Guilty Pleasures Monday – James Marsters

spikeThose in the Buffyverse know what I mean when I say I am a Spuffy gal. I so wanted Buffy to get together with Spike!

So today’s Guilty Pleasures Monday is none other than the bad boy himself – James Marsters. James played the amazing Spike, a passionate vampire who would do anything for the women he loved. As time went on in the series, you learned more and more about how complex he was and what had made him into the vampire he was.

James is also a musician and has appeared on Angel, Smallville and now in Torchwood. In 2009 James will be appearing in DRAGONBALL EVOLUTION.

I hope you enjoyed this morning’s Guilty Pleasure. I’m picking the winners from last week’s guest blog contests but have one coming up for you today! Please take a moment to visit my friend Kaye Monro for a chance to win a SINS OF THE FLESH T-shirt and a copy of SOLDIER’S SECRET CHILD!

Just click here or visit this link:

Fun Friday – Flowers on the First Day of Spring

It’s the first day of Spring and it’s snowing!!! Luckily it looks like the snow is letting up and the crocuses, daffodils and other spring flowers are starting to emerge.

Since it is the first day of Spring, I’d thought I’d share some flower photos with you from my trip to the Philadelphia Flower show this year.

Also remember that the extended contest week continues until midnight EST on March 20th (Today!!). Visit any of these blogs and leave a message and you could win a copy of SOLDIER’S SECRET CHILD, an autographed ARC of SINS OF THE FLESH and a CALLING T-shirt. Also drop by Fresh Fiction on March 20th because they are featuring FURY CALLS as their Fresh Pick! (So excited about this!)

Share some coffee and chat with me at Over Coffee:

Single Titles Interview:

Loves Romances and More:

Thoughtful Thursday – The Economy

moneyI’m not normally one to dream much less remember them, but lately I have been dreaming. Or maybe it’s better to say I’ve been having worries at night and like many people, those worries revolve around money.

The market is up, although some are calling it a “dead cat bounce.” (Wonder where they got that term). In other words, the slight up phase might not last.

The Fed is printing lots of money to buy bonds. Hmm. . . . If I could print more money for my bills . . .

Anyway, there was one article the other day about how people are cutting back to save by eliminating things like house cleaning services, taking shirts to the laundry and eating out less. Estimated savings for this one family – $10,000 in a year.

A big savings. Playing devil’s advocate here – it’s also not stimulating the economy since now there’s someone with less work cleaning, laundering and cooking/serving food.

Still, I totally understand the reaction to not spend. I’ve cut back by brown bagging it everyday for lunch, finding ways of using up stuff in the pantry before buying new things, shopping at the outlets, big box stores and using coupons (well I always did those last two anyway!).

Have you changed your spending habits lately? Are there any tips you can offer for saving during these worrisome times?

Wicked Wednesday – Honor Calls and more contests!

Thanks for making me the post of the day over at Cataromance by visiting Single Titles! Woo Hoo!

Contest week continues this week and up until midnight EST on March 20th! Visit any of these blogs and leave a message and you could win a copy of SOLDIER’S SECRET CHILD, an autographed ARC of SINS OF THE FLESH and a CALLING T-shirt. Also drop by Fresh Fiction on March 20th because they are featuring FURY CALLS as their Fresh Pick! (So excited about this!)

Share some coffee and chat with me at Over Coffee:

Single Titles Interview:

Loves Romances and More:

Since today is Wicked Wednesday, I’m sharing with you another bit of HONOR CALLS which is available online at various e-book retailers. HONOR CALLS will also be available as part of the AWAKENING THE BEAST collection in October 2009!

HONOR CALLS February 2009 Shit, Jesus murmured under his breath as he realized his intent to just drive by The Blood Bank wouldn’t be possible.

The small street on which the club was located was not wide enough for the passage of a car. As he rounded the block for the third time, he scoped out a free spot a short distance away and after parking, headed on foot toward the Goth club.

He hadn’t gone more than a few feet before the heat and humidity of an August Manhattan night had him sweating beneath the weight of his suit jacket. Since he was armed, removing the jacket wasn’t possible and he was starting to regret he hadn’t gone by his apartment to at least change into a t-shirt and jeans.

Swiping at a line of perspiration along his brow, he paused at the mouth of the street, one of the older ones in the city. More like an alley, which seemed apropos for the place he was about to visit, he thought. Definitely a back alley kind of operation from what he had seen in the various reports that had crossed his desk.

Ahead of him and about four small blocks down was a line of people at a nondescript building – The Blood Bank he assumed. The line was relatively long considering the hour and filled with a decidedly rough-looking crowd clad in lots of black, leather and metal. That at least was not very different from what he had expected.

As he proceeded along the cobblestones, bright with the light from a full moon and uneven beneath his shoes, he kept a wary eye on the smaller, even narrower side streets and tight gaps between the buildings. It was at the mouth of one of those alleys that the last body had been found.

Or at least, parts of the body.

A grunt, loud and painful-sounding, snared his attention as he passed the entrance to a space between two turn-of-the-century brick buildings. The buildings were built so closely together that the moonlight did little to illuminate the area between, but even with the lack of light, he detected the activity going on in the gap.

Another grunt came followed by the din of metal trash cans crashing against one another.

Definitely a fight and judging from the sounds of it, someone was getting their ass kicked.

He pulled out his Sig and advanced to the opening of the space between the buildings. He took a step within and his eyes adjusted to the lack of light, revealing the two people locked together in combat. One tall and much bigger than the other and as they grappled together, the light from a side door lamp illuminated their features.

The smaller one was a woman while the other. . .

Eerily bright blazing eyes shot a glance his way while long white fangs gleamed from the artificial light of the lamp. The creature growled at him, the sound like the rumble of a mountain lion, but then turned back toward the woman.

She had her arms braced against the creature’s jacket, trying to keep those wickedly long fangs away from her face, but with the vampire’s greater height and bulk, he feared she might be fighting a losing battle.

Ño, he cursed as she continued with the fight, totally ignoring his presence.

The creature spun the woman around and as the light swept over her face, he could tell she was young. Mid-twenties he guessed before she whirled out of sight again, struggling to break away from the demon’s grasp.

With a quick upward jab of her arm, the woman snapped the creature’s head back. It emitted a louder growl and another glimpse of its face showed its lethal fangs once again.

The woman’s blow did little to slow the demon. It reached behind to grab the woman by the scruff of her neck and whip her away from him and against the brick wall of one of the buildings. She hit the wall with a thick thud and fell to the ground dazed, prompting him to action.

Guest Blogs and more contests!

danceI know I’ve posted about this before, but I truly believe that guest blogs are one of the best ways of meeting people and getting the word out about your book. Plus, you guys seems to love them and the fun prizes at each stop.

So – the fun continues this week and up until midnight EST on March 20th! Visit any of these blogs and leave a message and you could win a copy of SOLDIER’S SECRET CHILD, an autographed ARC of SINS OF THE FLESH and a CALLING T-shirt. Also drop by Fresh Fiction on March 20th because they are featuring FURY CALLS as their Fresh Pick! (So excited about this!)

Share some coffee and chat with me at Over Coffee:

Single Titles Interview:

Loves Romances and More:

For those of you who participated in last week’s b’day bash, here are the lucky blog winners:

Beyond Her Book blog:

  • Beth C – A copy of HOLIDAY WITH A VAMPIRE, DESIRE CALLS and FURY CALLS as well as a CALLING t-shirt
  • Long and Short Reviews Blog:

  • Vickie C – a copy of SOLDIER’S SECRET CHILD
  • Gail H – SINS OF THE FLESH t-shirt
  • Rachel G – a copy of MOON FEVER
  • Liberty States Fiction Writers Blog:

  • Pat C – SINS OF THE FLESH T-shirt and a copy of DESIRE CALLS
  • Fresh Fiction Blog:

  • Rachael G – Copy of SOLDIER’S SECRET CHILD and CALLING T-shirt
  • Five Scribes Blog:

  • Fannie W – SINS OF THE FLESH T-shirt and a copy of DESIRE CALLS
  • Drum Roll please – the winner of the $25 Godiva Gift Card is Julie Robinson!

    If you’re one of the lucky winners, please send your postal address to [email protected].

    Guilty Pleasures Monday – David Boreanaz

    BONES DVD Season 1Today’s Guilty Pleasure Monday was a tough one. I thought about who to pick all during my walk to work.

    Finally, I have to give a nod to an old favorite – David Boreanaz. Many will remember him as the sexy Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He was so intense and sexy in the early seasons before he got spun off to his own show.

    Now he’s charming and sexy on BONES, one of my favorite shows. If you caught onto BONES, you can watch the episodes only, just click here. If you haven’t caught Buffy . . . oh no! Rush out and get the DVDs. They are available quite inexpensively now and Seasons 1 to 3 are amazing. Season 5 is probably the best and Spike . . . oh he will get his Monday soon!

    I will be posting the names of last week’s b’day bash winners later tonight!

    Also take a moment to stop by this morning and share some coffee and chat with me at Over Coffee:

    Leave a comment for a chance to win a SINS OF THE FLESH T-shirt! They are really cute!


    Fun Friday – Superstitions and Another Contest!

    It’s Friday the 13th, so what better Fun Friday discussion than superstitions! Growing up in a Latin household we had a bunch of them and I’ll share just a few that seem to remain with me.

    First – No hats on the bed! It’s a symbol of death since the doctor who visited your loved one when they were ill would place their hat on the bed.

    Second – No shoes on the bed! Another symbol of death since shoes were placed on the bed when they were preparing your loved one for burial.

    Third – Never measure yourself from head to toe with a measuring tape! You guessed it, death again. Why? That’s what the undertaker does to prepare your casket.

    What about vampires and the superstitions around them? Well, here’s one poor woman who was buried with a brick in her mouth for fear she was a vampire. Check out this link provided by my dear friend and fellow author Irene Peterson!

    You may know some of the more popular vampire superstitions, such as that they can’t come in uninvited, can’t eat garlic, don’t like the cross, have no reflection in a mirror and can’t come out in the sunlight.

    Here are some other fun ones you may not know!

    • Spread thorns or poppy seeds in the path leaving the graveyard. The vamp must pick them up and it will take so long, they will not be able to do so before the sun rises. (Courtesy
    • Iron shavings, nails or other iron objects could be placed around someone needing protection from a vampire. (Courtesy
    • Vampires cannot cross running water.
    • In Europe, sprinkling mustard seeds on the roof of a house was said to keep them away. (Courtesy

    The Kiang-shi (or chiang-shi) vampired depicted in FURY CALLS, has its own rules and superstitions. The Kiang-shi are actually reanimated corpses who hop around draining people of their life energy. They were particularly vicious and had strong sexual drives. Kiang-shi were created after a particularly violent death, an improper burial or dishonor at birth. You’ll see that I’ve included some of these superstitions in the book.

    Amazingly, Kiang-shi also have problems with crossing running water, but they traditionally did not drink blood. This is a trait that was added later with the influence of European vampires.

    Hope you enjoyed today’s Fun Friday superstitions!

    Finally for those who loyally follow the blog, here’s an additional opportunity to win a prize – a copy of a SINS OF THE FLESH T-shirt and a copy of DESIRE CALLS. Just visit my pals at the Five Scribes blog and leave a comment today before midnight EST. Just click here to visit my guest blog there (after 8am EST) or paste this link into your browser:

    Also, don’t forget this week’s b’day bash as your chances of leaving a comment to win a prize end at midnight EST tonight! Just visit any of the blogs listed below this week and leave a comment and you’ll be eligible to win a prize from me! At Barbara Vey’s blog, there are tons of other prizes as well!

    I’ll be visiting all of these blogs and if you’ve left a comment at any of them, you’ll also be eligible to win a $25 Godiva gift card! The more times I see your name at the different blogs, the more your chances improve to win the gift card. So take a moment and stop by one or all to improve your chances of winning a prize.

    The contest ends on Friday, March 13th at midnight EST, so be sure to get your comments in there on time!

    Barbara Vey’s Beyond Her Book Blog for lots of fun and giveaways!

    Fresh Fiction:

    Harlequin Paranormal Romance blog:

    Liberty States Fiction Writers (leave a comment on any of the blog posts):

    Long and Short Reviews: