Behind the Scenes of THE CLAIMED in Asbury Park

I had to make a choice of location for the final battle scenes in THE CLAIMED. As I thought about it, it occurred to me I needed a place that spoke to the past that the Light and Shadow Hunters had to embrace, but also had to speak to the future that was possible for them. I also needed a place that was in the public eye, but could be made “private” with the use of Hunter power. Add to that the fact that it had to be somewhere that would be a logical place for one of the characters – Samantha aka Sammie – to be as she would be pivotal in that scene.

As all those needs came together, I realized there was only one place where that very important scene could be located – the Casino in Asbury Park.
Casino in Asbury Park New Jersey

There is no doubt in mind that the Casino is a link to the past glory that was Asbury Park, much like the past of the Hunters. But the Casino also stands poised at the edge of the future for Asbury Park. A future that can be seen in the wonderfully renovated Paramount Theater, the Convention Center (where the early roller derby scenes in and THE CLAIMED take place), and the boardwalk that is once again brimming with life!

The Casino is a very public place for sure. It’s the gateway between Ocean Grove and Asbury Park and people pass through the shell on a daily basis. Surely Sammie would on her way to her shop on the Asbury Park boardwalk. Here’s a picture of what it looked like in its heydey!

Photo Credit: National Park Service

Here’s another photo of the Casino from afar. The Casino was built in 1929 and designed by the same architects that designed Grand Central Terminal.

Asbury Park Casino

In this shot you can see more of the buildings. In the past, those to the left as well as the middle section hosted a series of amusement park games and a carousel. At one time there was another piece to the building that jutted out to the right on stilts onto the beach. This section had a skating rink inside. Sadly that part of the building suffered major damage and was torn down in 2006, but the rest of the Casino remains, now used for a variety of things like flea markets and a theater company.

The Casino was therefore the perfect place for my Hunters to have a final battle and also be the kickoff to the next book in the series, THE SHATTERED, but I won’t spill about that right now.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this little peek into Asbury Park and the Casino. It’s one of my favorite sites along the boardwalk. As I mentioned before, there used to be a carousel in one section of the building and here’s a video clip shot on October 28, 1990, the last day the carousel was open for business. Thanks to cflynn1979 for this clip.

If you can’t see the clip of the carousel below, you can click here!

You can also read more about the Casino by clicking here.

Look what came in the mail and a lovely time!

Last night was wonderful! I had a lovely book signing with my friends Nisha Sharma and Tina Gabrielle at the TO BE CONTINUED bookstore in Metuchen, NJ. Central Jersey readers this is an awesome place for you to go, hang out and pick up some books! Plus they are sooo romance friendly!

We had an absolutely lovely time there and I’m looking forward to doing another event there soon.

Of course, the night got better when I got home because there was a package waiting for me and guess what it contained? SQUEEEE! My RITA® nomination pin and an invite to the RITA® and GOLDEN HEART® reception. Here is a photo of it (yes, I put the frame on it in the photo! Will have to think how to preserve the invite for posterity’s sake).

RITA Invite and Pin

#Giveaway and some Behind the Scenes Secrets about THE CLAIMED

First of all, don’t forget that you have until Friday to leave a comment on Dorothy’s Virtual Blog Tour Blog to possibly win a free Blog Tour!

But now, how about some Behind the Scenes Secrets about THE CLAIMED!

This is a snippet from the book at a restaurant in Avon-by-Sea. The restaurant is a real place and you can visit it here:

The Columns was a perfect choice, Victoria thought as she sat across the intimate width of the table opposite Christopher. The summer sun had begun to set, creating rosy pink and blue cotton candy clouds along the beachfront. The golden hues cast by the lights along the edges of the veranda and the votive candle in the middle of the table bathed Christopher’s face. Thanks to the dimness of the light, she could detect the thin aura surrounding him. Too weak to be full Hunter power, which relieved her somewhat, but not entirely, since Shadows could hide their energy fields also.

Here’s a picture of The Columns. Can’t you just picture Victoria and Christopher sitting there, dusk settling in, the two of them cozy at a small table? Sigh. Can’t wait to go eat there again!

Here’s another little teaser for you down below! This scene takes place in the Shark River and yes, in part it is named for the sharks in the area. Fresh water sharks you may be wondering? Actually, there are fresh water sharks in some parts of the world, but the Shark River is filled with salt water for the most part. In fact, some consider that this area is actually a tidal basin since it’s fed by four small streams that provide little fresh water and the Shark River Inlet provides large amounts of salt water into the bay area. This is a picture of the Shark River Inlet and the Shark River Bridge which is a drawbridge that allows larger boats to come and go.

In this scene deep in the Shark River, Shadow Hunter Christopher is playing around with his energy and shapeshifting abilities. Moments later, Christopher will meet Light Huntress Victoria face-to-face for the first time!

He swam out until he was in about thirty feet of water, released the diving flag, and then sank below the surface. As luck would have it, a small school of brown-green weakfish were spawning along the estuary floor. With a gush of energy, he formed a vortex and directed it downward. It acted like a vacuum cleaner, sucking up a large fish and bringing it up to his grasp through the swirling tunnel of water.

Two feet of angry fish squirmed and flailed in his hands until he sucked in a bit of its life force and it weakened. Focusing his gathering, he took only a smidgen of the fish’s vitality within him. He needed the weakfish’s energy to partially shapeshift so he could stay below the surface long enough to do the exchange needed to rein in the demands of his Equinox.

He forced the fish’s life force through his body, and his power drained while he directed it toward his throat. He gritted his teeth and battled the pain as his skin tore open and the muscles beneath the surface reformed, developing gills. Blood vessels rerouted themselves to those new organs, creating an avenue for the oxygen to flow from the gills throughout his body. He grew lightheaded for a moment, but then the outpouring of oxygen flooded through his gills and revitalized him.

With the skill of a surgeon, he dissected a piece of the power he had absorbed and directed it to his eyes. He created a thin membrane with the life force to protect them against the salt water.

Satisfied with the adaptations to his eyes and lungs, Christopher stopped his shapeshifting. He released the fish and expelled as much air as he could from his lungs. With nothing to keep him buoyant, he easily drifted down to the sandy bottom, scattering the swarm of fish when he settled in the midst of their school. Crossing his legs, he assumed a traditional Lotus position and opened his eyes.

I hope you enjoyed these Behind the Scenes moments from THE CLAIMED

Are you a #Giveaway Winner?

Thanks to all who participated in my Birthday Bash and release party for NOCTURNAL WHISPERS  and THE VAMPIRE’S CONSORT!

The winner of a handmade memory box, copies of THE LOST, SINS OF THE FLESH and STRONGER THAN SIN, a LOST polo shirt, tote bag and other swag is:

MicheleAnn Oboyle

Congratulations, MicheleAnn!

I know a number of you were hoping to win the memory box, but don’t fret. I’ve made two others! You’ll have a chance to win one during the Brenda Novak Auction and starting on May 1 for the release party for THE CLAIMED.

#ManCandyMonday It’s Tebow Time!

I was all ready to go out and buy a Tebow Denver Broncos jersey when they decided to go with Manning. No don’t get me wrong, I like Peyton Manning, I’m just not a fan of how they treated Tebow. I mean, taking down his photos immediately and trading him for a 4th and 6th draft round pick? For a man who helped get you into the playoffs?

No class. My one hope is that the Jets will treat him better, giving him a chance to maybe run the Wildcat for them or using him in another position, like halfback.

So anyway, It’s Tebow Time in NYC and I’m all for it! This photo is one of him from high school when he played in the All-American game.

TEBOW All-American High School

Blog Hop #Giveaways & Release Party


I’ll be giving away an ARC of THE CLAIMED and a LOST T-shirt to one lucky winner! Just tweet or share this comment on Twitter or Facebook.

The Jersey Shore like you can’t imagine-THE CLAIMED #paranormal #romance May 2012 PLZ RT

Many thanks to Close Encounters with the Night Kind Blog and Natasha Blackthorne for organizing this blog hop.


Don’t forget about the NOCTURNAL WHISPERS Release Party – Feb 1 to Feb 29! Many thanks to those of you who have already downloaded NOCTURNAL WHISPERS and those who have agreed to review it!

To celebrate the release, we’re going to be having a month long release contest. To be eligible to win a $25 Gift card, copies of AZTEC GOLD and THE FIFTH KINGDOM plus a LOST T-shirt and an awesome tote bag, just click here!


In case you can’t see the excerpt below, you can cut and past this link:

Nocturnal Whispers Erotic Paranormal Romance Excerpt

What can you get with $40? Lots and lots of fun & #giveaways!

Create Something Magical ConferenceWhat if I told you that for $40 you would get at least 7 free books from Avon, Grand Central Publishing and Samhain, samplers from Forever Romance and Penguin Books, a dessert reception at a very special Lady Jane’s Salon, readings and genre panels with bestselling authors, a karaoke party with hot finger foods, water bottle from Secret Cravings Publishing, pad folios from Carina Press, free raffle tickets for an assortment of gift baskets including one with a Kindle, courtesy of Secret Cravings Publishing, a book fair, plus lots of other swag? Also toss in there the ability to spend time with other readers and rub elbows with an assortment of authors at the reception and party?

Whoa, that was a mouthful! I know it’s hard to believe, but all that can be yours for $40 at the Create Something Magical Conference on March 17 in Woodbridge, New Jersey. The conference is being run by my home writing group, the Liberty States Fiction Writers!

If you’re a writer, you get all of the above as well as an assortment of workshops on the craft and business of writing, plus your choice of appointments with over 20 editors and/or agents. Yep, 20 editors and/or agents waiting to hear your pitch in a variety of fiction genres.