Wicked Wednesday – FURY CALLS

FURY CALLS by Caridad Pineiro, Silhouette Nocturne, March 2009Today’s Wicked Wednesday is an excerpt from FURY CALLS, my March Silhouette Nocturne release, but first, just a reminder that you can be be eligible for a drawing to win a CALLING T-shirt, copy of DESIRE CALLS and SOLDIER’S SECRET CHILD if you leave a comment at either of these blogs!

http://bronzeword.wordpress.com/ – Just mention Caridad sent you on the blog!

TRC Reading Blogpspot – The blog is up today so please drop by and leave a comment.

This scene from FURY CALLS is a flashback to the night that Blake and Meghan meet and which will forever change both their lives! I hope you enjoy it. Also remember that HONOR CALLS, my Nocturne Bite e-novella, is available right now at E-harlequin.com.

He had amazing ice blue eyes and when he smiled, a sexy grin dragged a dimple out on the right side of his handsome face.

She smiled back, picked up her glass of tequila and downed it in one gulp, wincing at the strength of the straight liquor.

Mr. Platinum Punk clearly seemed amused by her as he chuckled and shook his head. The longer strands of hair at the top of his head shifted with the motion. He picked up his empty glass and motioned to it with an index finger. She noticed as he did so that he wore a steel ring with some kind of ornate design on this thumb and some thin black bracelets on his wrist.

He definitely had the whole Bad Boy thing down pat.

She didn’t need any further prompting, determined to live out the dare which had been made earlier in the day. The dare which said that they not only had to visit the hangout, but also hook up with at least one bar denizen before leaving for the night. While she wasn’t into one night stands, a nice makeout session with someone as sexy as the man down at the end of the bar wouldn’t be so bad.

She shoved two fingers into the air and waved them to get the barkeep’s attention. When he brought the shots over, she reached into her jeans, pulled out a twenty and tossed it on the counter. Ignoring her friends’ excited squeals as they realized her intent to fulfill the dare, she sashayed the few feet to the handsome punk, smiling as his gaze drifted down her body to where her hips were encased in snug black jeans, shifted back upward across her breasts and finally settled on her face.

Slipping her ass onto the cracked plastic pad of the empty bar stool beside his, she slammed the shot onto the rough surface of the counter.

“This is what you wanted, right?” she said.

Blake let his gaze slip from her attractive face to linger on her body, admiring all the lush curves beneath the black. Full breasts strained over the edge of the cotton tank top she wore beneath a leather jacket that was a bit too big, almost as if she had borrowed it for the night.

She shifted the glass closer to him and a hint of black lace peeked out from the neckline of the tank top as she said, “Well? Cat got your tongue?”

“No, would be the answer to both of those questions, love.” He pitched the tone of his voice low, striving for that sexy rasp women seemed to find so enticing.

“Brit?” she asked and picked up her shot glass before bringing it to her lush lips and slugging it back. As she had done before, she winced after the drink went down.

“New to this, love?” he teased.

He picked up his own glass and tossed back the drink, the liquor strong and dragging a grimace from him. His preferred beverage — blood — generally went down smoother and had a far different kick.

She chuckled at his reaction and shook her head. “Seems you’re new to this as well.”

The liquor warmed his belly, but not as much as the thought of taking a nip out of her luscious flesh. Scooting to the edge of his bar stool, he leaned toward her, brushed aside her shoulder length hair and whispered in her ear, “Cat definitely doesn’t have my tongue.”

To prove it, he licked the shell of her ear and she couldn’t control the shiver that traveled over her body before she moved away from him.

“Fast aren’t you?” she said, but her words lacked sting and an amused expression slipped across her cute Girl-Next-Door-features before she forced her face back into the disinterested scowl she had worn when he had first noticed her.

“That makes two of us, doesn’t it?”

Guest Blogging

blog1I’m a firm believer that one of the most effective ways for any writer to spread the word about themselves is via the Internet.

Whether you do it by having a website or blog, doing press releases or video trailers, the Net is the way to get more bang for your buck. Another of those ways is by doing guest blogging on other people’s sites.

How do you go about doing guest blogging? First, build a network of connections. Reach out to friends with blogs or visit blogs that you find interesting and ask them what you need to do to be a guest blogger.

I’ve done that recently and am guest blogging at two sites this week! For those of you who visit those sites and leave a message, you’ll be eligible for a drawing to win a CALLING T-shirt, copy of DESIRE CALLS and SOLDIER’S SECRET CHILD. Just leave a comment at either of these blogs!

http://bronzeword.wordpress.com/ – Just mention Caridad sent you on the blog!

TRC Reading Blogpspot – I’ll be blogging there tomorrow to discuss FURY CALLS, so please drop by and leave a comment.

Sign up with one of the promotion companies that will put together a blog tour for you. I’ve used my friend Dorothy Thompson’s service, PUMP UP YOUR PROMOTIONS, and she does a nice job!

Hope this Tuesday Tip gives you some ideas for your next book promo.

Also — Harlequin is celebrating it’s 60th Anniversary and to do so, it is giving away 16 free books — one from each of its imprints. Click on the icon below to get your free books or visit www.HarlequinCelebrates.com.

Click here for free books!

Guilty Pleasures Monday – Ed Harris

Today’s Guilty Pleasure Monday is probably an unusual choice – Ed Harris. But I just love this actor and find him amazingly masculine and appealing.

This screen shot is from APOLLO 13, a fabulous movie with an amazing round up of talent – Tom Hanks, Kevin Bacon, Gary Sinese, Bill Paxton and a slew of other notables that all come together to recreate a moment in history.

I also loved Ed in POLLOCK, about Jackson Pollock the painter. He was truly intense in his role as the offbeat painter.

My favorite, though, has to be THE ABYSS. It’s a great science fiction romance and not to be missed! The story is about a nuclear sub that sinks and the team of an underwater oil platform that’s sent to assist a SEAL team with the rescue of the submariners. There’s action and a really touching romance between Ed Harris and Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio.

If you can, get your hands on the special edition DVD as it has lots of extras in the movie!

Hope you enjoyed today’s Guilty Pleasure.

Fun Friday – Colbert and Martin Team Up to Read Steele

Thanks to my friend Carolyn for the info on this clip. It’s Steve Colbert and Steve Martin joining together to read from Danielle Steele’s PERFECT STRANGER. As I mentioned to Carolyn, I was a wee child when I read this book and now as I hear these two men read it . . .

Well, you’ll have to listen for yourself and decide what it sounds like. You may have to listen a bit since the scene with the Steele reading happens at about 4 minutes into the video.

The Colbert ReportMon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Steve Martin

Hope this gives you a little chuckle on today’s Friday and I want to wish all of you a great weekend.

Thoughtful Thursday – Mass Transit Mania

trainThis morning was one of those rough kinds of days. NJ Transit train sat on the tracks into New York. Metrocard machine for the subway wasn’t taking credit cards. Subway wasn’t running, making me walk up several flights to a different subway line.

Total time to office: 2 hours.

Having said that, I can’t imagine any other way to get to work other than mass transit, especially in a place like New York. The ride is usually good and uneventful. I’m being environmentally friendly, which hopefully makes up for chopping down the Christmas tree each year. I have a seat on the train and write until we reach NYC, pumping out several pages if I’m lucky.

Normally I would walk to work, being economically friendly to myself, but it was 8 degrees this morning. Subway weather.

This morning just happened to be the perfect storm of lousy weather, delays and off line machines.

Do you commute to work? Is it a long one, short one? Do you like it?

My thoughts for this Thursday. Wishing you all a good day!

Guilty Pleasures Monday – Jensen Ackles

This morning’s Guilty Pleasure is Supernatural Hottie Jensen Ackles. I know Jensen used to be on another show, but I became familiar with him from Supernatural which I love. A really creepy and scary paranormal television series on the CW.

Supernatural also features another cutie, Jared Padelecki who used to play Dean on The Gilmore Girls.

If you haven’t caught Supernatural and love horror/paranormal, give it a short. It’s really good.

Jensen is also, starring in MY BLOODY VALENTINE 3D! Hope you enjoyed this Monday’s Guilty Pleasure.

HONOR CALLS by Caridad Pineiro February 2009On another note, HONOR CALLS is now available at Eharlequin.com! For more on this novel, you can click here.

Fun Friday – Sibling Rivalries and Double-Stuffed!

I saw ads for the Sibling Rivalry – the Mannings against the Williams – on the way to work and had to find out what it was about! So, what was it? Visit dsrl.com, the home of the Double Stuffed Racing League. LOL! You can watch more DSRL videos and make a Yooble. Check out my Yooble by clicking on this link.

Here’s one of the commercials for the DSRL which might give you a chuckle on this Fun Friday!

snoopylilLast but not least, doing the woo hoo dance here!

I wanted to share with you the first review for FURY CALLS which got 4.5 stars from Romantic Times! Wooo Hooo!

FURY CALLS (4.5) by Caridad Pineiro: When a vampire couple kills each other at the restaurant where she cooks, vampire chef Meghan Thomas teams up with Blake Richards — the man she hates for creating her undead life — to find out what made the pair kill each other in bloodlust. Determined to turn Meghan’s hatred of him into love, Blake gets a job at the restaurant and resolves to be a better person (vampire). But his resolve is tested when Meghan questions his loyalty. Piñeiro infuses her vampires with very human feelings, making her paranormal story seem realistic. It’s a great read!
—Alexandra Kay

Thank Alexandra and RT! You rock!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.