Bollywood in a Book

The Sari Shop WidowWe have a very special guest today – my friend and fellow author Shobhan Bantwal who is visiting to tell us about her fabulous new release – THE SARI SHOP WIDOW, or as Shobhan calls it, Bollywood in a Book.

So without further ado, here’s Shobhan!

Fashion Friday is the perfect venue to offer readers a peek into my latest novel, THE SARI SHOP WIDOW, since my protagonist is a fashion designer who owns a fashionable and upscale clothing boutique. This tale has all the elements of “Bollywood in a Book”—drama, startling secrets, delicious Indian or Desi cultural elements, and best of all, romance. It also has Caridad Pineiro’s lovely blurb on the cover. Thank you, Caridad!

Set on the streets of Edison, New Jersey’s Little India, it tells the story of a young businesswoman, Anjali Kapadia, who discovers the magic of love, family, and tradition as she fights to save her failing boutique. When she and her parents are teetering on the edge of bankruptcy, her rich, dictatorial uncle arrives from India to bail them out. But he brings with him a few surprises, one of them being a young Indian-British business partner named Rishi Shah, a suave Londoner with cool gray eyes, a proper English accent, and a know-it-all attitude.

As much as Rishi’s haughty demeanor triggers Anjali’s distrust, it also stirs something else, an unexpected and powerful attraction she can’t deny. And the feeling is mutual. Caught between her growing feelings for Rishi and her loyalty to her family and her business, Anjali is forced to make a life-altering decision . . .

I always wanted to set a book in Edison, New Jersey’s Little India, a quaint and colorful enclave of Indian boutiques, restaurants, jewelry shops, music stores, and food markets. Merely setting foot into Little India is a unique experience.

Mannequins wearing lush silk saris, sequined and beaded salwar-kameez and chania-choli outfits grace many of the boutique windows. Intricate and elaborate 22 carat gold jewelry displayed in showcases is a truly rare sight, while pungent curry, dosa, and tangy-sweet mango lassi tickle the taste buds.

For me, setting a book in this neighborhood was a fun way to introduce it to my non-Indian readers. The result was THE SARI SHOP WIDOW.

For a preview, see the trailer below or visit:

I am giving away a grand prize of one Indian costume jewelry set to one winner and five signed copies of the book to five winners in a drawing. To enter, go to the “Contests” page of my website and sign up between Sept 1 and Sept 30, 2009.

DragonCon Spirit Orbs and a challenge!

Had lots to do at DragonCon, but as you know from the last few days on the blog, I was able to go out and enjoy the wondrous costumes created by some of the attendees. As I was uploading my photos on the first day, I noticed something unusual on one of the photos – orbs.

You may remember our discussion about spirit orbs from last year (you can click here for that blog post). So while I was uploading to Facebook, I mentioned the orbs to my friend Joy Nash and lo and behold – she had similar orbs on her shot of the same people! You can check them out down below.

This is my shot of the angel couple. I’ve circled the orbs for you.


This is Joy’s shot of the orbs where I’ve circled 3 orbs as well.


Dust? Pollen? Did I mention that none of our other photos seemed to have these orbs?

Luckily, Dave Tango from the Ghost Hunters happened by our booth and my friend Shannon talked to him about the orbs. Probably dust or pollen, Dave said. He explained that digital cameras interpret what they are seeing and make shapes out of things like dust. But he did say that if the two shots were taken at different times and different locations, that might warrant some further investigation.

Here’s a picture of Dave and me at the booth!

So how about you? Do you believe in spirit orbs? If you were at DragonCon and got a picture of this angel couple, do you have orbs? If so, please send me an e-mail with the photo. You can click here to contact me!

Wicked Wednesday Wicked Tired

I hope you’ll excuse me today, but I just got back yesterday and am wicked tired on this wicked wednesday. So, no hunks for you! LOL!

I do have some fun stuff for you today since it’s a very special Wicked Wednesday, namely 09/09/09. What’s the significance of that – just check out this article:

Why 09/09/09 is Special.

So is 9 lucky as for the Chinese or unlucky as for the Japanese? Since I’m sending in a manuscript today to one of my editors, I hope it’s very lucky.

Also, stop by on Friday for a visit with my very special friend Shobhan Bantwal who is going to share a special Fashion Friday with us. Please also remember that Friday is the anniversary of September 11. Please fly the flag in remembrance of those who perished on that day and in honor of all our soldiers and their families who sacrifice daily for our Liberty.


DragonCon 2009 Last Day

The last day of DragonCon is daunting. Only the strong have managed to make it this far after all the days of running around heading to panels and enjoying the various parties for the attendees.

I’ve been busy at the booth in between walkarounds to check out all the costumes. The last day was mostly in the booth besides a nice panel with some science fiction writers. We talked about staying afloat in publishing and it was an interesting discussion.

Afterward, back to the booth to knock it down and give away all the last of the goodies. We even signed and gave away all the banners and posters we had.

Today it’s just a few hours of resting and checking e-mails before heading back home and to work tomorrow.

Sharing the last few photos with you. As you can gather, not as many since many people were leaving and I was busy at the booth. But the fun part of the day was getting to meet Dave Tango from Ghosthunters. He was really nice and we had a talk about some “spirit orbs” I’ll show you on another day!

DragonCon Day 4 and Guilty Pleasure Monday

DragonCon WarriorToday’s Guilty Pleasure Monday is an unknown DragonCon attendee who was kind enough to pose for me. There was nothing fake about all those abs and arms!

We’re starting to wind down here, but there are still lots of interesting costumes to see. There are some who really went out of their way to do different things and you’ll see them in this album – a lady from The Birds movie, two young black and white ladies from Invasion of the Body Snatchers and a Terminator that was absolutely amazing.

You can follow this link to the next album for DragonCon 2009:

You can also watch the last half of the DragonCon parade with these videos.

DragonCon Day 3!

Whoa! Starting to get tired. Been busy manning our booth (#707 if you’re in the area), meeting fans, taking photos for all of you as well as video of the parade on Saturday morning. The parade started in Woodruff Park and then made its way back to the Marriott. Recorded as much as I could and I’ll be putting it up in spurts as there is a 10 minute limit on Youtube.

Had a great time on Saturday. Went all around, refilled our areas where we’ve put out posters, bookmarks and other goodies. Managed to also finish the next book in THE CALLING vampire novels!

Here are lots more photos for you to check out. The album cover is of fellow friend and author Raz Steel and Margie, one of our wonderful volunteers.

For the photos, click here or cut and paste this linke:

Here are the videos for you! I will post more as soon as I can get them converted and uploaded.

Dragon Con Day 2

Heaven. . . I’m in heaven . . .
‘Cuz were out together dancing geek to geek.

Okay – I’m out of the closet and proclaiming my inner geekdom. It’s always been there, but now I’m out! Of course, I think you kind of knew I was that way when I told you I was a science major in college.

The conference is totally amazing! I am so impressed by the costumes people have put together and the way some of these people just slip in and out of character. Awesome.

Steampunk seems to be all the rage this year. Lots of people dressed up in Victorian-style clothing with all the alternate weaponry/technology attached.

Some interesting Celtic, Alternative and Goth bands playing music in the common areas.

And total fan girl moment — I saw James Marsters (formerly Spike on Buffy) on his way into the elevator! Couldn’t move fast enough to snap his picture, but boy, was he handsome!!! 😯

I’ve got a mess of pictures for you. You can watch this slideshow or use this link to visit the album: