#ThrowbackThursday Philly Flower Show

It’s barely a month into winter and I can’t take it anymore! I can’t wait for spring and summer and even fall! One way I stay sane is to keep in mind that the Philly Flower Show is not all that far away. Just another 6 weeks or so and that harbinger of spring will be here! So today’s throwback is to some spring flowers at the flower show.
Philadelphia Flower Show

#WriteWed Fiction from the Heart

It’s hard to believe 2018 is already here and so much is happening! I’m working on #3 in the AT THE SHORE series and #1, ONE SUMMER NIGHT, is specially priced at 99 cents. WHAT HAPPENS IN SUMMER is now avaible for pre-order and I’ll be giving you some tidbits about that one today over at Fiction from the Heart! Visit with me for a chance to win a ONE SUMMER NIGHT t-shirt and baseball cap!

You can purchase ONE SUMMER NIGHT at the following retailers:

      Amazon Kindle: http://amzn.to/2krMwfE
      Amazon Paperback: http://amzn.to/2kYLWZV
      B&N: http://bit.ly/2kNuo0p
      GooglePlay: http://bit.ly/2ik8EfG
      iBooks: http://apple.co/2qsqdwx
      Kobo: http://bit.ly/2fuEphL
      Radish: Read three chapters for free – http://bit.ly/2AERQFk

WHAT HAPPENS IN SUMMER is available at the following retailers:

      Amazon Kindle: http://amzn.to/2y6hi4h
      Amazon Paperback: http://amzn.to/2y92UIQ
      B&N: Coming soon!
      GooglePlay: http://bit.ly/2hKg3BW
      iBooks: http://apple.co/2hKgP1J
      Kobo: Coming Soon!

Overnight Oats #TuesdayTip

Like always I’m working on eating healthier and losing weight. One of the things I’ve been trying to focus on is eating a healthy breakfast since studies show that helps in balancing your blood sugar levels and recharges your metabolism.

One breakfast item I’ve always loved is oatmeal, but if you’re like me and running around in the morning, you oftentimes forget to get it ready to take to work, which is were I usually eat breakfast since I get into the office early. I resolved to do better by packing the oatmeal at night and for good measure, adding in my unsweetened vanilla almond milk (saving those animal fats for cheese!).

Making the overnight oats made sure I wasn’t forgetting them, but I got to wondering if there was any benefit to them versus hot oatmeal. Voila, apparently there is! Not cooking the oats allows for the absorption of more nutrients, the overnight oats can be creamier, and they swell more which means the same dry amount will be larger in volume. That will lead to feeling more full. All pluses. For more on the benefits of overnight oats, check out:

    • http://www.eatthis.com/health-benefits-overnight-oats/
    • https://drhealthbenefits.com/food-bevarages/food/health-benefits-of-overnight-oats
    • http://www.bistromd.com/articles/why-you-should-be-making-overnight-oats

Add some fruit or even some chia seeds for extra anti-oxidants and protein!

#ManCandyMonday Justin Baldoni from Jane the Virgin

Dare I say that Justin is hot-hot-hot! Just tune into Jane the Virgin for a shot of his chiseled physique and you’ll know what it’s so hard to walk away from #TeamRafael on the show! Besides being an accomplished actor, Justin is also the creator of a digital documentary series titled My Last Days (look for Season 3 shortly) and an activist for the homeless and the terminally ill. (Thanks to Wikipedia for this information)

Photo Credit: iDominick [CC BY-SA 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

On another note, for Jane the Virgin fans, the e-book for the romance novel tie-in SNOW FALLING is now on sale for only 99 cents! You can’t beat that for this fun novel that honors the spirit of Jane’s romance and life on the show.

Snow Falling by Jane Gloriana Villaneuva as soon as Jane the VirginYou can purchase SNOW FALLING at the following retailers:

Amazon Kindle: http://amzn.to/2xz8Hai
Amazon Paperback: http://amzn.to/2ziNLZI
B&N: http://bit.ly/2zRw0gh
GooglePlay: http://bit.ly/2zSfYCG
iBooks: http://apple.co/2zTXLV8
Kobo: http://bit.ly/2zTFmb4

#FunFriday Liberty States Fiction Writers Conference

I’m looking forward to the Liberty States Fiction Writers Reader and Writers Conference in March! I’ll be a speaker there, will attend the book fair, and I’m sponsoring the Mardi Gras themed after party on Saturday. It looks like it’s going to be a great conference and I hope some of you will be able to make it. Did I forget to mention we have giveaways for you, like free books from some of our speakers? Thanks to awesome Dee Davis for this donation, but also look for donations from the wonderful Julie Kenner, myself and others like Sourcebooks! For more information on the conference and to register, please visit http://www.libertystatesfictionwriters.com/conference/.

#Tuesday Trivia – 12 Days of Christmas

So do you know what are the real Twelve Days of Christmas? They are the twelve days from Christmas Day to the eve of the Epiphany (Little Christmas or Los Reyes if you’re Latin). Each of the days either celebrates a saint or has a particular feast attached to it. You can read more about that here: https://www.whychristmas.com/customs/12daysofchristmas.shtml

The last night of the 12 Days is Twelfth Night and is the Eve of the Epiphany or Los Reyes. In my house we still celebrate the arrival of the Three Wise Men (or the Three Kings) and have a celebratory meal and exchange small gifts.

As for the song about the Twelve Days of Christmas, you know the one with the Partidge in Pear Tree, guess how much all those gifts would cost you this year! According to Business Insider, nearly $35,000! (see http://read.bi/2Dff58Q).
12 Days of Christmas

#ThrowbackThursday Grand Central Terminal

One of my fav spots in Manhattan is Grand Central Terminal. This throwback is to 2015 and the Christmas decorations on the terminal. For those unfamiliar with the area, that span to the right that looks like it is going right into Grand Central is the Park Avenue bridge that takes traffic up and around the terminal. That area has been featured in a number of movies including I Am Legend and the Avengers. The building behind Grand Central was the Pan Am Building. It’s now the Met Life Building.