#FitnessFriday – Get Fit! 5 Tips that have worked for me!

My goal for the last year or more has been not only to lose weight, but to get more physically fit so that as I get older, I’ll be healthier. With that in mind I started eating healthier and being more active. That’s proven successful for me and I feel so much better and stronger. So today I’m sharing some of the things I’ve done that I think have help me get more fit.

    1. If you sit at a desk all day long like I do, get a timer and have it go off every 30 minutes or so to remind you to get up and move. I do a quick stroll around my office to drop off mail and files when I do my walk. If you have a tracker like the Fitbit, you can set an alarm. I just get so involved that I don’t notice it and need something louder, like a timer with a bell.

    2. Try to do at least 10,000 steps a day of walking. I stay true to that thanks to my Fitbit. Disclosure I own some stock for it, but I bought the stock because I loved the product. If you want to join me on Fitbit, you can find me here: https://www.fitbit.com/user/3GZT48. I’m friends with several people and we often challenge each other to a Workweek Hustle or Weekend Warrior challenge to inspire us to be more active.

    3. Find an exercise/walk buddy. If you’ve got a partner to do it with, you help each other stick to it. Hubby and I hit the Y together almost every day and then do walks/workouts together on the weekend.

    4. Find something you like to do. I like to walk and lift weights. Also like the elliptical and biking. My sis loves yoga. If you stay active with something you like instead of something you have to do, you’re more likely to keep it up.

    5. Develop a habit of being more active. Whether it’s going to the Y or for a walk around the neighborhood, make it part of your daily schedule.

I hope these tips help you too to become more fit!

#FitnessFriday Walking for Physical and Mental Health

Besides the shower, I get some of my best ideas while walking and on top of that, walking is a great way to stay fit and lose weight. I shoot for at least 12K steps a day, but usually average more like 17K. If you want to join me on my walking journey, be my friend on Fitbit: http://fitbit.link/2wdmwL9.

Here are some good articles for you about how to use walking to improve your overall well-being:

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend! I’m hopefully off for a stroll along the boardwalk if the weather holds up!

#FitnessFriday Abs Workout from Popsugar

It’s almost summer and with it, concerns about how you look, especially your abs. More importantly, strengthening your core is something you need to do for health reasons, but what if you don’t go to the gym and have lots of equipment.

Well, you don’t need a gym or equipment for a lot of workouts, like this one from Popsugar. Even better, it’s only 10 minutes long and who doesn’t have 10 minutes to improve their health?

I also like what I think is an alternative to the burpees everyone is always going on about (see minute 1 of the slide back and forth). I have issues with my big toes (seriously, I do) and that move back onto them in the burpee is painful.

If you have a Swiss ball, do a similar move that’s called a prone jacknife to help with those lower abs.

Click here if you can’t see the Popsugar video and please visit their site at www.popsugar.com. They have lots of awesome workouts, fashion, recipes and tips for you!

#FitnessFriday My #Fitness Pinterest Board

I love Pinterest, although I haven’t been pinning that much lately. I’ve just been too busy with work and the holidays. But I have been keeping up with my goals to be more fit. In fact, yesterday I hit the 35 pounds lost mark. I had hoped for it to be 40 by the end of the year, but I’ll take 35 and I plan to keep on going. One thing I do to help get more fit is to use my Fitbit for not only tracking steps, but also as a food journal. Likewise, Wellcoin which I’ve mentioned before.

I also pin interesting workouts, infographics, skinny recipes, etc. to my Fitness Pinterest board and that’s what I’m sharing with you today! I hope you’ll find some interesting information there.
Follow Caridad’s board Fitness & Exercise on Pinterest.

#Fitness Friday Tips for Getting More Fit & Healthy

I’m always striving to be healthier and to find ways to get more fit. Since I try to keep up on news about such things, I’d thought I’d share them with you in a new Friday segment – Fitness Friday!

Check out these articles on various aspects of being more fit and healthy.

3 Steps to Avoid Junk Food Cravings: http://bit.ly/1IK9XYw
Calories count more than fat or carbs: http://reut.rs/1L8NPKW
Don’t Fear the Scale – Why you don’t have to fear weighing yourself every day: http://cnn.it/1IK8O36
Fighting Office Body – Move more to improve your health & Posture: http://yhoo.it/1IK7Eoe
High Protein Breakfasts May Help Prevent Fat Gain: http://bit.ly/1IK9BRs
How to Stay Motivated in your Fitness Regimen: http://bit.ly/1IKad9Z

Now I have to say one thing about the article on the types of calories not mattering as much as the calories themselves. I’ve been using my Fitbit and religiously tracking what I eat and how active I am. When I eat the same number of calories, but include “bad carbs” such as bread, crackers, cookies and pasta, I not only gain weight immediately, but I experience belly bloat and other things. I’m not saying you all will experience the same thing, but you need to listen to your body and what it’s telling you about the food you’re eating.

Speaking of Fitbit, if you want to become a pal and cheer me on while I cheer you on, you can friend me at https://www.fitbit.com/user/3GZT48.

If you want to join me and others in a DietBet – that’s where you put your money on how much weight you can lose – click here to check it out!