#WriteWed What to do next? & #HumpDay #ManWars

STRONGER THAN SIN Romantic SuspenseI have a dilemma. I just got the rights back to SINS OF THE FLESH and STRONGER THAN SIN.

For those of you who read the books, you may recall that these were more romantic suspense with paranormal elements than paranormal with romantic suspense.

Because they didn’t really fit into the paranormal genre, my editors asked me to ramp up that part of the story line and the Sin Hunters were born in THE LOST and THE CLAIMED.

Now here’s my dilemma: I was plotting out the next book in the series – THE SHATTERED. It was really leaning toward paranormal sci fi with the introduction of Hunters from an alternate universe.

Now that I have these rights back, I’ve been toying with the idea of directing the books and the Hunters back toward being more romantic suspense. My idea was to have humans discovering more about the Hunters and somehow posing a threat to the existence of the Hunter clans. I’d also still have to deal with Christopher’s psycho father, but that could be handled as part of the romantic suspense.

So what do you think? Alternate universe and heavy on the paranormal elements or romantic suspense with lighter paranormal elements.

This is your chance to decide how the series will continue and I’d love to have your thoughts on it!

While you’re pondering my dilemma, how about some #ManWars to help you past #Humpday. For those of you who don’t use Facebook, just leave a comment here for a chance to win the print copy of IMMORTAL TEMPTATION.

#WriteWed Shanna by Kathleen Woodiwiss

shannaI think I’ve mentioned that I wanted to be a writer since writing my first book in the fifth grade. After that taste of story-telling, I keep on writing and of course, reading. I read anything I could, even the cereal box at the breakfast table. I was an avid reader and a lot of what I read was passed down to me by my mom.

Back then we didn’t have young adult books. We just kind of jumped into adult reading. So at an early age, I was reading the Brontes and then Taylor Caldwell and whatever else I could put my hands on.

But even then I gravitated toward stories with a strong romantic element, not knowing that I was meant to be a romance writer. In fact, it wasn’t until one summer that I realized that’s what I wanted to be.

Back then, department stores had book sections and since everyone at the store (B. Altman’s, now long gone sadly) knew that I liked to read, I was the natural summer fill-in for someone who was on medical leave.

My job was to recommend books, ring up the sales, and fill in stock when it emptied. There was this one dump, a bright orangey one, that was empty when I got there and people kept on coming in and asking for Shanna. I had no idea what it was and after some research, discovered that it was a novel that had been sitting on the NY Times bestseller list for a while.

When we finally got a shipment, I was kind of surprised by the cover. Orangey pink and with a couple in a passionate embrace, it wasn’t like what I’d seen before at home. I was kind of put off by it for a moment, but I had a job to do, so I filled the dump and within a couple of days, it was empty again.

This continued for the next week or so. Got a shipment and it sold out.

Well, I finally had to find out what the big to do was about and bought myself a copy with my store discount.

Wow. I could not put it down. Action. Adventure. Romance. More action. More adventure. Betrayal. More romance. Hot steamy romance.

Not only was I hooked on the story, but it occurred to me at that moment that this was the kind of story I wanted to write. This was just like the stories I’d had rattling around in my brain for so many years.

This was the book that made me realize I wanted to be a romance writer.

Thank you, Ms. Woodiwiss. I am eternally grateful for that and for one of my all time favorite books – The Wolf and the Dove.

If you’re a fan of historical romance and haven’t checked out these books, take a moment and do so. You’ll be glad you did.

#WriteWed Jersey Pride & Strength

It’s hard to believe that this is the second summer since Hurricane Sandy hit the Jersey Shore. We’re lucky in Monmouth County that things are almost back to normal, but there are still lots of people suffering the aftereffects of the storm.

When that storm hit, my daughter had only just re-opened her shop, OG Surf & Skate. Luckily her shop didn’t suffer direct damage from the storm, but she felt compelled to help her local citizens.

So she sold her One Direction tickets on StubHub and donated that money to the Hurricane Sandy Relief Fund. After that, she donated a portion of the profits from her store to the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association to help them rebuild and help local residents in need.

This picture is of her making the donation to Ocean Grove. I am so so proud of you!

It was my love of the Jersey Shore that had me setting a book in Atlantic City – THE PRINCE’S GAMBLE. The book was already written when Hurricane Sandy hit and we did quick edits to add the storm to the story and I decided that I would share a portion of the royalties to the Hurricane Sandy fund. I had to help just like my daughter had to help.

If you can’t see the video below, you can click here to see it.

#WriteWed Inspiration for Nickie from Just One Night

Just One Night New Adult Erotic Romance by Caridad PineiroWhen I decided to write a story about twentysomethings who had to make tough choices, it was difficult to find the kinds of professions where the hero and heroine might have to choose between love and their careers.

When it came to the hero, I had been inspired to make him a Marine from my days at Villanova with their ROTC program.

The inspiration for Nickie, the medical school student, likewise came from my days at college. I was a science major who intended to go to med school. Went the whole route of taking the MCATs and applying. Interviewed and was wait-listed at Columbia.

In the meantime I started working at a law firm to earn some money to pay for food, school, and stuff. That’s where I discovered my love of Intellectual Property law and decided to go to law school. Being a lawyer gave me reasons to truly embrace a path to a writing career and publishing my first book.

So even though God closed the door to med school, he gave me a path to take me to where I am today.

Anyway, back to Nickie. Being in med school was going to be tough for her and also tough for any relationship with someone who wasn’t going to be around. I knew that this would be perfect for the story in Just One Night, especially since it points out some of the things Jase and Nickie have in common. They both are strong and protective and they both want to help others. Perfect.

I hoped you liked this little #WriteWed behind the scenes from Just One Night.

Just one other thing! Today’s my anniversary, so I’m sharing with you this photo from our wedding day which was so so many years ago. Wow. I can’t believe it’s been that long since I met my hubby during our Villanova days.

#WriteWed #OneNightOnly Playlist Teenaged Dream by Katy Perry

I love Katy Perry! Okay, now that I got that out of my system. . .

One of the things that Nickie and Jase banter about in JUST ONE NIGHT, my contribution to the ONE NIGHT ONLY erotic romance anthology is how Nickie reads romance novels during her summers on the beach.

Actually, Nickie also spends a lot of time fantasizing about Jase as he’s up in the lifeguard stand and pictures him as the hero in one of her novels. She finally confesses that to Jase during their one night together.

Somehow TEENAGED DREAM by Katy Perry came to mind when I asked myself what song might be right for the playlist for Nickie and Jase’s story. I could imagine Nickie listening to this on her Ipod while she kind of reads her romances and wishes she had the courage to finally take a chance with Jase.

If you can’t see the Katy Perry video below, please click here.

#WriteWed ONE NIGHT ONLY Inspiration

ONE NIGHT ONLY Erotic Romance AnthologyOne of the things I like doing is changing up expectations in my romances and one of the inspirations for my story in the ONE NIGHT ONLY Erotic Romance Anthology was making the heroine be the older of the two. Not by much, mind you, but she is twenty-four and heading into her third year of medical school.

The hero is fresh out of college and heading off to Afghanistan as a Second Lieutenant in the Marine Corps.

They’re obviously at different stages in their lives and making it work, especially in JUST ONE NIGHT, will be tough. But you know I love challenges and I hope you’ll love this sexy novella (and the others in the anthology) when it releases on May 12.

Here’s my hero inspiration. I hope you like him!

#WriteWed The Calling is Reborn Vampire Novels Inspiration – Bryant Park

Vampire RebornThose of you who read THE CALLING IS REBORN vampire romance series know that for the most part the series is set in New York. The only departure from that was KISSED BY A VAMPIRE which was set in South Beach and only because I knew that the right man for vampiress Stacia was in Miami, namely sexy DEA Agent Alex Garcia.

Why New York City? Well, I love the place and I have the ability to actually visit some of the locations and get that extra something that you can bring into the story. In FIGHT FOR LOVE, which will be out in mid-summer, you’ll get to see scenes set in Grand Central Terminal.

I’ve also been toying with the idea of setting a scene – maybe a big climactic one – in another of my fav places: Bryant Park.

I haven’t had a scene there yet, maybe because it is such a fav place. I walk through the park almost every morning and love seeing how it changes through the different seasons.

Spring was definitely in the park this week as they were prepping to put out all the spring flowers. I’m sharing those photos with you today!