Three Daily Must-Dos #WriteWed

No day goes by that I don’t check my e-mail, write a page (or more), and look at my daily planner for what I’ve got coming up that week and next. I’ve actually gotten a lot more organized since I retired because I don’t have the daily grind that I had when I was working in New York City. Because of that, I’ve had to set up my own routines now that I’m writing romance novels full-time. What about you? What three things are a must-do for you each day?
Caridad at work writing romance novels
P.S. – If you need help getting organized, take a moment to look at these tips from Woman’s Day.

#MotivationMonday – Getting Organized for a New Phase in Life

So there are big changes coming to my life and one of the things I’ve been tackling is getting organized for that new phase in my life. What does that involve?

Downsizing the house as well as all my stuff in the house. It’s been quite a chore so far to sort out what I’m keeping for our new smaller space. It has been especially difficult with the clothing since thanks to my weight ups-and-downs I have clothes in different sizes that I’ve kept. New Goal: Get rid of it.

Planning for next year’s writing. My June 2020 Hallmark book, SOUTH BEACH LOVE, is done and I’m just waiting on edits. #3 in the At the Shore series, NEVER A BRIDE, will be out in January 2020. I’ve got a mess of books in The Calling is Reborn series to re-release as well as writing FIGHT TO LOVE which many of you have requested. I’ve also got a new book to write for Sourcebooks and I’m excited about this one since my goal is to include many of my family’s stories about our escape from the communist dictatorship in Cuba and the liberty and success we have found in the United States. To keep all that in order, I’ve gotten out the calendar and a notebook to track what I’ll be doing, namely a new release every month, whether they be new stories, traditionally published, or indie re-releases.

Getting healthier. As you may know from visiting, I’m committed to losing weight and getting healthier. I’ve been good about keeping to a workout routine and also watching what I eat. Next year may prove to be a challenge as I’m going to have to change up that routine, but my goal is to adapt and stick to it.
Set Goals and Get organized on Motivation Monday
Original Image by William Iven from Pixabay