Wicked Wednesday Redux – Estevan Vega

sacred-sinWe have with us again a really special guest blogger – Estevan Vega. As I mentioned yesterday, Estevan’s second novel, THE SACRED SIN, was published when Estevan was only 18 and it’s really a testament to his determination that he’s going after his dream at such an early age.

I hope Estevan keeps it up and has great success in the publishing world.

Midwest Book Review said of THE SACRED SIN “A deftly written psychological thriller sure to grip readers all the way through, “The Sacred Sin” is highly recommended for community library thriller collections and fans of the genre.”

So please welcome Estevan back again and take a moment to check out his novel! Anyone leaving a comment on the blog by midnight EST on Friday, June 19th will be eligible to win a SINS OF THE FLESH T-shirt as well as a SINS OF THE FLESH lunch bag.


“Do you think you’re crazy?” Dr. Irons asked for the third time.

It wasn’t a question someone like Jude Foster could answer with ease. Such questions simply wouldn’t permit an effortless yes or no. They came only with prerequisites, like “I don’t think I’m crazy, but if you keep asking me, we’re gonna have some problems,” or “Damn it, I’ve already told you what I thought.” Either way, Jude wasn’t in the mood for embellishing on his sad little story yet again. But, as always, the old doctor couldn’t stop himself from taking that meddling crowbar of his and prying Jude open like a reluctant wooden coffin. Sure, Jude tried hard as hell to forget about the night he almost died, but feelings of betrayal don’t willfully vacate merely because they were asked to leave. Dr. Irons filled his head with “all in good time” that “in time” meant absolutely nothing. But, like all things in his life, Jude buried the memories and the hurt in the farthest parts of himself so that not even he could exhume them. The medication wasn’t doing much either. All they left behind to show that they were even there in the first place were droopy black pools shadowed beneath his condescending eyes. Insomnia had certainly taken its toll…perhaps a small price to pay for a life full of mistakes.

“I told you I didn’t want to come today,” Jude began, “but I dragged myself out of bed because I have no choice. I’m not here for me; I’m here out of obligation.”

“You’re right. But your obligation to the commissioner is equally as relevant as your obligation to yourself. Not to mention I’m doing Chief Mike Harrison a favor.”

Jude was taken aback. He’d never heard a shrink say that one before.

“Although your psyche has become beaten and broken, it can be healed.” A long pause. “In time.”

There it was again. The phrase Jude loathed every bit as much as he loathed green beans or weekday mornings.

Jude rolled his eyes and cracked his spine. His narrow back tapered upward in a V-line toward his much thinner neck, and eventually formed his jaw-line. His face, and every crease in it, was like a page, read and re-read by hundreds of people, but not one could decipher what went on inside of him. His seemingly misguiding features were offset by two arctic eyes, brown in the sunlight, but gray at the core. He’d gotten away with being Hugh Jackman now and then, as long as most kept their distance. He didn’t exactly come across with the same starstudded charisma or finesse. As he smoothed his dark hair, he felt his eyes linger onto anything but the gargoyle in front of him.

“I hate it here. I hate talking to you.” Jude couldn’t even hear himself anymore. It was like a silent film he couldn’t get out of. The old black and whites his teacher forced down his throat when he was in eleventh grade, the films with Chaplin and others he never cared to remember. He was a prisoner locked in this cell, and the gatekeeper had no intention of letting him out.

“You don’t hate it here, Jude. I’m trying to help you get your life back, and you’re almost there. Now, I know it seems odd for me to keep asking you this, but do you believe you’re crazy?”


Thanks for taking the time to read Estevan’s excerpt.

Also – thanks to all of you who have entered the various blog contests! The winners are:

Happy Marriage Sins of the Flesh Lunch Bag Winner: Pam S
Nocturne Blog CALLING T-shirt and an autographed copy of HOLIDAY WITH A VAMPIRE Winner: KCE1976 (is that you Karin?)

If you’re a winner, please mail your postal address to cpsromance @ att.net (no spaces).


Dangerous Women Blog Contest!

Dangerous ReadersThanks to those of you who have signed up for the Dangerous Women group, my new venture with a number of my writing buddies!

For those of you entering the Saturday contest, just post your answer on this blog to the following question:

What are the names of the hero and heroine in HONOR CALLS, my February e-novella Nocturne Bite?

I’ll pick a winner from all the comments entered by midnight EST on Saturday, April 4.

Here’s an extra goodie for you! If you place the banner above on your site and link it to the Dangerous Women group at

just let me know and you’ll be eligible to also win a T-shirt for my upcoming release, SINS OF THE FLESH.

Wicked Wednesday – Honor Calls and more contests!

Thanks for making me the post of the day over at Cataromance by visiting Single Titles! Woo Hoo!

Contest week continues this week and up until midnight EST on March 20th! Visit any of these blogs and leave a message and you could win a copy of SOLDIER’S SECRET CHILD, an autographed ARC of SINS OF THE FLESH and a CALLING T-shirt. Also drop by Fresh Fiction on March 20th because they are featuring FURY CALLS as their Fresh Pick! (So excited about this!)

Share some coffee and chat with me at Over Coffee:

Single Titles Interview:

Loves Romances and More:

Since today is Wicked Wednesday, I’m sharing with you another bit of HONOR CALLS which is available online at various e-book retailers. HONOR CALLS will also be available as part of the AWAKENING THE BEAST collection in October 2009!

HONOR CALLS February 2009 Shit, Jesus murmured under his breath as he realized his intent to just drive by The Blood Bank wouldn’t be possible.

The small street on which the club was located was not wide enough for the passage of a car. As he rounded the block for the third time, he scoped out a free spot a short distance away and after parking, headed on foot toward the Goth club.

He hadn’t gone more than a few feet before the heat and humidity of an August Manhattan night had him sweating beneath the weight of his suit jacket. Since he was armed, removing the jacket wasn’t possible and he was starting to regret he hadn’t gone by his apartment to at least change into a t-shirt and jeans.

Swiping at a line of perspiration along his brow, he paused at the mouth of the street, one of the older ones in the city. More like an alley, which seemed apropos for the place he was about to visit, he thought. Definitely a back alley kind of operation from what he had seen in the various reports that had crossed his desk.

Ahead of him and about four small blocks down was a line of people at a nondescript building – The Blood Bank he assumed. The line was relatively long considering the hour and filled with a decidedly rough-looking crowd clad in lots of black, leather and metal. That at least was not very different from what he had expected.

As he proceeded along the cobblestones, bright with the light from a full moon and uneven beneath his shoes, he kept a wary eye on the smaller, even narrower side streets and tight gaps between the buildings. It was at the mouth of one of those alleys that the last body had been found.

Or at least, parts of the body.

A grunt, loud and painful-sounding, snared his attention as he passed the entrance to a space between two turn-of-the-century brick buildings. The buildings were built so closely together that the moonlight did little to illuminate the area between, but even with the lack of light, he detected the activity going on in the gap.

Another grunt came followed by the din of metal trash cans crashing against one another.

Definitely a fight and judging from the sounds of it, someone was getting their ass kicked.

He pulled out his Sig and advanced to the opening of the space between the buildings. He took a step within and his eyes adjusted to the lack of light, revealing the two people locked together in combat. One tall and much bigger than the other and as they grappled together, the light from a side door lamp illuminated their features.

The smaller one was a woman while the other. . .

Eerily bright blazing eyes shot a glance his way while long white fangs gleamed from the artificial light of the lamp. The creature growled at him, the sound like the rumble of a mountain lion, but then turned back toward the woman.

She had her arms braced against the creature’s jacket, trying to keep those wickedly long fangs away from her face, but with the vampire’s greater height and bulk, he feared she might be fighting a losing battle.

Ño, he cursed as she continued with the fight, totally ignoring his presence.

The creature spun the woman around and as the light swept over her face, he could tell she was young. Mid-twenties he guessed before she whirled out of sight again, struggling to break away from the demon’s grasp.

With a quick upward jab of her arm, the woman snapped the creature’s head back. It emitted a louder growl and another glimpse of its face showed its lethal fangs once again.

The woman’s blow did little to slow the demon. It reached behind to grab the woman by the scruff of her neck and whip her away from him and against the brick wall of one of the buildings. She hit the wall with a thick thud and fell to the ground dazed, prompting him to action.

Guilty Pleasures Monday – David Boreanaz

BONES DVD Season 1Today’s Guilty Pleasure Monday was a tough one. I thought about who to pick all during my walk to work.

Finally, I have to give a nod to an old favorite – David Boreanaz. Many will remember him as the sexy Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He was so intense and sexy in the early seasons before he got spun off to his own show.

Now he’s charming and sexy on BONES, one of my favorite shows. If you caught onto BONES, you can watch the episodes only, just click here. If you haven’t caught Buffy . . . oh no! Rush out and get the DVDs. They are available quite inexpensively now and Seasons 1 to 3 are amazing. Season 5 is probably the best and Spike . . . oh he will get his Monday soon!

I will be posting the names of last week’s b’day bash winners later tonight!

Also take a moment to stop by this morning and share some coffee and chat with me at Over Coffee:


Leave a comment for a chance to win a SINS OF THE FLESH T-shirt! They are really cute!


Guilty Pleasures Monday and a Birthday Bash!

Dennis Quaid - Photo in the Public DomainEvery time I see Dennis Quaid I think, man he’s still got it! Now, his latest movie VANTAGE POINT was so not good, but he looked great in it.

One of my favorite Quaid movies is FREQUENCY which also starred Jim Cavaziel (another cutie!). THE ROOKIE is another good one with a very inspiring message to always follow your dreams!

bday1.gifAs you all may know, I’ve been very lucky to be able to follow my dreams as well. It’s wonderful to be able to write for you and share my books and to celebrate that and my b’day, we are having a birthday bash week!

Just visit any of the blogs listed below this week and leave a comment and you’ll be eligible to win a prize from me! At Barbara Vey’s blog, there are tons of other prizes as well!

I’ll be visiting all of these blogs and if you’ve left a comment at any of them, you’ll also be eligible to win a $25 Godiva gift card! The more times I see your name at the different blogs, the more your chances improve to win the gift card. So take a moment and stop by one or all to improve your chances of winning a prize.

The contest ends on Friday, March 13th at midnight EST, so be sure to get your comments in there on time!

Barbara Vey’s Beyond Her Book Blog for lots of fun and giveaways!

Fresh Fiction: http://freshfiction.com/page.php?id=1602

Harlequin Paranormal Romance blog: http://paranormalromanceblog.wordpress.com/

Liberty States Fiction Writers (leave a comment on any of the blog posts): http://www.libertystatesfictionwriters.com/blog-read-around-the-world/

Long and Short Reviews: http://longandshortarchives.blogspot.com/search/label/Caridad%20Pineiro

Wicked Wednesday – Behind the scenes

FURY CALLS by Caridad Pineiro, March 2009, Silhouette NocturneThis Wicked Wednesday, I’m giving you a behind the scenes look at the characters in FURY CALLS, my March 2009 release from Silhouette Nocturne! Just pop on over to my friends at Fresh Fiction by clicking here or cutting and pasting this link into your browser window: http://freshfiction.com/page.php?id=1602

If you leave a comment on the blog over that Fresh Fiction, you’ll be eligible to win a copy of DESIRE CALLS as well as a CALLING T-shirt.

Also – gearing up here for a week long b’day celebration! Starting on March 9, look for a number of posts with info on where I’ll be guest blogging and how you can win some prizes!!

Thoughtful Thursday – Television Shows

tvI know I’ve probably told you in the past, but I love television. Whenever I’m working on a book or cooking or exercising, the television is on. The habit goes way back. When my husband and I were first dating, he asked me if my family knew where the OFF switch was on the television.

I actually learned my first words in English from television. I vaguely recall that it was the words to the Doublemint gum commercial. You know, Doublemint adds to your fun . . .

If you had to guess which kinds of shows I watch, you’d probably guess that it would be those with either law enforcement or paranormal activities. You’d be right. I love LOST and FRINGE. I don’t miss NCIS and even catch that three hour block on USA Network when I can. BONES is another don’t miss as well as HOUSE. CRIMINAL MINDS and NUMBERS slip in there as well since I record them.

I do take time for some sitcoms, however — THE BIG BANG THEORY and CHUCK being my two favorite sitcoms. What can I say? I love nerds and both of these shows have a truly loveable collection of nerds.

What kinds of shows do you like? Are there any you won’t miss no matter what?

Also, don’t forget that there is only one more day to comment on these two blogs to be eligible to win some prizes — a CALLING T-shirt and copies of DESIRE CALLS and SOLDIER’S SECRET CHILD!

http://bronzeword.wordpress.com/ – Just mention Caridad sent you on the blog!

TRC Reading Blogpspot – The blog is up so please drop by and leave a comment.

Finally — Harlequin is running a special on FURY CALLS – you get 20% off the 5.25 cover price so it will only cost you 4.20! In today’s economy, it’s nice to be able to get a discount.

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