Tuesday Tip – When Pigs Flu!

pigHearing the news over the last few days, I find myself wondering whether this is really a pandemic or whether it’s all getting blown out of proportion. Regardless of which it is, it seems to make sense to take some common sense steps about the swine flu and to know a little bit more about it. So today’s Tuesday Tip is all about When Pigs Flu!

  • What is Swine Flu?
  • It’s any kind of influenza that’s common to the swine population.

  • Who can get it?
  • People who work with pigs, expecially in close contact, are at greater risk of infection, especially if they come into contact with a strain that has mutated into a form that can infect humans. The current outbreak is of a strain that mutated to allow for cross species transfer. Click here for more.

  • What are the symptoms?
  • According to the CDC, “(t)he symptoms of swine flu in people are similar to the symptoms of regular human flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people have reported diarrhea and vomiting associated with swine flu. In the past, severe illness (pneumonia and respiratory failure) and deaths have been reported with swine flu infection in people. Like seasonal flu, swine flu may cause a worsening of underlying chronic medical conditions.”

  • How does it spread?
  • Coughing, sneezing, touching objects which have been touched by someone who is contaminated with the flu.

  • How can you avoid becoming contaminated?
  • According to the CDC, you can avoid becoming infected by “wash(ing) your hands. Try to stay in good general health. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food. Try not touch surfaces that may be contaminated with the flu virus. Avoid close contact with people who are sick.”

  • How do I know if I have swine flu?
  • Since swine flu has many of the symptoms of regular flu, you will require testing to confirm whether or not you have swine flu. According to the CDC, if you live in an area where there are cases, like in NYC, contact your health provider if you start exhibiting symptoms.

  • Can I catch swine flu from eating pork?
  • Nope! So, hello baby back ribs this summer.

    So, please stay safe, be cautious and if you start feeling under the weather, don’t delay. Go to see your doctor to make sure you are okay.

    Guilty Pleasures Monday – RT Convention 2009

    As you know, I was away this week at the 2009 RT Convention in Orlando, Florida. I had a wonderful time participating in panels, meeting with old friends and fans and also making new friends and fans! This Guilty Pleasure Monday I’m going to share some of my adventures and photos.

    I arrived late on Tuesday, but got to share a plane ride with a totally interesting gentleman who was a gun collector. Talked him into answering some questions for the Liberty States Fiction Writers since he is an expert on all kinds of guns.

    Wednesday I hit the ground running, starting with a mixer to honor the bookseller of the year. Here’s a photo of me with some of the wonderful performers at the mixer.

    As I was heading out of the mixer, I had a big WOW as I noticed the Grand Central Promotion and saw the cover for SINS OF THE FLESH. Check it out! It’s gorgeous. I’m going to try and get a cleaner version for you.

    Then I hit the ground running for the first of my many vampire, multicultural and series panels (over the course of the next few days). Check out me, LA Banks, AC Arthur, Kimberly Raye Terry and Megahn Hart on one panel.

    Also got to savor the jungle-themed Ellora’s Cave party. Here’s a photo of the Ellora’s Cavemen doing a dance at the party.

    Harlequin held a great mashed potatoes martini bar luncheon to celebrate its 60th anniversary and had samples of its covers from over the years as well as some great contests for bags filled with books and some SONY E-readers. Here’s Vivi Anna and me hamming it up in front of one of the covers.

    From there it was more panels, more nightly festivities and an unexpected adventure which I must share.

    My friends and I returned from one of the workshops and decided to take a break by partaking of a single glass of wine on the balcony of our room. First problem, a security bar that wouldn’t go up. Being independent and strong women (and determined to enjoy a beautiful spring day), we got the bar up and opened the sliding glass door. We went out onto the balcony to take a break, but to avoid bugs in the room, decided to close the door.

    My friends warned me the door was hard to close, but with one easy push (those weight training sessions must be working better than I thought), the door slid closed.

    Just one problem – that sticky security bar. In slow motion it came down and landed perfectly in its little receptacle, locking us out on the balcony door!

    What to do? A hotel staff member drove by on the path by our room in a little golf cart and we shouted and waved to him. He waved back and grinned broadly. What else did we expect when 3 lovely women were so enthusiastically beckoning him?

    Realizing we would not be freed at that moment, we imagined ourselves to be the heroines in our books who would take the bull by the horns and do something. So we formed a human chain, eased over the railing and made it to the ground.

    NOT!! Luckily a gentleman came by and we caught his attention. He quickly phoned security and even came back to check if we needed anything, like more wine. LOL!

    Did I mention that in addition to the security bar the door to the room was double-locked and the bar was in place?

    Luckily, security did not delay too much and two of them – a man and a woman – arrived to open the door to the room and then, laughing quite uproariously, pick up the pesky security bar so we could open the sliding door.

    A happy ending so we could head to the RT Awards where I cheered on my friends Vivi Anna, Anna DeStefano and Debra Webb, all winners of RT Reviewers Choice Awards this year. Anna and Debra are also Dangerous Women Writing group!

    I missed the Faery Ball that night as I had a wonderful dinner with my publisher and fellow Grand Central authors, including Rita Herron, another of the Dangerous Women Writing group.

    The Vampire Ball the next night was a blast. Ran into some women babysitting a ghoulish baby!

    Also ran into a former Mr. Romance at the book fair who was kind enough to pose with me. What a smile! (Okay, the rest is pretty good also!)

    Had lots of fun and am already thinking about heading to next year’s conference in Columbus, Ohio.

    Here’s some more photos for you from the conference!

    For another look at the photos, please click here or visit this link:

    Fun Friday – Susan Boyle

    You may or may not have heard about the Internet and television sensation that is Susan Boyle. Susan appeared on Britain’s Got Talent and was immediately dismissed by the judges and audience. Her age and appearance clearly had them reacting negatively. And then she began to sing . . .

    Her talent is amazing and she ended up with a standing ovation which just goes to show – Don’t judge a book by its cover.

    Here’s a link to the performance if you haven’t seen it yet!

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

    Thoughtful Thursday – On taxes and tea parties . . .

    teapartyFirst of all, my apologies for missing Wicked Wednesday only it was a crazy day at work and of course, even worse, it was Tax Day!

    The lines at the Post Office were awful, I’m told. There were dozens in line to buy stamps to mail their tax returns and even more people dropping by to place their returns in the bins labelled for the respective tax centers in the area.

    Tax day and tea parties! Now, whether you’re for or against the current tax and stimulus plans, here’s the thing . . .

    You have the freedom to speak out about it. If you follow all the rules and behave responsibly, you have the right to stand up and let your voice be heard. Whether or not the politicians and media listen is a whole different thing, but it doesn’t lessen the fact that you have that freedom.

    Freedom and responsibility. They go hand in hand.

    My daughter and I were talking about this the other day. She’s taking a sociology course in college where they are discussing all kinds of interesting things. Political democracy. Economic democracy.

    Democracy period. A fascinating concept to be sure. Wikipedia defines it as “a form of government in which power is held indirectly by citizens in a free electoral system” and goes on to offer various examples of different kinds of democracies.

    The bottom line is . . .

    Democracy only works if you do as well. Vote. Voice your opinions. Demand honesty from your politicians and the media. You have the freedom to do so, but more importantly, it’s your responsibility to do so.

    Tuesday Tip – Spring Bulbs

    Narcissus Photo Copyright Vincent de Groot under GNU License from WikipediaThere’s nothing that says spring might finally be here than the eruption of spring color from crocuses, daffodils, tulips and hyacinths. The nice thing about them as well is that once you get them planted, they’ll come back every year and provide that burst of doldrum-busting color.

    Also, planting spring bulbs doesn’t interfere with you later placing annuals in the same spots for summer-long color. Why’s that? Because bulbs are usually planted deeper – between 6 to 10 inches deep while annuals are planted much higher at 3 to 4 inches deep.

    So how do you prepare for that spring color? Except for tulips and hyacinths, spring bulbs should be planted in the fall – September and October depending on where you are located. As a general rule, plant them well before any freeze. This will help them build strength and get established.

    Dig a hole about 8 inches deep and about a foot around. Prepare the soil with nice compost and some bone meal. Work it into the ground so that about a foot deep of soil is nice and loose so the bulbs can take root. Also, make sure the area has good drainage. Bulbs generally do not like to sit in wet soil. Cover the bulbs with soil and some mulch to help retain moisture and provide some shelter against the cold. I generally plant in groups of 3 to 5 as odd numbers of objects are generally more pleasing to the eye.

    For unexpected bursts of color, mix in bulbs beneath ground covers like ivy or pachysandra.

    Come the spring you’ll be rewarded with beautiful color and scents. Hyacinths are amazing for a blast of fragrance in your garden!

    Once the bulbs start to die back, you can plant your annuals for the rest of the summer!

    Guilty Pleasures Monday – Ben Stiller

    I was writing and flipping through the channels on Saturday when I came across KEEPING THE FAITH, a comedy with Ben Stiller, Edward Norton and Jenna Elfman. If you haven’t seen it, give it a shot. It was quite funny and touching as two old friends (Ben as a rabbi and Edward as a priest) fall in love with a former schoolmate (Jenna) and deal with the demands of their religions when it comes to love.

    Ben was quite cute in the movie which prompted the idea for this Monday’s Guilty Pleasure! Ben is physically handsome, but he’s got something which I find even sexier – a great sense of humor. My theory in life is that passion is great, but it’s humor that sustains you through the most difficult times.

    How about you? Do you find funny men to be sexy?

    Thoughtful Thursday – Unsocial Networking

    nullI belong to a couple of social networks, namely Myspace and Facebook. Must confess to liking Facebook much more. It’s easier to use and has allowed me to catch up with lots more of my friends. I hadn’t really planned on joining, but was convinced to do so. I’m not sorry that I did, except for what I’d like to call the unsocial networking aspects of both it and Myspace.

    As an author who likes to get the word out about herself, I understand that a lot of connections are made for purposes of promotion. You friend people and join groups. Post everyone now and then. Notice the every now and then part of it because at some point the strictly promo aspect becomes a little too much hence the unsocial part of it. Those daily reminders or huge Myspace comments that are little more than commercials for what you’re offering.

    It’s okay to get the word out there about your work. People expect some of that when you friend someone like an author. But it’s also supposed to be about getting to know each other. Sharing what you think is fun (or not). Showing people a new side of you or pictures of interesting things. Giving people a slice of your life and seeing a slice of someone else’s. If you’re a friend, that’s what you’ll share with me and I hope that’s what I’ll share with you.

    My two cents on this Thoughtful Thursday.

    Also, while tomorrow is Fun Friday, it’s also Good Friday. In light of that, there won’t be a blog post tomorrow in light of the Holy Day. Look for me to post the names of the various blog winners sometime over the weekend.