I’m so excited to share with you the video premiere for THE PRINCE’S GAMBLE! As you may know, I’m going to be donating my share of the proceeds from sales of THE PRINCE’S GAMBLE from now until March 1, 2013 to the Hurricane Sandy New Jersey Relief Fund.

THE PRINCE’S GAMBLE is now available for sale at Amazon or at B&N.

So please help spread the word by posting this where you can:

Best-selling author Caridad Pineiro is helping to rebuild the shore by donating proceeds of her latest romantic suspense release, THE PRINCE’S GAMBLE, from now until March 1, 2013. Caridad’s share of the proceeds from the sales of the book will be donated to the Hurricane Sandy New Jersey Relief fund. THE PRINCE’S GAMBLE is available for download at Amazon via this link: or at B&N via this link:

Please help spread the word by tweeting this to your friends:

THE PRINCE’S GAMBLE Proceeds to Benefit Hurricane #Sandy #NJ #kindle PLZ RT

THE PRINCE’S GAMBLE Proceeds to Benefit Hurricane #Sandy #NJ #nook PLZ RT

Thank you so much for your support!

If you can’t see the video below, you can click here to watch.