Funny Friday – 5 things to do during the Writer’s Strike

Writer's StrikeI don’t know about you, but after all the excitement about finally having a new television episode — and of LOST no less — I found myself incredibly . . . lost. I guess my mind was distracted with other things and thankfully, I taped it so I could watch it at another time to try and figure out what was going on.

That brings me to today’s FUN FRIDAY which is, What to do until the Writer’s Strike is settled.

    1. Exhaust all the movies and shows that I keep on setting the DVR to record and never got to watch.
    2. Turn to the FOOD NETWORK and drool while Paula Dean cooks up yet another dish featuring butter or bacon or fried stuff
    3. Imagine visiting the places that THE DISCOVERY CHANNEL and NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC keep on featuring.
    4. Pray that the organizer gods smile down on me and send me one of those MISSION:ORGANIZATION/CLEAN SWEEPS people.
    5. Dust off my BUFFY DVDs as well as all those keeper movies and go on a commercial free marathon.

For #5, you may want to check out the Best Movie Mistakes website and really make it a fun viewing. There are lots of mistakes that never make it to the bloopers reel. Here’s some of the ones I’ve either seen or heard about:

In STAR WARS, one of the storm troopers smashes his head as he’s passing through a doorway.

During the chariot battle in GLADIATOR, when one of the chariots overturns, you can see a cylinder and mechanism that launched the chariot into the air.

In MARIE ANTIONETTE, as Marie is looking through the shoes she might wear, there’s a pair of sneakers.

In CLEOPATRA, I believe it’s Richard Burton who is sporting a modern Timex Watch along all the period jewelry/accessories.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

Copyright 2008 Caridad Pineiro Scordato

Funny Friday – Witty Words from the Washington Post

laugh.gifMy friend Liz Kimberlin passed on a list words that supposedly come from the Washington Post’s Mensa Invitational, which invites readers to take any word from the dictionary and alter it by adding, subtracting or changing one letter to produce a new definition. You can find out more about the supposed Mensa contest as well as the complete list of words by clicking here. Following are some of my favorites!

Anyone who has bought a home which is historic (translation way old) or quaint (bordering on small) or has potential (needs renovations) or has watched THE MONEY PIT totally understands this new word:

  • Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which renders the
    subject financially impotent for an indefinite period of time.

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