Fun Friday – RT Convention Photos!

As you may recall, I was hard at work last week at the RT BookReviews Convention. Met lots of friends and fellow authors. I want to thank all of you who came to visit during the conference and at the book fair. It was awesome to get to meet you face-to-face.

It was also great to premiere the next book in the SINS series – STRONGER THAN SIN! I’ve got the covers and some excerpts for you.

STRONGER THAN SIN a paranormal romance by Caridad Pineiro Back Cover STRONGER THAN SIN

If you haven’t been to RT, it’s quite an event. Dozens of wonderful panels as well as some great balls and mixers. It’s in Los Angeles next year and I’m already excited about going.

Wanted to share some photos with you from the convention! If you can’t see the slideshow below, you can also click on this link to my Facebook page or cut and paste this link into your browser.

Guilty Pleasures Monday – Sexy Surfers

As I was taking a walk along the shore this weekend, I passed by more than one sexy surfer dude which is the inspiration for not only this morning’s Guilty Pleasure, but the hero in the second book in the SINS series – STRONGER THAN SIN.

Although the hero — Jesse Bradford — was formerly a professional football player, he grew up along the Jersey Shore and returns to live there after his career is prematurely ended by a disease that destroys his bones. Growing up along the shore, Jesse has a love of the ocean and spent many a summer surfing on the Jersey waves. He is a sexy surfer dude and his laid back attitude is definitely part of the attraction for Dr. Liliana Carrera.

I hope you enjoy this morning’s sexy surfer inspiration. Also, I snapped some photos with my phone as I took my walk and I hope you’ll enjoy those as well.

View from Bradley Beach boardwalk

View of Avon-by-the-Sea Beach

View of Shark River from the bridge in Belmar

Wicked Wednesday – SINS Prequel

Today I’m sharing with you a prequel for SINS OF THE FLESH, my November 2009 release from Grand Central Publishing. This snippet shows you a little bit more about the hero, Mick Carrera, who is quite a complex individual. It also introduces you to one of his sisters, Roberta – or Bobbie as she is known to friends and family. Bobbie is a Marine heading off to Iraq and here’s a secret for you – if all goes as planned, Bobbie will be the heroine in Book 3 of the SINS series.

If you can’t see the book widget below, you can also read the SINS OF THE FLESH Prequel by clicking here or cutting and pasting the link below into your browser:

The Passion in SINS OF THE FLESH

SINS OF THE FLESH by Caridad Pineiro November 2009 Grand Central PublishingI know we’ve had a fun time chatting about the real science in SINS OF THE FLESH — okay so maybe it’s just me whose had fun with that — but without passion, the science is meaningless isn’t it?

For me, the greater enjoyment in SINS OF THE FLESH came from taking two people who had externalized their passion – Caterina with her music and Mick with his family – and placing them in a situation where they had to acknowledge a different kind of desire. Both Caterina and Mick had been avoiding their own needs for love for a variety of reasons, but when brought together by Fate, they can only deny what they both need for only so long.

Today’s Wicked Wednesday is an excerpt from SINS where Mick and Caterina are finally admitting that there is something growing between them. Something neither of them has experienced before.

In this scene, Mick has just returned home from a visit to the laboratories where Caterina had been genetically engineered against her will. He has gone there to try and get more information on what was done to Caterina. While heading to the building, he runs into an old adversary – Mad Dog Donnelly. Mad Dog has been hired by the scientists to eliminate any loose ends, namely Mick and Caterina.

Mick arrives at home, bloodied and injured and Caterina takes charge, determined to help Mick with the injuries he has suffered on her behalf. Along the way, passion builds . . .

Excerpt from SINS OF THE FLESH

Carefully she tended to the cuts and scrapes on his face, the look on her face intense as she worked. Concerned and guilt-ridden.

He tried to reassure her as she cleaned a scrape on his chin with light strokes. “Like I said, the other guy looks worse. Besides, the fight had little to do with you.”

“I don’t understand,” she said and leaned one hip against the edge of the table as she worked.

“The guy I fought has a problem with me. We used to work together.”

“In the Army?” she questioned as she started to pick up the dirty swabs and remnants of gauze and tape, shooting him a half-glance as she waited for his answer.

“They’d never take a psycho like him into the Army.”

He rose from the chair and the motion brought him close to her. Too close. Her shoulder brushed against the wall of his chest, creating that skitter of reaction once more.

Her head snapped up. Her eyes were that intense ocean blue once more, the pupils wide. The blush even stronger across the high slashes of her cheekbones. She licked her lips in a nervous gesture and the moisture glistened on her lips.

Very luscious womanly lips.

He dipped his head down, hesitating when he was about an inch away. Warning himself that if he took a taste . . .

He did, barely brushing his lips against hers. Experiencing the hitch in her breath that spoke of surprise. Shocked at the moment where surprise became acceptance.

Caterina joined her lips to his, the need for human contact overwhelming any caution about the logic of what she was doing.

His lips were warm and surprisingly soft beneath hers. Mobile as they gently explored hers, pizzicato plucks playing at her heart strings.

She laid her hand against his chest to steady herself. That rock hard chest. Too warm beneath her hand. The skin smooth.

So smooth, she thought as she skimmed her fingers down the length of his body.

He ripped away, toppling the kitchen chair behind him in his haste to be away from her.

Raising his hands, he said, “That should not have happened. I’m sorry.”

She hated that he was right. It shouldn’t have happened. “I’m sorry as well, it was just . . .”

“The satisfaction of surviving. I’ve been through it before. It’s a natural reaction after a battle,” he said and she imagined that he had experienced this same feeling before. The conquering hero coming home to whatever woman awaited him in that place. Celebrating the victory over an opponent. Thumbing his nose at Death.

She understood. Her father had been a warrior in a suit, vanquishing opponents in the marketplace. He would come home, drunk with victory and liquor. Beating his chest and belittling her mother’s accomplishments and joys. Diminishing them to aggrandize himself until her mother had stopped believing in herself.

Until her mother had ceased to exit.

“I understand,” she said, not that she approved. But she couldn’t control herself from reaching up and running her fingers across her lips to savor the lingering feel of him.

His gaze tracked that motion too intently, but then he shuttered that gaze. His face turned stony and his lips thinned into a tight line as he reined himself in.

“I’m going to go get changed,” he said and left the room.

She watched his retreating back, wondering about the kind of man he really was. If there was anything to him other than the warrior who lived only for his own gain and success.

A gain that had to be substantial, she assumed, thinking that Edwards would be willing to pay a great deal to get her back. Would Mick tire of the challenge she seemed to be presenting and turn her over to Edwards for that bounty?

Or was he a man of honor beneath the dangerous and hard persona he insisted on displaying to others?

As she stood there, considering it, she realized either scenario was risky for her. And she realized that just like she had refused to let her father determine where her life would go, she couldn’t just rely on him to get her life back for her.

She had to find a way to take care of it herself.


I hope you enjoyed that little teaser! If you’d like to read more, check out the chapters with this cool widget from Grand Central Publishing. For those of you who cannot see the widget, you can click on this link for some more free reads of SINS OF THE FLESH.

Mexican Recipes from SINS OF THE FLESH

Mexican FlagI’ve had the pleasure of visiting Mexico on several occasions for business and totally enjoyed the time I spent there. The people are warm and gracious, the margaritas are refreshing and the food . . . Well, the food is divine. I could probably eat Mexican food every day and not complain!

My experience with Mexican culture and the many Mexican-Americans in the Jersey Shore area is what led me to make the hero of SINS OF THE FLESH, Mick Carrera, a Mexican-American. As for the heroine, she is Mexican-Irish, a nod to my editor at Grand Central Publishing as well as to two cultures rich in the arts.

There are a number of scenes in SINS OF THE FLESH where the characters are enjoying Mexican food prepared by Mick’s mother at his family’s Mexican restaurant. I’ve shared some Mexican/Tex-Mex recipes with you in the past.

There was my ever popular party food – the layered Tex-Mex dip. You can get the recipe for that Tex-Mex dip, by clicking here.

Or you can try some wonderful nutty and buttery Mexican Christmas Cookies by clicking here.

My friends at Cuervo, who are celebrating their 250th anniversary, have a mess of great margarita recipes at their site. You can check out the Cuervo Margarita recipes by clicking on this link.

But now, another recipe for one of the foods that you’ll see in SINS OF THE FLESH and it’s a simple one. While I love enchiladas and tamales, they are a lot of work. This is an easy recipe and one which you can use for your next party or as a side dish to your tacos, burritos or even as a topping on your hamburger.


  • Ingredients
    • 2 ripe Florida Avocados (or 4 ripe Hass Avocados)
      Juice of two limes (about 1/4 cup)
      1 teaspoon ground cumin
      2-4 shots Cholula or Tabasco hot sauce (to your taste or omit if you do not like spicy)
      2 tablespoons olive oil
      1 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro
      1/2 cup medium onion finely chopped
      1 clove garlic finely minced
      2 ripe Roma Tomatoes, chopped
      1/2 cup queso fresco, crumbled
  • Directions
    • Slice the avocados in half and remove the seed. Scoop out the insides of 3/4 of the avocados. Leave 1/4 to the side for now.
      Mash the avocados with a fork and add the lime juice and remaining ingredients. Mix together.
      Chop the remaining 1/4 avocado into small pieces and add to your mixture. If you’ve chosen to add the tomatoes and queso fresco, add the tomatoes now and 1/4 cup of the queso fresco.
      Mix all the ingredients lightly. Garnish with the remaining queso fresco.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Tuesday Tip. Just to make it all clear and legal, Cuervo is one of my clients, but I’m recommending their products because they make a wonderful tequila! FYI – If you ever have a chance to visit the city of Tequila in Mexico, see if you can spend some time at Mundo Cuervo, a cultural center established by Jose Cuervo and dedicated to Mexico and the history of tequila. I’ve been there and it is absolutely amazing!

Mix-It-Up Friday Contest!

mixWe’re having a spontaneous contest today! Leave your mixed up version of an old adage here by midnight EST on Saturday, November 14, for a chance to win a copy of FURY CALLS and a SINS OF THE FLESH T-shirt!

So how does this mix-it-up Friday contest work – here’s a sample:

    Old adage: A good man is hard to find.
    Mix-it-up Version: A hard man is good to find.

Also, don’t forget there are only two more weeks to the SINFUL THINGS contest. For a chance to win, or increase your chances of winning, please do the following by midnight EST November 30:

On Twitter please Tweet/Retweet (please be sure to include the link):

Celebrate the Release of Caridad Pineiro’s SINS OF THE FLESH! RT for a chance 2 win a $50 Gift Certificate.

On Facebook please post to your profile (please be sure to include the link):

Celebrate the Release of Caridad Pineiro’s SINS OF THE FLESH! Post this link to your profile for a chance to win a $50 Gift Certificate.

SINS OF THE FLESH Book Launch Party – Day 4

I want to thank all of you who have dropped by this week to help me celebrate the launch of SINS OF THE FLESH, my first paranormal suspense single title and the first book in an exciting new series from Grand Central Publishing!

If you didn’t get a chance to drop by my radio interview yesterday, you can just click here or cut and paste this link into your browser:

Remember to leave a comment on any blog this week for a chance to win a SINS t-shirt and autographed copy of SINS OF THE FLESH by midnight EST TODAY, Friday, October 30!

And don’t forget that the SINFUL THINGS contest continues to run until November 30. For a chance to win a $50 gift certificate, just tweet/retweet/post to your Facebook profile as follows by midnight EST November 30th:

On Twitter please Tweet/Retweet (please be sure to include the link):

    Celebrate the Release of Caridad Pineiro’s SINS OF THE FLESH! RT for a chance 2 win a $50 Gift Certificate.

On Facebook please post to your profile (please be sure to include the link):

    Celebrate the Release of Caridad Pineiro’s SINS OF THE FLESH! Post this link to your profile for a chance to win a $50 Gift Certificate.

I hope you all have a grand and marvelous weekend!