Ocean Grove Memories & At the Shore #ThrowbackThursday

The fictional town in the At the Shore Contemporary Romance series, Sea Kiss, is actually a composite of several of my favorite towns along the Jersey Shore. For those familiar with the area, you may see descriptions of areas that match those of a particular town. It was fun for me to take the best of my favorite towns and create Sea Kiss.

Today’s throwback is to memories of one of my favorite towns – Ocean Grove. Don’t be surprised if the characters in the books also visit a cute little surf and skate shop there!

#ThrowbackThursday RT Book Cover 1999

Today’s throwback seems somehow appropriate since I’m going back to my contemporary romance roots with the At the Shore series. I’ve been very happy to hear all your positive comments about how much you liked those original novels and how you’re looking forward to the new stories. ONE SUMMER NIGHT will be out in October 2017 and I think you will really love that Romeo and Juliet tale. It’s even got a balcony scene, but not in the way you might expect. Please take a moment to add ONE SUMMER NIGHT to your Want to Read pile on Goodreads!

This is the cover of my very first novel, NOW AND ALWAYS, on the cover of Romantic Times magazine. I was told by a reputable source that the cover model was the famous John DeSalvo.

5 Tips for Getting Past Writer’s Block #WriteWed

Another two hour commute into work today thanks to the derailment in Penn Station on Monday. Two derailments in just over two weeks. Gotta wonder what’s going on.

If there’s one silver lining in that ominous transit cloud, it’s that it’s given me a chance to work through a block I was having in Book #2 in the At the Shore series.

It’s actually funny considering that I’m giving a workshop this weekend at the Liberty States Fiction Writers monthly meeting on plotting using the Hero’s Journey. I should heed my own advice on what’s essential in the story when the heroes reach that first black moment.

In my story, it actually starts with a black moment, but I won’t spill on what that is and spoil it for you. What I will do is offer up some tips on what to do when you’ve hit a block in your writing and how to work past it.

1. Watch a fav movie or read a fav book. There’s a reason why they’re a favorite. Maybe it’s the characters. Maybe it’s a surprise you didn’t expect or that warm feeling you had that stayed with you long after the story was over. Tap into that magic to find out what’s missing in your story.

2. Read a new book not in your genre. Sometimes you’re too caught up in what you think is expected in your genre and you need something different to blast you past the expected.

3. Read a book in your genre. Whether the book turns out to be bad or good, what was it you liked or disliked? As a reader of that genre, did it meet your expectations and if not, why? If it did, how does what you’re writing work in comparison? For me, I always turn to a master in contemporary romance: Nora Roberts. No matter what I get a good read and her stories make me take a step back and wonder about how I can touch readers with the same kind of magic she brings to the stories.

4. Take a long walk or a shower. I don’t know why, but both of these somehow make me focus on the problem at hand and how to work through it. Maybe it’s the ions in the water or those at the beach, my favorite place to stroll.

5. Visualize the scene before you try to write it. People often ask how I can write so fast and part of it is that I often visualize the scene in my head before I even sit down to write. It prevents just staring at a blank screen for way too long. When I do have a block about that scene, I will often see it in my head multiple times and from different perspectives. Oftentimes I will have to rewind it and play it again, altering the direction of what’s happening. Erasing what doesn’t work and starting again until there are enough good bones that I can finally sit down and flesh out the scene when I’m writing.

I hope these tips help you work past any writer’s block. If you’d like to know more about the Hero’s Journey, visit my Resources for Writers Page with lots of good tips or if you’re in the area, come by the Liberty States monthly meeting. If you’re not in the area, think about joining and listening to one of the many recorded workshops we have for members. My workshop this weekend is being recorded!

Writer's Block

#ManCandyMonday Tyler Hoechlin aka Carlo in #3 At the Shore

Tyler caught my eye years ago on Teen Wolf and as I was thinking about who to share for this morning’s Man Candy, it occurred to me that Tyler would be the perfect hero for #3 in the At the Shore Contemporary Romance series. The hero in that book, Carlo Texiera, is a chef and caterer extraordinaire who has to convince wedding planner Emma Grant that there really is a Happily-Ever-After for them. You’ll be seeing more of Carlo in book #2 as well!

Tyler Hoechlin 2012

What Makes a Good Hero? #WriteWed

I had the pleasure of attending the Liberty States Fiction Writers Conference this weekend and a workshop by the marvelous Virginia Kantra. Virginia is a lovely lady and an amazing speaker. I always get something worthwhile from her panels and speeches.

The panel I attended was one on “What Makes a Good Hero?” It had lots of information and got me to thinking about how to refine the hero in book #2 in the At the Shore Contemporary Romance series. But it also had me contemplating what inspired Owen Pierce, the hero in #1 – One Summer Night.

When I think of Owen, I think of someone who is almost too perfect to be true. Someone who always does everything by the book. Owen is honorable and full of integrity. He’s hard working and demands a lot of himself because of a father who belittles him and a brother who needs his love and support.

Owen would sacrifice anything for the people he loves and he’s not afraid of commitment. But to have the woman that he loves in his life, Maggie Sinclair, he may have to lose all that he’s worked for as well as his honor and integrity. It makes for an interesting story, trust me! LOL!

Here’s how I pictured Owen. Sexy, right?

Nacho Figueras

Photo Credit: By Jiyang Chen (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

And just in case that smoldering look wasn’t enough, how about this one courtesy of his Facebook Page?

You can order One Summer Night at the following retailers:

Amazon Kindle: http://amzn.to/2krMwfE
Amazon Paperback: http://amzn.to/2kYLWZV
B&N: http://bit.ly/2kNuo0p
iBooks: Coming Soon!
Kobo: Coming Soon!

A Typical Cuban Meal #Tuesday Tip

I’m in the process of writing #2 in the At the Shore Contemporary Romance series and am working on a scene where the hero visits the heroine at her condo in Jersey City. The heroine is Cuban and she knows that the hero loves Cuban food. Unfortunately, she’s been hard at work over the weekend, but she still knows where to go to pick up some great Cuban food before she comes home.

So what’s a typical kind of Cuban meal? I’ve shared some recipes with you before, so here’s a list of what you’ll see in the scene I’m busy writing. You can click on the links for the recipes or visit my Cook’s Treat page.

Black beans and rice for sure!
Citrus-marinated Roast Pork
Plantains of some kind – how about Mashed ones or ripe plantains (maduros)?
Ropa Vieja (a shredded beef dish)
Flan for dessert

I’m thinking maybe a nice sangria to help wash everything down!
Ropa Vieja

Look for ONE SUMMER NIGHT, #1 in the At the Shore Series, in October 2017. You can pre-order this contemporary romance at the following sites:

Amazon Kindle: http://amzn.to/2krMwfE
Amazon Paperback: http://amzn.to/2kYLWZV
B&N: http://bit.ly/2kNuo0p
iBooks: Coming Soon!
Kobo: Coming Soon!

#WriteWed At the Shore #2 DANCED ALL NIGHT

Sorry I wasn’t with you earlier this week, but I took the opportunity of a long weekend to plant my butt in the chair and do a marathon writing session on #2 in the AT THE SHORE contemporary romance series. This book is tentatively titled DANCED ALL NIGHT, but I’ve really been rethinking that title based on the themes that are emerging as I plow more and more into the book.

The hero and heroine of the story, uptight lawyer Connie Reyes, and laid-back surfer dude inventor Jon Pierce, are like oil and water. Dynamite and a match. Despite that, they are perfect together and it’s been really interesting so far showing how they came together a long ago summer (wow – another possible title concept) and where they both are now.

I love second chance at love stories like this one, especially when there is an unexpected surprise as well. I suspect that these two characters are going to have yet more surprises for me as I write their story.

Since this book happens at the same time as ONE SUMMER NIGHT (a true writing challenge), you’ll get to see more of Maggie and Owen from that story and also check out the hero and heroine for #3, unromantic wedding planner Emma Grant and sexy chef Carlo Texeira. It is a stand alone story, however. No worries on that one.

Anyway – if you’ve ever wondered what my winter writing place down the shore looks like, here it is! In the summer you’ll find me out on that little balcony amidst the flowers that I plant.
#WriteWed Writer's Desk