Monday Morning. Dreams. Goals.

Monday morning. Goals. Dreams. Did your eyes roll or did your mind start thinking about what you wanted to do this week? I’d love to hear what plans you have. As for me, with the weather getting warmer I’ve started planting some things and prepping pots for later. I’ve got a few romance novels to write as well as a recipe book that I want to share with you since so many of you love my recipes and SOUTH BEACH LOVE is just packed with DELICIOUS food! Speaking of recipes, you can check out my Cook’s Treat section for all the recipes I’ve shared over the years.
caridad dream

#ThrowbackThursday – South Beach Love

We used to love going down to South Beach to get away from winter for a week. It was so much fun to go to the beach, hang out by the pool at the Park Central, and stroll along Ocean Drive. We’d also walk over to Lincoln Road to check out the shops and restaurants as well as take various trips to Little Havana to get our fill of Cuban food. Good times. That’s one of the reasons that I set my book for Hallmark, SOUTH BEACH LOVE, in the South Beach area. I’m so excited about this book! It’s got lots of great food scenes that are bound to make you hungry and a fun twist as two chefs who are starting to fall in love find themselves forced into a competition to decide who is the better chef. You can find out more about SOUTH BEACH LOVE at

#TransformationTuesday – A Gardener of Plants and Words

It occurred to me as I was walking through Bryant Park this morning that gardens are always transforming. From seedlings kept safe and warm inside until it’s time to plant, to spring bulbs flowering, to now when the gardens are in full bloom, gardens transform every day. It’s the same with my vegetable plants. I eagerly plant them in early spring and hope a late frost won’t hurt them. I watch as they grow and anticipate those first little flowers that say vegetables will soon be on the way. I trim the herbs for delicious pesto and chimichurri or to add to my other dishes (and by the way I am so cooking up some interesting recipes for you that you’ll find in June 2020’s Hallmark Release, SOUTH BEACH LOVE).

Something else also came to me this morning: Writers are like gardeners in that they create a garden with words. We start with the seed of an idea and plant the words on the page. Little by little, we sow more words or we trim until suddenly that sparse garden blooms into a book! LOL!

Just some thoughts about transformation on this Tuesday! Have an awesome day.
Transformation Tuesday a gardener of plants and words