Pick a Nail & Upcoming Events

I am so excited about my two upcoming events and I need your help to pick the nail art for them! But first, a little about the events. I’m flying out next week to Denver for my first time ever at Readers Take Denver! As excited as I am, I’m also a little nervous about such a big event. I think there are nearly 3000 attendees with all the authors, narrators, and vendors who will be there. I’ll be taking part in the book signings on Friday and Saturday and will also be moderating a panel on Getting the Perfect Agent. Once I’m back, I hit the road again with my daughter and some Jersey friends for the absolutely fabulous Day of Wine and Romance on May 3-5. Roz Lee is the author who runs this event and it is such a fun and intimate gathering at the Brook Hollow Winery. It’s a great opportunity to chat with the authors and snag some tasty wine as well. There is a Meet and Greet the authors on Friday night and book signings on Saturday and Sunday. Plus it’s right near the beautiful Delaware River. If you’re in the NY/NJ/PA area, I highly recommend this event and hope you’ll come by. In the meantime, what nail art do you like? I’ll be doing two of them!

nail art