Thoughtful Thursday – On taxes and tea parties . . .

teapartyFirst of all, my apologies for missing Wicked Wednesday only it was a crazy day at work and of course, even worse, it was Tax Day!

The lines at the Post Office were awful, I’m told. There were dozens in line to buy stamps to mail their tax returns and even more people dropping by to place their returns in the bins labelled for the respective tax centers in the area.

Tax day and tea parties! Now, whether you’re for or against the current tax and stimulus plans, here’s the thing . . .

You have the freedom to speak out about it. If you follow all the rules and behave responsibly, you have the right to stand up and let your voice be heard. Whether or not the politicians and media listen is a whole different thing, but it doesn’t lessen the fact that you have that freedom.

Freedom and responsibility. They go hand in hand.

My daughter and I were talking about this the other day. She’s taking a sociology course in college where they are discussing all kinds of interesting things. Political democracy. Economic democracy.

Democracy period. A fascinating concept to be sure. Wikipedia defines it as “a form of government in which power is held indirectly by citizens in a free electoral system” and goes on to offer various examples of different kinds of democracies.

The bottom line is . . .

Democracy only works if you do as well. Vote. Voice your opinions. Demand honesty from your politicians and the media. You have the freedom to do so, but more importantly, it’s your responsibility to do so.

Tuesday Tip – Spring Bulbs

Narcissus Photo Copyright Vincent de Groot under GNU License from WikipediaThere’s nothing that says spring might finally be here than the eruption of spring color from crocuses, daffodils, tulips and hyacinths. The nice thing about them as well is that once you get them planted, they’ll come back every year and provide that burst of doldrum-busting color.

Also, planting spring bulbs doesn’t interfere with you later placing annuals in the same spots for summer-long color. Why’s that? Because bulbs are usually planted deeper – between 6 to 10 inches deep while annuals are planted much higher at 3 to 4 inches deep.

So how do you prepare for that spring color? Except for tulips and hyacinths, spring bulbs should be planted in the fall – September and October depending on where you are located. As a general rule, plant them well before any freeze. This will help them build strength and get established.

Dig a hole about 8 inches deep and about a foot around. Prepare the soil with nice compost and some bone meal. Work it into the ground so that about a foot deep of soil is nice and loose so the bulbs can take root. Also, make sure the area has good drainage. Bulbs generally do not like to sit in wet soil. Cover the bulbs with soil and some mulch to help retain moisture and provide some shelter against the cold. I generally plant in groups of 3 to 5 as odd numbers of objects are generally more pleasing to the eye.

For unexpected bursts of color, mix in bulbs beneath ground covers like ivy or pachysandra.

Come the spring you’ll be rewarded with beautiful color and scents. Hyacinths are amazing for a blast of fragrance in your garden!

Once the bulbs start to die back, you can plant your annuals for the rest of the summer!

Guilty Pleasures Monday – Ben Stiller

I was writing and flipping through the channels on Saturday when I came across KEEPING THE FAITH, a comedy with Ben Stiller, Edward Norton and Jenna Elfman. If you haven’t seen it, give it a shot. It was quite funny and touching as two old friends (Ben as a rabbi and Edward as a priest) fall in love with a former schoolmate (Jenna) and deal with the demands of their religions when it comes to love.

Ben was quite cute in the movie which prompted the idea for this Monday’s Guilty Pleasure! Ben is physically handsome, but he’s got something which I find even sexier – a great sense of humor. My theory in life is that passion is great, but it’s humor that sustains you through the most difficult times.

How about you? Do you find funny men to be sexy?

Thoughtful Thursday – Unsocial Networking

nullI belong to a couple of social networks, namely Myspace and Facebook. Must confess to liking Facebook much more. It’s easier to use and has allowed me to catch up with lots more of my friends. I hadn’t really planned on joining, but was convinced to do so. I’m not sorry that I did, except for what I’d like to call the unsocial networking aspects of both it and Myspace.

As an author who likes to get the word out about herself, I understand that a lot of connections are made for purposes of promotion. You friend people and join groups. Post everyone now and then. Notice the every now and then part of it because at some point the strictly promo aspect becomes a little too much hence the unsocial part of it. Those daily reminders or huge Myspace comments that are little more than commercials for what you’re offering.

It’s okay to get the word out there about your work. People expect some of that when you friend someone like an author. But it’s also supposed to be about getting to know each other. Sharing what you think is fun (or not). Showing people a new side of you or pictures of interesting things. Giving people a slice of your life and seeing a slice of someone else’s. If you’re a friend, that’s what you’ll share with me and I hope that’s what I’ll share with you.

My two cents on this Thoughtful Thursday.

Also, while tomorrow is Fun Friday, it’s also Good Friday. In light of that, there won’t be a blog post tomorrow in light of the Holy Day. Look for me to post the names of the various blog winners sometime over the weekend.

Wicked Wednesday – A Work in Progress

surfToday’s excerpt is from a Work in Progress – or should I say a work that I need to get back to one of these days. This untitled work is about a stunt woman who will discover some amazing things about herself, namely that she has unusual powers! The heroine, Sara, is a former gymnast who turned to being a stunt woman to provide for herself and her grandmother who lived with her. Sara is an avid surfer and lives in Huntington Beach, a great surfing town in California.

Hope you enjoy this Wicked Wednesday excerpt and wish me luck in placing it somewhere.

Chapter 1


Sara Mendoza had taken no more than a step or two from the temple excavation when an explosion rocked the structure behind her.

She hurtled through the air, arms and legs flailing. A huge fireball from the detonation chased after her. As she neared her objective — a strategically placed crash mat — Sara tucked tight, preparing to absorb the blow from the landing. At the speed she was travelling, the mat could still be as hard as cement.

Her shoulder connected with the foam, but she maintained her natural momentum by rolling. Then that sixth sense that had served her so well in the past kicked in. Something was different from the earlier rehearsals.

Flattening instead of continuing with her controlled tumble, Sara raised her hand in anticipation of the blow. A tingle danced along her fingertips a second before sizzling heat skimmed along her body. A large piece of fiery debris sailed past her. With a dull thud, part of the scaffolding from around the excavation landed only a few feet away. It was a section that shouldn’t have come off the set.

The trio of pullers who had been busy helping her fly through the air thanks to the harness at her waist now quickly rushed forward with fire extinguishers to keep the crash mat from igniting.

Sara rose and stretched to work a kink out of her back. Reaching behind her, she undid the shackle which attached the cable to the harness beneath her shirt. Seeing that her co-workers had things under control, she hurried toward the trailer reserved for the stunt crew’s use. The RV was set quite a ways back from the temple built in the Puerto Rican jungle by the film crew.

She had one more scene to shoot today. She needed to mentally prepare and eventually change into the duplicate wardrobe that matched what the heroine of the movie would later be wearing. Plus — although she would deny it if anyone asked — she was a little shaken about how close she had come to being pancaked by the flaming piece of the set.

“That was awesome, Sara. Way cool,” said the new assistant, a young man who was more boy than man and hoped to break into the business.

Sara forced a smile while they walked along and the assistant continued to carry on about her luck during her recent exploit. Her past luck during such feats had made her famous throughout the industry. No stunt was too hard or too dangerous for Sara Mendoza. The amazing part was that after nearly four years in the business, she was still in one piece, uninjured except for the occasional minor bump, bruise or road rash.

She snapped her hand up to silence the overeager assistant. “Gracias, Billy. Let’s just concentrate on the next one.” She hated the talk. Not that she was superstitious, but acknowledging her luck was almost like tempting the gods to remind her that she was human. Humans broke and bled and worse.

Right now soreness was gradually awakening in the shoulder that had absorbed the brunt of the landing’s force. She opened the door to the trailer, but stopped the young assistant as he went to enter. “Do you think you can scrounge up an ice pack for my shoulder?”

“Do you need to see the doc? Is it bad?” he asked, almost too eagerly.

“An ice pack will do. Thanks.”

He scurried away, and Sara took a deep breath and entered the trailer.

Once inside, she walked to the small refrigerator, grabbed a can of Pepsi, and slugged down a good portion of the soda. Bracing her shaky hands along the counter in the kitchenette, she thought about the fact that she had just survived a close call. Not her first, but nevertheless scary.

Weakness slowly crept into her limbs along with a chill. A byproduct of the adrenaline rush from doing the stunt, she told herself, and finished off her drink. Combined with a little rest and some meditation to center herself, she would be ready for the next stunt later that afternoon.

A knock came at the door. Billy with the ice pack, she remembered, walked to the door and opened it.

His face was in shadow as he stood in the entryway, but Sara would have known it was Matt even if it was pitch black.

“Heard you had a slight problem,” Matt said.

Great, Sara thought. The shittiness of her day was now complete.

“I’m fine,” she said with a shrug, then grimaced at the twinge of pain and rubbed her shoulder.

Matt was at her side instantly, easing away the collar of her shirt to expose the reddened spot at the top of her shoulder. Gently he ran his hand over the area and said, “I’ve already seen the crash mat and heard what the crew had to say. That’s not my idea of fine.”

She jerked back from his touch, flinching at the slight pain it created in her shoulder. “It’s nothing to worry about, ‘Mom’.”

“I checked and double-checked everything. That piece of the set shouldn’t have — ”

“Come off? We both know the unexpected can happen during a stunt. So just leave it alone already,” she nearly shouted, tired of Matt’s overprotective smothering. No one would intentionally rig the set to cause harm. Everyone on the crew was almost like family. None had a grudge to settle. At least, not that she knew, but in a cut throat business like Hollywood, anything was possible.

Matt clearly thought the accident might have been something else, but then again, Matt had been in paranoid mode since an accident on the set nearly two years earlier had badly injured him. He had been lucky to survive, but their relationship hadn’t. The stress and fear that remained with him after the incident had made it impossible for them to stay together.

Sara sensed that Matt was just itching to dredge up their battle about her stunt work. But he just stood there as she removed her shirt, followed by her black jeans to expose the flying harness. The main part of the harness encircled her waist snugly, while two straps slipped down and around the uppermost portion of her thighs. They were there to keep the harness from being jerked out of place during the stunt.

She tried to ignore Matt, who seemed disinclined to leave, but it was difficult. Too much history joined them. A funny thing really. Matt had been the one to introduce her to the business. He had taught her much of what she knew. Had become her first lover.

Her hands fumbled with the webbing of one buckle and suddenly he was there, brushing her hands aside.

He loomed over her, close to a foot taller than her own 5’4″ height. Broad-shouldered and still well-muscled despite the fact that he was now normally a stunt coordinator rather than an active participant.

She wouldn’t look at him while he undid the safety binding as easily as he had once undressed her. Caressed her.

She refused to notice the slight tremble in his hands when he accidentally brushed her skin with the back of his hand as he undid the second buckle and main lacings of the equipment.

The harness slipped off and Matt grasped it. She rushed to the opposite side of the trailer and grabbed her robe off a hook. Belting it securely, she turned and watched Matt check the equipment carefully, making sure that it was still in usable condition.

“It worked just fine,” she said, wishing he would leave so she could get a little respite from his presence and prepare herself mentally for the next stunt.

“It’s great that the harness worked fine. What about the friggin’ piece of lumber that nearly flattened you? Was that fine as well?”

“I’m in once piece, Matt. That’s all that matters.” Despite saying that, she was a little spooked. Matt was right about one thing — he ran a tight ship where accidents rarely happened. She would have to keep a close eye on the preparations for the other stunts which remained to make sure no one was up to no good.

Meeting Matt’s gaze, she faked unconcerned and said, “There’s nothing to worry about.”

Matt nodded and seemed about to say something, but an angry buzz from her phone as it rested on the table prevented it.

She grabbed the cell phone and even though she wasn’t familiar with the number showing up on the caller id, answered in order to avoid continuing the fight with Matt. “Sara Mendoza.”

“Ms. Mendoza? This is Detective Alvarez from the Huntington Beach PD. There’s been an incident at your home.”

Tuesday Tips – Easter Egg Hunts

bunnyAs kids, my mom always held Easter Egg hunts for us. She would fill plastic Easter Eggs with candy, little toys and loose change, hide the eggs all over our yard in Levittown and then set us loose to find them. Sometimes we didn’t and months later, as we were weeding or planting a garden bed, we’d find one of those brightly colored eggs.

My sister and I have kept up this tradition with our kids and even though they are into their teens and early twenties, they still line up to find the eggs hidden in the yard. Of course, at this age the prizes include a bit more money than candy and toys, but it’s still a lot of fun to head out into the yard to hide the eggs and then watch the kids try to find them. Much like it happened when we were kids, months later my sister will find an Easter Egg that someone didn’t track down. We’ve even included the neighborhood kids on some years, some of whom had never done an Easter Egg hunt in their lives!

So if you want to try this tradition out, purchase the plastic easter eggs. They come in all different kinds of sizes and we usually mix up everything from the very small robin’s egg size to the larger nearly ostrich egg size. Candy and change are always good. Sometimes we make one the Super Egg and put in $5. Small toys are good, but make sure they are appropriate for the age of your kids.

Good sources for the candy, eggs and toys: Five Below, Target, Walmart and Oriental Trading (which is online). Actually, if you’re doing anything themed or need funky small gifts, Oriental Trading is a great place to find stuff. We use them all the time for our annual block party so that we have reasonably priced prizes for the assorted contests we have.

So, this Easter, take a moment to explore your inner bunny! Fill up those eggs, hide them out in the yard and watch your kids have a blast trying to find them!

Fun Friday – Fun Happenings!

logo-villanova-universityWe have three fun things for this Friday!

The first comes from my pal Gretchen who is trying to help out a friend replace a lost bass. If you like dangly earrings, check out this blog post by clicking here or using this link:

Second – root with me on Saturday night for my alma mater as the Villanova Wildcats battle UNC in the Final Four round in Detroit. GO NOVA!! GO CATS!!

Third – but not the least – join me and some friends on a brand new loop for some fun and prizes. Here are the details for you:

9 Dangerous Women Writing!
3 days of fun and prizes!
It’s a launch party with tons of prizes and great fun!

Starting at 3pm central time Friday April 3rd with scheduled fun all the way through Sunday the 6th!!

To join us send a blank email to [email protected]


The Authors are…

Nina Bruhns, Anna DeStefano, Donna Grant,
Rita Herron, Caridad Pineiro, Lisa Marie Rice,
Debra Webb, Lori Wilde, Lisa Renee Jones/Faith Winter

Available Now!
Dangerous Women Writing!

Lastly, I’ll be picking winners for all the blog contests this weekend, so look for the announcement on Monday!