Wicked Wednesday – Wounded Heroes and BLOOD CALLS

There’s something wickedly interesting about wounded heroes. You know they’ve either been bad or have had something bad happen to them which makes them all that much more intriguing. Will they stay good or become bad again? Can they be trusted? So many more questions and things that you can do with them.

BLOOD CALLS is definitely all about wounded heroes. Diego Rivera was a Spanish Lord before his wife betrayed him to the Spanish Inquisition because he had been selfish and unfaithful. Ramono Escobar has had a hard life, including a stint in juvenile detention when she got mixed up with the wrong crowd after the death of her father and her mother’s illness.
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Fix-up Friday!

No, you are not going crazy. There were posts the last two days only the server migration that I thought was over wasn’t and they’ve disappeared into the ether of cyberspace.

These things happen, so I’m going to try and recreate the posts today and tomorrow.

Wicked Wednesday was all about DESIRE CALLS, the free novella that’s up at eharlequin.com right now (you can click here to start the read!)
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The Girls Got Bite (and humor to go with it!)

Today’s Tuesday Tip comes from Marta Acosta. I’ve been exchanging e-mails with Marta who is the author of Happy Hour at Casa Dracula. Happy Hour at Casa Dracula was a Book Sense Pick and Catalina Magazine’s Best Humor Book of 2006.

In April, Marta is releasing Midnight Brunch which continues the wildly comic adventures of Milagro de los Santos, Fancy University graduate who lives with a family of urbane vampires.

Marta was kind enough to offer some tips on writing humor, so here goes!
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What I’m working on now

I’ve spent the morning writing and researching for my holiday vampire anthology. Why researching? Well, the hero, Hadrian, is a vampire who dates back to 303 A.D and Rome. There are one or two flashback scenes to that time and so I’ve been trying to get a sense for what Rome might have been like at that time and what Hadrian might have been doing during the Christmas season.

Christmas season? Well, the fun part about this “Bah, humbug” holiday vampire anthology is exploring the pagan traditions that have contributed to our Christmas customs. In particular, I’m focusing on the Roman customs (some of them deriving from Egyptian festivals) which have shaped our Christmas holiday.

Of course, online research can only give you so much info. So what’s a girl to do?
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