just makes me happy.

So if you’re feeling down or feeling amazing, take a moment and read a romance to just make the day even better!

#MotivationMonday – Per Aspera Ad Astra

You’re probably thinking “Aren’t Monday mornings hard enough without you tossing Latin at me?” LOL! Yes, they are tough and so are so many things in life. Lately it seems a challenge to just keep on going and yet, if you didn’t what would you accomplish? So this morning I told myself to find something motivating and came across that phrase: Per aspera ad astra. In English: Through Hardship to the Stars.

So when you’re feeling down, just keep that in mind. After the challenge comes the reward.

per aspera ad astra