#WriteWed Military Heroes Inspire Me

As you might now, I’ve included a number of military heroes in my books from my early romantic suspense novels to my latest releases in the Take a Chance series. That includes both military men and women heroes.

In each of the stories, I try to bring out what it must be like for our military heroes and their families as they cope with being away, being at war and coming home. I’m honored to say that I’ve heard from a number of military people that they felt my portrayals of the issues were accurate and heartfelt. Thank you for that and thank you for your service and sacrifices.

I want to share this video of truly awesome surprise military reunions! Click here to watch the military reunion video if you can’t see it below.

#ThrowbackThursday My Lucky 7 Ladies & a new release!

I truly believe that one God closes one door, he opens another. In my case, it wasn’t really a fully closed door, but God kind of nudging me to do something different. That happened many years ago after the birth of my daughter which led me to becoming a writer.

In 2012 it was going to a fabulous retreat in South Carolina where I was introduced to a number of ladies who were taking a different path in their writing careers, namely indie publishing. I’d been thinking about doing that for some time, especially since I had books to which the rights had reverted. I also had ideas for some novellas that I knew would be hard to sell in the traditional world.

I started by getting back the rights to several of my early contemporary novels. From there I worked on getting them ready for release and also, writing some new stories. The next big step was getting together with some friends to try out the new box set craze and the result of that was the very successful Lucky 7 Bad Boys Box Set.

Thank you all for embracing that set and making it a NY Times and USA Today bestseller! We could not have done that without your support and it is truly appreciated.

Here is a picture of some of my Lucky 7 writing buddies. This picture was taken when we were all together for the Romantic Times Convention in New Orleans. It was so awesome to get to spend time with them since most of our communications were via phone or electronic.

From left to right, that’s me, Virna DePaul, Susan Hatler and Sophia Knightly. I’ve actually known Sophia for nearly 15 years since we used to write for the same line at one time. It is awesome to be able to work with her again as well as all the other fabulous Lucky 7 Ladies.


Well, the Lucky 7 Ladies have a new release – Lucky 7 Brazen Bachelors. The box set includes seven contemporary romance novellas that range from sexy to sweet and have all kinds of interesting bachelor heroes! The set is specially priced at 99 cents and is now available for pre-order. You can get it here:

Amazon: http://bit.ly/7BrazenAMZ
Amazon UK: http://bit.ly/7BrazenUKAMZ
Amazon CA: http://bit.ly/7BrazenCAAMZ

Additional retailers are coming shortly.

Lucky 7 Brazen Bachelors

#WriteWed What Inspires Me to Write? You, the Reader!

Yes, you read that right. Look in the mirror and you will see who inspires me to write.

Why? Think of it this way: If a tree falls in a forest and no one sees that, did the tree really fall?

So, if I write a book and no one reads it, did I really write it?

One of the most rewarding things about writing the books and sending them out into the world has been YOU, the reader. I have loved chatting with you, meeting with you and hearing from you.

I love that you love the stories and that you don’t. I love that exchange of ideas and that we share a common love: books.

So if you’re ever wondering again why I write, it’s because I love giving you stories to read and getting to know you better in the process.

Speaking of stories, I am in the home stretch on the new novella in the Take a Chance series. This one has been a tough one to write because of the characters and the very emotional reason they get together. Yes, it’s erotic romance so you can expect lots of sexiness, but I hope the takeaway from this book will be much much more for you!

I hope to have it ready for you in late October so that you can snuggle under the blanket with a bucket of Halloween candy glommed from the kids and chase away the chill with Maggie and Trevor’s story.

#WriteWed What Inspires a Series?

Since I’m busing working on ONE SPECIAL NIGHT, the follow-up to JUST ONE NIGHT, you may wonder what inspires a series like the Take a Chance series.

For me, it’s the secondary characters. Oftentimes when I start, I don’t really know which of the secondary characters will call to me the most, but then BAM! 🙂 I fall in love with one of them and know that I have to explore their story.

That’s what happened with Tommy, Nickie’s brother and Jase’s best friend, from JUST ONE NIGHT.

I saw a really good guy who definitely needed to find the right woman. I knew from JUST ONE NIGHT that Tommy was honorable and lots of fun. I knew he would have what it would take to help someone heal their wounds and find happiness.

I’m almost done with ONE SPECIAL NIGHT and I hope you’ll fall in love with Tommy the way I did and the way the heroine, Navy Corpsman Jasmine Reyes, does by the end of the story! ONE SPECIAL NIGHT will be available in late July.


#Vampire Blog Hop Day 3 & a Visit with Laura Kaye

It’s Day 3 of our Vampire Romance Blog hop! Take a moment to visit each blog over the next few days for a chance to win some awesome prizes, learn why we write vampire romance and find out more about us!

Wanna talk vampires? Wanna win vampires?? Follow along the Vampire Romance To Die For Tour all week for both!

Here’s the schedule:

Here’s what you can win:

    1) A grand tour-wide prize of a $60 amazon or B&N gift card!

    2) Each day’s blog hostess will give away one book of a vampire romance to a commenter at their blog

What are the rules?:

    1) You must comment to enter to win with your email address. Blog follows are appreciated but not required
    2) Contest is open until midnight EST Monday, May 21
    3) Winners will be announced on May 22
    4) Open to international
    5) Winners to be picked using random.org
    6) Participating authors not responsible for biting, blood loss, or swooning-related accidents

Also take a moment to come by Laura Kaye’s blog where I’ll be talking about the inspiration for THE CLAIMED and the movies that inspire me while I write.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words…

That’s very true for me since I’m very visually oriented. So much so, that I even write with the television on during the colder months. When it warms up, I’m out on my little balcony, enjoying the quiet of early morning and the sights. Birds and squirrels running around. Surfer dudes on their bikes, coming back from the beach. Bright blue skies and the pinks and blues of the flowers in the pots at my feet.

So visual things inspire me and when I heard about Pinterest, I just had to take a look. Oh man, am I hooked. A nice, clean and easy-to-access place for all those things that I can use for all kinds of ideas!

If you want to take a look at some of my “boards”, you can visit me at pinterest.com/caridadpineiro/.
Hope you are all having an awesome Thursday! By the way, the Nocturnal Whispers Release Party ended yesterday and I’ll be picking a winner in the next few days and announcing it on the blog. Thanks so much to everyone who participated.

What Turns You On?

Now that I’ve got your attention this Monday morning, I’d like to hear from you about your Guilty Pleasures. You see, the three Nocturne Bites I was writing are now becoming Nocturne Cravings. Great name, Cravings. It speaks to what we desire. What we need. What turns us on.

Contrary to what some life coach said about romances ruining women, women can separate reality from fantasy. Reading romances is about being entertained and it’s also about believing in the happily-ever-after. That everyone will eventually find the person who is right for them and not necessarily a “perfect” man. I think we all know that there are no “perfect” people out there, but we hope to find someone who sustains us emotionally. That’s what romance is about.

But back to this discussion. What do you notice first in a man? Is there something that really attracts you, either physically or emotionally?

I have to confess that nice hands are something that catch my eye. Strong. Masculine. Well-kept but not manicure perfect. Real hands.

As for the emotional part: humor. A man who can make me laugh even when I am in my deepest dumpiest mood is golden.

How about you? Please take a moment to share and inspire me as I work on these upcoming novellas.