#WriteWed Location Inspiration #NYC

I’ve told you about some of the location inspiration for my AT THE SHORE Contemporary Romance Series. Places like the long gone department store B. Altman’s as well as some still with us Jersey Shore mansions.

The first story, ONE SUMMER NIGHT, starts in the fictional Shore town of Sea Kiss and I’ll share more about the inspiration for that town later.

Today’s photo is of the inspiration for where Maggie Sinclair and her best friend Connie Reyes work and hangout – Bryant Park and the Chrysler Building. There are a number of scenes set in this Midtown NYC area, although both Maggie and Connie are Jersey Girls at heart.

I took this photo in the early morning, just as sun was rising. It’s a lovely time in the city. Peaceful. Quiet. Well as quiet as New York can be because even in the quiet there is a nervous hum of activity. I love the juxtaposition of nature against the bricks and the man-made skyscrapers. I hope you will as well!
Chrysler Building and Bryant Park

#ThrowbackThursday At The Shore

An exciting day on multiple counts. Staten Island Chuck did not see his shadow, so an early spring is on the way. (Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, but I’m choosing to ignore that LOL!).

I got a release date for ONE SUMMER NIGHT, the first book in the AT THE SHORE contemporary romance series from Sourcebooks. So excited. ONE SUMMER NIGHT will be out in October 2017.

Today’s throwback is in honor of summer days and nights on the Jersey Shore. It’s my favorite place to be at my favorite time of year.
Bikes on Ocean Grove Boardwalk

#ManCandyMonday Ignacio (Nacho) Figueras

A world class polo player and model for what else but Polo by Ralph Lauren, this man is smoking hot! With a 6 goal handicap, Figueras is one of the top 100 polo players in the world and some consider him the polo equivalent of another hottie, David Beckham. I could so picture him playing Jax from the first book in the Jersey Girl Bridesmaid series!

What do you think? Hot or not? You can follow Nacho on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and his website at NachoFigueras.com.

Nacho Figueras

Photo Credit: By Jiyang Chen (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

And just in case that smoldering look wasn’t enough, how about this one courtesy of his Facebook Page?

Hurricane Hermine & Jersey Girl Bridesmaids #WriteWed

This weekend’s forecast was for bad weather for the Jersey Shore. Luckily the weather forecast was wrong. Unluckily the weather forecast was wrong. Lots of Shore businesses got hit hard economically since people stayed away, but I guess that’s better than people being put in danger. Still, you have to wonder whether one wrong forecast after another is going to have people less likely to believe future forecasts.

For this girl, the wind and waves (no rain) has inspired thoughts about a future scene in WE DANCED ALL NIGHT, #2 in the Jersey Girl Bridesmaid series which I am currently writing. I can really picture the scene in my head with the heroine all dripping wet as she stands at the hero’s front door in order to confront him. Can’t wait to write that scene, although it’s still several chapters away.

So today I’m sharing some photos from this weekend and Hermine and also a video so you can’t get an idea of the winds and waves we saw. Not as bad as either Irene or Sandy thankfully.

Beautiful Sunset

Waves on the Beach

Waves hitting the Jetty

Wind and Waves

#WriteWed Chrysler Building & Jersey Girl Bridesmaids

I am so excited to say I’ve finished the first book in the Jersey Girl Bridesmaids series, tentatively titled Since We Were 18. It’s off to my agent for a read and final tweaks before it goes to my new publisher Sourcebooks.

I am really happy about how the story turned out and I hope you will enjoy this sexy, emotional and fun tale about a Romeo and Juliet relationship, without all the tragedy. Okay, some drama, but a very rewarding Happily-Ever-After.

Two of the Jersey Girls, Maggie Sinclair and Connie Reyes, actually work in Manhattan just yards away from each other in the Chrysler Building and its Annex. Why there? Well, because this is where I work and hang during the day, so I thought I’d share some of that with you.

Maggie’s office is in the Chrysler Building so today’s Write Wednesday is some photos of that lovely place. It is without a doubt my favorite building in all of Manhattan. There is so much attention to detail and quality in the materials used. It really was a labor of love for Walter Chrysler. It shows in every aspect of the building. I am going to try and get some more photos for you of the gargoyles and other elements that are high up so you can truly appreciate some of the secrets of this building! But for now, some photos from the lobby through which Maggie Sinclair walks every morning (lol like me).

#ManCandyMonday Liam Hemsworth

I’m working on SINCE WE WERE 18 (the tentative title for #1 in the Jersey Girl Bridesmaids series) and the brother of the hero is a laid-back, thrill-seeking, surfer-type dude. His name is Johnson, but everyone calls him J for a variety of reasons. I’ve been thinking of who I might cast to play J and Liam Hemsworth came to mind. Welcome Liam to Man Crush Monday!

Photo Credit: Kurt Kulac (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

4th of July #JerseyShore

Hope you all had a great 4th of July! We had lots of fun down the Shore! Beautiful beach days, being a part of the 4th of July Parade in Ocean Grove and fireworks. I love fireworks!

So today I’m sharing some photos from the weekend!

Day at the Beach

Bradley Beach

Sunset over Ocean Grove

Sunset over Ocean Grove

The OG Surf & Skate Gang at the Parade

OG Surf & Skate Crew

Waiting for Asbury Park Fireworks


Fireworks Bradley Beach, New Jersey

If you can’t see the photos below, click here to see the photo album.