Fun Friday – Scream a Bit and Take Off More!

Since we’re on the topic of vampires, here’s another of the handsome ones! If you’ve ever been to a concert with a screaming teen, you will so get the caption. I’m convinced that if the Army could find a way to bottle those screams, they would have the most effective weapon ever!

funny pictures
moar funny pictures

Also check out this special which runs until June 30! Get an extra 10% off (for a total of 30% off the cover price). Also for right now, get free shipping on any purchase over $10! You can’t beat that deal! Just click on those sexy abs to visit and use the coupon code AFFILIATE10.

Take 10% off all Print Books at

Last but not least, it’s the LAST WEEKEND in the fabulous Brenda Novak auction. Please drop by to check out the items that I’ve made available at the Brenda Novak Diabetes Auction!

First there is this amazing Sabor Latino basket put together by my friend, Olga. Besides some of my novels, there are some wonderful food items as well as a lovely pair of silver earrings and matching pendant.


To bid on this item, you can click here or paste this link into your browser:

You can also bid on the following items that I’ve donated for the auction:

A signed ARC of SINS OF THE FLESH (A November 2009 release)
A signed copy of FURY CALLS
A t-shirt for SINS OF THE FLESH


Also take a moment to check out this basket from the Liberty States Fiction Writers which contains:
Autographed copies of:
A DAUGHTER’S PROMISE by Christine Clemetson
NOBLE BLOOD by Linda Parisi
ARC of SINS OF THE FLESH by Caridad Pineiro
VENUS RISING by Annalise
As well as an audiobook of Stephen Colbert’s “I Am America and So Can You!,” a SINS OF THE FLESH T-shirt and lunch bag (color – red, B&W image attached). In addition, you will receive copies of thirty other romance novels (these 30 are unsigned).

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Wicked Wednesday – HONOR CALLS

HONOR CALLS, February 2009 Silhouette Nocturne BitesThis morning’s Wicked Wednesday is an excerpt from HONOR CALLS, my February 2009 Nocturne Bite. HONOR CALLS is a sexy story about a young vampire slayer, Michaela, and FBI Assistant Director in Charge Jesus hernandez. You’ve met Jesus in past books and probably know he’s a by the book kind of guy. Will that all change when he meets Michaela?

Take a moment to find out. To purchase HONOR CALLS, click here. Also, HONOR CALLS will be part of the October 2009 AWAKENING THE BEAST Collection.


Shit, Jesus murmured under his breath as he realized his intent to just drive by the Blood Bank wouldn’t be possible.

The small street on which the club was located was not wide enough for the passage of a car. As he rounded the block for the third time, he scoped out a free spot a short distance away and after parking, headed on foot toward the Goth club.

He hadn’t gone more than a few feet before the heat and humidity of an August Manhattan night had him sweating beneath the weight of his suit jacket. Since he was armed, removing the jacket wasn’t possible and he was starting to regret he hadn’t gone by his apartment to at least change into a t-shirt and jeans.

Swiping at a line of perspiration along his brow, he paused at the mouth of the street, one of the older ones in the city. More like an alley, which seemed apropos for the place he was about to visit, he thought. Definitely a back alley kind of operation from what he had seen in the various reports that had crossed his desk.

Ahead of him and about four small blocks down was a line of people at a nondescript building – the Blood Bank he assumed. The line was relatively long considering the hour and filled with a decidedly rough-looking crowd clad in lots of black, leather and metal. That at least was not very different from what he had expected.

As he proceeded along the cobblestones, bright with the light from a full moon and uneven beneath his shoes, he kept a wary eye on the smaller, even narrower side streets and tight gaps between the buildings. It was at the mouth of one of those alleys that the last body had been found.

Or at least, parts of the body.

A grunt, loud and painful-sounding, snared his attention as he passed the entrance to a space between two turn-of-the-century brick buildings. The buildings were built so closely together that the moonlight did little to illuminate the area between, but even with the lack of light, he detected the activity going on in the gap.

Another grunt came followed by the din of metal trash cans crashing against one another.

Definitely a fight and judging from the sounds of it, someone was getting their ass kicked.

He pulled out his Sig and advanced to the opening of the space between the buildings. He took a step within and his eyes adjusted to the lack of light, revealing the two people locked together in combat. One tall and much bigger than the other and as they grappled together, the light from a side door lamp illuminated their features.

The smaller one was a woman while the other. . .

Eerily bright blazing eyes shot a glance his way while long white fangs gleamed from the artificial light of the lamp. The creature growled at him, the sound like the rumble of a mountain lion, but then turned back toward the woman.

She had her arms braced against the creature’s jacket, trying to keep those wickedly long fangs away from her face, but with the vampire’s greater height and bulk, he feared she might be fighting a losing battle.

Ño, he cursed as she continued with the fight, totally ignoring his presence.

The creature spun the woman around and as the light swept over her face, he could tell she was young. Mid-twenties he guessed before she whirled out of sight again, struggling to break away from the demon’s grasp.

With a quick upward jab of her arm, the woman snapped the creature’s head back. It emitted a louder growl and another glimpse of its face showed its lethal fangs once again.

The woman’s blow did little to slow the demon. It reached behind to grab the woman by the scruff of her neck and whip her away from him and against the brick wall of one of the buildings. She hit the wall with a thick thud and fell to the ground dazed, prompting him to action.

“FBI. Stop or I’ll shoot,” he called out, training his gun on the demon as it took a step toward her.

The thing actually halted and looked at him. What he guessed passed for a smile erupted on its face, but then a second later the demon reeled back, grabbing at its chest with long taloned fingers.

Feebly grasping at the wooden stake which the woman had buried deep into its chest.

Shock filled the creature’s face mirroring his own surprise as he realized she had just killed someone . . .

No, make that something, before his eyes.

Blood leaked from around the edges of the stake, staining the off-white shirt the demon wore. It stood there, hands flailing. Long nails clacking against the stake, disbelief on its face before the look became blank and the creature dropped to the ground.

“One down, too many more to go,” the woman said, her voice deeper than what he would have expected from someone so petite. She nudged the creature’s body with the toe of her black boot and then bent to examine it, as if to make sure she had finished her job.

One down, huh? he thought, turned his gun on her and warned, “FBI. Put your hands up.”

Tuesday Tip – How to have a Happy Marriage!

equalityToday’s Tuesday Tip is from Renowned Wall Street analyst Tim Kellis who give us his take on what could be considered society’s biggest problem today: divorce. The journey that led to him tackling such a significant issue was both personal and professional. After a successful career that eventually landed him on Wall Street, Tim met what he thought was the girl of his dreams, only to see that relationship end with bitterness and anger. The journey included work with a marital therapist, and after he discovered the therapist wasn’t really helping decided to tackle the issue himself.

Ambition and a strong aptitude for math helped lead Kellis to discover how to make relationships work. His math skills led directly to an engineering degree, nine years in the telecommunications industry, an MBA in finance, and finally on to Wall Street, where he became the very first semiconductor analyst to focus on the communications market.

After publishing a 300-page initiation piece entitled Initiating Coverage of the Semiconductor Industry: Riding the Bandwidth Wave, Kellis became a leading semiconductor analyst at one of the biggest firms on Wall Street. The experience he gained as a Wall Street analyst provided an excellent backdrop for becoming an expert on relationships, and resulted in his relationship book entitled Equality: The Quest for the Happy Marriage.

You can visit his website at or his blog at

Without further ado, here are Tim’s Tips! If you leave a comment on this blog post by midnight EST on Friday, May 29, you could be the lucky winner of a SINS OF THE FLESH lunch bag.

5 Tips for a Happy Marriage

Relationship Advice: Transference Causes Divorce

Here is the most significant point made in the entire book, transference causes divorce. This one single point can probably do more than any other to motivate couples to learn how to move their relationships in the right direction. And for the first time ever on a public forum, you can read what I am talking about. For the first time a psychological cause of divorce is explained.

If couples were to only understand what they are doing when they introduce anger and arguments into the relationship then they would hopefully have the motivation to solve their mental imbalances, their insecurities. The unfortunate reality is the only person who can overcome insecurities is the person with the insecurities, not the spouse, not the friends, and not the parents.

Transference is one of the most basic concepts in the psychology industry. This concept states that if you discuss your emotions with someone then you will transfer those emotions onto that person. In fact, Freud is who he is today because of transference. An amazing discovery is that Freud didn’t discover therapy, a Joseph Breuer did, by getting his first patient, who became famous as Anna O, to discuss the root causes of her mental problems. Breuer discovered that when he did she was able to overcome them.

Unfortunately for us today, Anna O also developed the first case of transference when she developed a “hysterical pregnancy” stemming from fantasies about him where she thought she was having Joseph Breuer’s child. When he realized this he abruptly referred her to a colleague, went on vacation with his wife, and treated Anna O no more. Unfortunately for Breuer, he “was uncomfortable with the topic of sexuality and though at the moment of the hysterical pregnancy he had ‘had the key in his hand’ (as Freud later wrote to a friend), he dropped it…[and] in conventional horror took flight”. Freud took over and completely abandoned the influence of our past on our present with his biology theory.

Transference is used today in the relationship between the therapist and the patient. This is the most basic tenet in the therapy process, with the theory that if the patient discusses his or her emotions then he or she becomes vulnerable to the advice of the therapist. Ideally therapists are supposed to utilize this vulnerability to help the patient understand the sources of the insecurities. This is also why the patient is vulnerable to fall in love with the therapist.

We just need to take this notion one step further. Instead of transference between the patient and the therapist we just need to understand the notion that within negative relationships the one with the insecurities is transferring the negative emotions behind those insecurities from the source onto the spouse.

In the example of the alcoholic parent, if there exists negative feelings about the alcoholic parent that remain unsolved then the continued anger at the spouse because of the association of the spouse having a drink and the parent, then those feelings are eventually transferred onto the spouse. Individual examples of anger are called projections and transference occurs when those emotions are completely transferred.

Relationship Advice: Handling conflicts in your relationship

The real question here is how to handle the inevitable conflicts that are certainly a part of every relationship when you bring 2 different people together with 2 completely different backgrounds.

The problem with our understanding of arguments is we have yet to elaborate on the emotional toll and psychological reaction to them. The objective, on the other hand, is to handle these conflicts through disagreements, not arguments. One of the most significant sections of my book is my section on Dr. Martin Luther King because he taught us the proper way to handle conflicts, what he called civil disobedience, a term he learned from a French philosopher by the name of Thoreau. In other words, when faced with conflicts that you disagree with it is okay to be disobedient, to disagree, just be civil about it.

The problem with arguments is the emotional toll on the 2 involved and the unfortunate break down in communications which is the result of disagreements that turn into arguments. The key difference between disagreements and arguments is disagreements take place on a logical plane while arguments take place on an emotional plane, which is not logical and solutions to these conflicts becomes extremely difficult if not impossible.

Unfortunately, modern psychology tries to convince us that if you don’t release your emotional anxieties that underlie all conflicts then you suppress them, where in time the suppressed anxieties eventually explode. What is missing here is the concept of not suppressing the underlying emotional anxieties but instead discussing them with your partner in life, who should provide an outside, objective perspective, barring your partner’s personal insecurities causing a subjective perspective in his or her response. The goal is to talk through the insecurities so that the fear underlying the emotional anxieties can be released in a positive manner.

And the reality is that as soon as you cross the plane of disagreements and enter the plane of arguments communications break down. With disagreements the logic, which is understood and could be either the logic of the thoughts or the logic of the feelings, is eventually comprehended by both parties where a solution then becomes possible. Unfortunately there are no real solutions behind emotional arguments. Not only are they not logical but in reality are the result of the effort by one party to enforce his or her subjective perspective, at the cost of a better objective solution for both within a relationship.

Relationship Advice: When your spouse makes a drastic life change

In positive relationships, as individuals within a marriage grow and develop new interests, hobbies, outlooks on life, religion, etc both get to live through this change in a positive manner where the change is understood and most importantly, appreciated. Obviously, the change is within one of the two and it is important that this change not be enforced onto the other, because the change is intended for one, not both.

Problems, though, occur within the negative relationship when this change is used as a further wedge between the two, a wedge that had already been developed with the other unresolved issues within the marriage. Then it becomes another brick in the path of the destruction of the marriage.

Then it becomes a, or quite possibly the, issue that finally pushes the couple apart to the point of the thud of complacency within negative marriages, or divorce. Then it becomes a problem.

What is needed in this situation is to understand and appreciate the changes within the individual.

For example, if one of the two within a marriage decides to become much more religious, then the other partner needs to understand this as part of the maturing process, and accept and appreciate this change. The one who has found religion cannot enforce this change onto the other. Then it becomes a wedge in the relationship.

Relationship Advice: Quid-Pro-Quo in the Relationship

There are 2 paths taken with conflicts, arguments and disagreements, and the one I am trying to teach is through disagreements, which are logical discussions, even over emotional issues. Arguments, which are emotional discussions, are not resolvable. If you cannot address logically the why with conflicts then you have issues that become unresolvable which lead to what are referred to psychologically as “psychic lesions”, issues that become mental blocks because they are not resolved.

And to a book on Quid-Pro-Quo, Gary Chapman’s “The 5 Languages of Love”, if this concept is addressed positively then it can be very helpful. This book has been a huge success. I was at a marriage conference about 6 months ago and Gary Chapman was one of the speakers. He spoke intelligently, eloquently, and very humorously. The languages (acts of service, physical touch, quality time, gifts, words of affirmation) do encompass a wide perspective of the different needs within relationships. If you could understand which one is more important then you can comprehend how best to understand your spouse.

The only problem with this approach is in reality it promotes a quid-pro-quo relationship in negative relationships. “If you give me physical contact then I will buy you things”, and this doesn’t work in negative relationships. Quid-pro-quo never works, the notion of conditional love. What is needed for successful relationships is unconditional love. In reality this concept is an extension of “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus”, which promotes that the key is to appreciate the differences between men and women, and unfortunately the notion of “separate but equal” didn’t work as we have seen with our racial struggles.

And the other problem with that book, and this problem also shows the materialistic approach of the professionals, is its materialism. The reality is he is promoting labor, sex, behavior, money, and communication, but he misses the most important languages, internal languages. The reality is the 2 pillars of happiness, and really the key languages to success are respect and empathy. Unfortunately you will have difficulty finding professionals discuss these 2 concepts because they have yet to breach the ivory walls of the psychology industry.

Please keep in mind with my critical words about the pros, but we as a society expect them to solve our marriage problems and they have yet to do it.

Relationship Advice: When Only One is Working on the Problems in the Relationship

Here is a question about one working on the relationship and not the other. My thought with this may be the approach that one is using in working on the relationship. I bet if you were to ask the other if he or she was interested in working on the relationship the answer may be yes, or it should be.

But if the approach to problems is based on the fear that problems may occur, instead of solving problems that do occur, then again the perspective is in the wrong direction.

I use a personal story to demonstrate my point. I worked on Wall Street as a semiconductor analyst, which basically means that I am one of dozens of analysts with opinions on the stocks I follow. I became negative on one in particular after being bullish on it, and the stock fell by 30%. After the market closed Intel bought the company and the stock doubled the next day.

My point is I was castigated on the chat rooms for being so stupid. Smart Money Magazine even wrote an article about me entitled “What Was He Thinking” about how stupid I was to downgrade the stock before Intel bought the Company. Professional investors know the difficulty in predicting where stock prices are going in the future.

The point is if you are addressing problems logically before they occur, or emotionally after they occur then you are basing your perspective on the underlying fear. The objective is to base your perspective on problems logically after they occur or emotionally before they occur. This is actually an extremely important difference between positive relationships and negative ones. And basing them emotionally before they occur basically means addressing the solution to problems before they come up with the goal of a happy outcome.

And yes to your point on behavior modification without an understanding of the underlying belief system and thought patterns. The reality is our character traits cause our behavior, and our character traits are nothing more than system of beliefs that we learned growing up. Obviously the objective is to have positive character traits, to be nice, but unfortunately in our material world we also learn negative character traits. Until these are changed solving problems in marriage becomes very difficult.

And the point about hidden or unresolved issues is until they are revealed you cannot address them because you do not know they exists. But the reality is anger is our way of exposing our insecurities. If we could only learn to neutralize our own defense mechanisms when our spouse gets mad then we could also learn to address anger, or sadness, when it is revealed.

Memorial Day Monday

Today’s post is in memory of all who sacrifice so that we might be free . . .

Please visit back tomorrow for a Tuesday Tip about having a happy marriage and a chance to win a SINS OF THE FLESH Lunch bag! We’re going to have a guest blogger, renowned Wall Street analyst Tim Kellis. For a sneak peek at Tim, you can visit his website at or his blog at

Wicked Wednesday – Take a Visit to the Nocturne Author’s Blog

This morning I’m blogging over at the Harlequin Nocturne Author’s blog! Stop by and leave a comment at the Harlequin blog for a chance to win a CALLING T-shirt and an autographed copy of HOLIDAY WITH A VAMPIRE, one of my favorites. All comments must be left by midnight EST on Friday, May 22.

Just click here or cut and paste this link into your browser:

Tuesday Tip – The search for a bestseller website!

Yes, you’re seeing another iteration in my continuing quest to get some idea on how to change the website. I hope you don’t mind being my guinea pigs on the blog so I can then set a designer loose to do up the site!

Funny thing since I regularly help people with ideas for their own sites, but can’t seem to get a handle on mine.

I love the old site. It’s slick and sexy as some of you have mentioned in earlier comments. Maybe too sexy, since to some it screams “erotic”. While my books certainly push the envelope at times, what I’m really after is a new website that screams what I am about now – paranormals and romantic suspense.

I’ve got a few ideas percolating in my head. Maybe a banner with a crime scene tape, a couple and images of things you would find in a suspense novel?

What do you think says paranormal and romantic suspense? What do you think says bestseller when you visit a person’s site? Inquiring minds want to know.