Thoughtful Thursday – Remember Me

A few weeks ago I made my shoebox for Operation Shoebox and dropped it off. I hope whichever GI got it is enjoying the goodies I put inside.

This video hit the news a few weeks ago as well, which really lit a fire under my butt to go through with my plans to help our GIs and not forget them. Forget their sacrifices.

So this video is about our GIs. The sacrifices they make. Please think about them and do something, even if it’s just filling up a shoebox care package. If you want to consider what else you can do, please visit the America Supports You site, where you can find other ways to help out.

This is a long video, but don’t cut away until it’s done. And make sure you’ve got your hankies ready.

Writing Without a Net

I have a very special Guest Blogger today — Lynn Voedisch — a Chicago journalist and fiction writer with many years of experience working for newspapers and magazines.

Lynn’s latest release is Excited Light, “a story of magic and second chances.”

Thank you for providing this Tuesday’s Tip, Lynn!

Without a Net

There are writers who like things tidy, all neatly arranged and indexed. They probably have neat and organized houses, too. Then there are those of us who are called seat-of-the-pants writers, who work without a net and let our subconscious be our guide. I’m one of those writers who doesn’t use an outline. (My house is a mess, too.) It’s officially Not Recommended, but please understand that those of us who prefer this sort of free-form writing aren’t just flailing in the dark; we, too, have methods. Continue reading “Writing Without a Net”

Wicked Wednesday – My Life as a Trailer Park Writer

pencontract.jpgWicked thoughts for this Wicked Wednesday thanks to the New York Observer who recently ran an article titled “The Book Deal That Ruined My Life”. The reporter interviewed several authors whose book deals had made their lives go south. One of the authors was a sex blogger who wrote about her sexual experiences on her blog. Another was a man who spent three years writing about his dead father who heard voices. Yet another spent ten years on his second novel, lost track of friends and had trouble dealing with everyday things. Others interviewed mention the loneliness of barricading themselves in farmhouses or their apartments while working on their novels.
Continue reading “Wicked Wednesday – My Life as a Trailer Park Writer”

Brainy, Butt-Kicking & Beautiful!

Today’s Tuesday Tip is about Creating Empowered Heroines

Anita Blake. Eve Dallas. Buffy Summers and last but not least, Diana Reyes. What is it about these heroines that appeals to modern women? How do you create such a sometimes perplexing heroine and once you do, what do you do with her?

A good tool for developing such a heroine is the Archetype. Archetypes analyze the various aspects of a persona and what happens when someone either achieves balance or goes to the “Dark Side”.

The archetype that best matches our concept of the empowered heroine is the Diana Archetype which is named after the goddess in Roman and Greek mythology.

Diana is the goddess of the moon. She is often portrayed as a protector and nurturer. These traits began early in life, when Diana helped her mother give birth to her Diana’s twin — Apollo. Diana is always ready to assist others, but vulnerable herself. She does not have good relationships with others. In particular, she does not interact well with men, often being competitive and challenging. Diana even killed her one great love — Orion — in an act of rashness when Apollo challenged her to shoot an arrow at a distant object which later turned out to be Orion.

The traits exhibited by the goddess Diana (and attributed to her archetype) are personified in many of today’s more popular butt-kicking heroines. These traits are:

1. Self-confident and Independent
2. Protective and helpful to others
3. Motivated and able to accomplish her goals
4. Competitive
5. Equates physical strength with mental fortitude
(hence the kick-butt attitude!)

All of the above traits appear to be good ones, but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. If the Diana heroine cannot find balance, the above traits will lead to someone who:

1. Suppresses her emotions, thereby appearing cold or distant
2. Is not a nurturer and cannot handle passive or clingy people.
3. Allows her single-mindedness to damage or hurt
others as she strives to reach her goals.
4. Can’t deal with competition, especially men.
5. Is contemptuous of vulnerability which makes her
appear inhuman when faced with someone weak.

Many of the Diana heroines with whom you are familiar exhibit the above negative traits. In fact, it is typical to see Diana heroines regularly battling these darker aspects. This battle appeals to readers. Who hasn’t experienced puzzlement at why a Diana heroine pushes away a powerful and very sexy alpha hero? Think Eve and Roarke. Buffy and Spike. Diana and Ryder.

This struggle in the Diana heroine is what compels us to become involved. It is what makes us root for them since we know that once they achieve that balance, they will triumph in love or in battle.

  • How does Diana evolve?
  • To grow as an individual, Diana must discover that the love and trust of another person are special to her. She needs to learn to be vulnerable and understand that exhibiting such a trait does not make her weak. Often, this happens to a Diana heroine after she has failed to reach a goal or is tired of the fight. At that point, Diana may look inward to reflect on what is important.

    By achieving balance, the heroine will be able to move ahead and find peace in her life. But even this peace is temporary since Diana will always battle the doubt within her. When another challenge arises in her life, she will again need to tackle all her issues in order to maintain equilibrium and remain a hero.

  • What kinds of heroes appeal to Diana?
  • Definitely alpha males. Diana’s lover is physically and/or mentally strong. He is sometimes wounded in some way, which reaches past the shell Diana has placed around her heart. His combination of strength and weakness will challenge Diana’s view of herself.

    Diana’s relationship with the hero may start off as true lust. After all, Diana is not afraid to go after what she wants and if the hero will satisfy a need, she will use him for satisfaction. But if she finds balance and the hero is strong enough to break through her shell, not only can true love ensue, it is generally a very powerful love.

    But remember, Diana is ever-doubtful so don’t be surprised that as the next challenge arises, the hero will once again need to remind Diana that what they have is special.

    Because Diana heroines are ever-doubtful, they are great characters if you plan to create a series. With each story, a new challenge will arise and require our brainy, beautiful butt-kicker to commit herself to that new challenge and her hero!