#WriteWed Our Inspiring Warriors

I’ve always loved reading stories about our military men and women and that inspired me to create the Take a Chance series. It’s been a challenge to explore the many facets of military heroes and their struggles in the battlefield and off, but I so love giving them their happily-ever-after.

What’s truly inspiring is the way so many veterans have dealt with the wounds they’ve suffered while serving our Nation. People like Daniel Jacobs who didn’t let the loss of part of his leg, remaining foot, and a few fingers keep him from trying out for the Detroit Lions.

Or Noah Galloway, a double amputee whose goal it is to inspire other other veterans!

Please click here if you cannot see the Noah Galloway video.

Noah will be on this year’s Dancing with the Stars. Here he is sharing some info on his journey for that show. Thanks to Noah’s Facebook Page for this!

Then there are my friends at the RomVets, romance authors who have served in various military branches. And let me not forget my buddy Kim, from the wonderful SOS ALOHA Blog who is the wife of a military man and helps organize so many wonderful things for our military men, women, and families with the help of RT Book Reviews.

So that’s my #WriteWednesday inspiration and God bless each and everyone for their service and sacrifice.

Guilty Pleasure Cliff Lee

It’s that time of year when a girl’s fancy turns to . . .

Baseball! So today’s Guilty Pleasure Monday is one of my favorite baseball players, Philadelphia Phillie Cliff Lee. I had so been hoping that the Mets would be able to acquire him, but with their financial issues, Cliff went to the Phillies. Don’t even think the Mets were even in the running to get him, although they sure could use some strong starting pitchers.

How about you? Do you have any other baseball favorites you’d like to share? Like David Wright? Or Jason Werth? How about Mr. Utley?

Photo Credit: © Rubenstein, photographer Martyna Borkowski