Thursday Thirteen – Halloween Happenings

I’m taking a moment to breathe from all the STRONGER THAN SIN release party fun and contests to share with you my 13 favorite things about Halloween!

1. Heath Bars

2. Special Halloween Kit Kats (they’re white chocolate on the outside with chocolate on the inside).

3. Seeing little kids in their Halloween costumes.

4. Seeing parents and older kids in their Halloween costumes.

5. LOL! Dressing up myself. When my daughter was in elementary school they would have a Halloween Hop and all the parents went in costume. Here’s one of me, my sis and my future hubby at one Halloween party.

6. Taking a hayride and going out into the pumpkin field to pick a pumpkin.

7. The smell of leaves in the air.

8. The bit of a nip which lets you know fall is finally here.

9. Decorating the house for Halloween and checking out the decorations on the other homes.

10. Watching scary movies late at night.

11. Having Halloween fall on the weekend so I can see all the kids that are coming by.

12. Caramel apples.

13. Reading spooky books.

Hope you enjoyed today’s Thursday Thirteen. I welcome you to add any of your favorite things about Halloween in the comments section.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others’ comments. It’s easy, and fun!

View More Thursday Thirteen Participants

Wicked Wednesday – Wicked Dangerous Women!

Today is a slightly different Wicked Wednesday since I’m going to be offering you up some news and excerpts from my wonderful friends at!

So first up in no particular order is:

Lisa Renee Jones‘ contribution – AMBER FIRE – to the SEXY BEAST 9 anthology hit shelves in September! Here’s a sexy little teaser from that novella:

Determined to defend her late father’s work, Amber Green heads into the heat of the Nevada canyons to prove the existence of the Yaguara, a shape-shifting race of jaguars. There she meets the one man more hell-bent on protecting the jaguars than she is: Jareth, a force of raw male nature to be reckoned with—an animal worth pursuing…

Jennifer Haymore
‘s SEASON OF SEDUCTION is on the shelves now! Congrats on 4.5 stars from RT BookClub. If you can’t see the excerpt below, you can click here to read more.

Want to be a little naughty for the holiday season? Then check out Cynthia Eden’s contribution – All I want for Christmas – in THE NAUGHTY LIST. Here’s a little teaser for you!

Good girl toy inventor Christie takes a walk on the naughty side when she sparks a no-strings fling with Santa—actually, sexy cop Jonas in a Santa suit. She loves her new “bad girl” persona, except as the holidays approach, she starts falling, and hard, for this known’ “love ’em and leave ’em” ladies man…

Last, but never least, a big WOO HOO to Donna Grant who received an RT BookClub Top Pick! and 4.5 stars for her November release, WICKED HIGHLANDER! Donna did a wicked trailer for it that you can watch here. If you can’t see the video below, you can click here to see it.

As for what’s up with me, you might wonder? Well, the countdown is on to STRONGER THAN SIN and I’m happy to say that RT BookClub gave it 4 stars and had this to say about it:

This second book in the SINS series follows SINS OF THE FLESH with an equally compelling and scintillating tale of mad scientists, devoted doctors and wounded warriors. There isn’t a thing missing in this imaginative and fast-paced love story.

Here’s a big THANK YOU 🙂 to RT for taking the time to review STRONGER THAN SIN!

I hope you loved learning a little bit more today about my fellow Dangerous Women! We have a great website for readers at as well as a fabulous loop where we share all kinds of tidbits, contests and other goodies. Dare to be dangerous? Well come join us by clicking on the banner below.

Wicked Wednesday – STRONGER THAN SIN

STRONGER THAN SIN by Caridad PineiroToday is a busy day! The release of STRONGER THAN SIN is just a little over a month away, so I have a slightly wicked excerpt from STRONGER for you today. For Mature Audiences only.

But for those of you who are aspiring writers, you can also drop by for some tips from me about writing dialogue at the Backspace Writers Blog. Just click here for Part 1 of the Dialogue discussion. Part 2 will be out on Friday.

For those of you who may be new here, STRONGER THAN SIN is the second book in the SIN HUNTER series. Two more will be out in August 2011 and Spring 2012. Books 3 (THE LOST) and 4 (THE CLAIMED) introduce an exciting new race of people capable of all kinds of extraordinary powers who descend on the Jersey Shore for an epic battle.

But back to STRONGER THAN SIN which features Jesse Bradford, an ex-football player who can no longer play due to a degenerative bone disease. The heroine, Dr. Liliana Carrera, was a fan favorite from SINS OF THE FLESH. I loved the way this story came out! There is something about the power of love and the redemption of Jesse in this story that made it wonderful for me and I hope you’ll like it also.

For now, here’s a little excerpt for you and again, Mature Audiences only. This scene occurs later in the book when Jesse and Liliana are finally acknowledging the feelings they have for one another.

If you cannot see the excerpt below, you can click here for the excerpt or cut and paste this link into your browser:

Stronger Than Sin Excerpt

Fun Friday – Fashion Night Out

It’s not often I get to play tourist in New York City, but tonight is one of those nights! Tonight is Fashion’s Night Out in NYC and I’m hoping we’ll be able to take in some of the sights since we also scored some discount tickets to THE ADDAMS FAMILY. (If you’re in the city on Sunday, you can catch the cast performing “Just Around The Corner” @ 11:30AM @ Broadway on Broadway In Times Square!)

It’s a treat since we’ve all been hard at work and need a little break. I also find these little mini-vacations quite creatively stimulating so I’m hoping they’ll help with the various revisions I’m doing as well as the assorted last minute details for the upcoming release of STRONGER THAN SIN.

If you’re in the area it’s not too late to do Fashion’s Night Out. Events start at 6 pm. and you can map out an itinerary by clicking here.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Wicked Wednesday Caddy Girls by V.K. Sykes

There’s a body switch going on today since I have with me fellow author V.K. Sykes while I’ll be over later at the Writerspace blog. Please drop by for a visit to find out why I wanted to hate Jesse Bradford, the hero of my upcoming November 2010 paranormal romance release STRONGER THAN SIN.

But for now…..drum roll please….

Please welcome V.K. Sykes. V.K. Sykes is actually the pseudonym for a wife/husband team that writes sexy contemporary romance for Carina Press. Vanessa and Randy can be found on the web at: Vanessa also writes Regency-set historical romance under her own name, Vanessa Kelly. You can visit her on the web at:

CADDYGIRLS is their new release from Carina Press.

Here’s a little teaser for you!

Torrey Green once had a promising golf career, but now she’s stuck caddying for butt-pinching businessmen. She doesn’t mind playing dumb while hauling clubs if it means she can get her golf career back on track, and she’s going to need an influx of cash to focus on the pro circuit. A booking from video game mogul Julian Grant could be Torrey’s cash-flow solution.

In Las Vegas for a business deal, Julian’s partners plan for a little action on the greens. They’re looking for some fun with their rent-a-caddy girls, and have a lot riding on who can score, on the course and off. This type of gamble isn’t Julian’s style, but he’ll do whatever it takes to keep his partners happy – even if that includes breaking a few hearts along the way.

Julian soon discovers that Torrey is more than just a caddy girl and they spark an intriguing attraction – but if Torrey discovers the truth behind his idiotic wager, all bets are off…

Excerpt from CADDY GIRLS by V.K. Sykes

On their first date together, Julian takes Torrey to a black light, mini-putt golf course…

Julian had never been to Pirate’s Cove, but he’d walked and driven past it dozens of times. Cheesy was the first word that had sprung to mind whenever he’d noticed the popular Strip attraction. The entrance to the course was a pirate ship’s prow that looked like it had been molded from a dingy chunk of Styrofoam. Precariously balanced on the edge of the prow stood a twenty-foot statue of Pirate Pete, saber pointing defiantly skyward. Too bad the tip of Pete’s nose had broken off, spoiling the ferocious effect.

Pirate’s Cove actually had two mini-golf courses—one regular and one black light.

“Which one should we try?” he asked, leaving the decision up to her.

She didn’t hesitate. “The black light sounds like more fun.”

Julian paid, grabbed the putters and balls and led her through into the black light course. A flood of lurid colors washed over them—bizarre shades of blue, purple, pink, red and green. Even the putters and balls glowed in the dark. Garish, pirate-themed props—some hanging in mid-air—popped out of the darkness.

He turned to Torrey, intending to rip on the tackiness of it all, but the sarcastic remark died on his lips. Her black dress had essentially vanished under the black light, leaving her white underwear clearly visible, almost as if she were in an x-ray machine. She took the putter from his hand, obviously unaware of the rather spectacular display of her lush body.

His throat felt suddenly dry and prickly. One minute she’d been in a severe black dress—the next, her feminine undergarments and what they covered were in full, glorious view. Actually, her lacy bra and panties seemed quite demure, not like the scraps of fabric some of his dates had sported. Still, the glowing white shapes of her full breasts and deliciously curvy ass were the sexiest things he’d seen in a long time. He was getting an embarrassing hard-on in the middle of a family amusement center.

“Torrey?” He handed her a radioactive-looking ball as he dragged his eyes level with her face.

“This is going to be fun, Julian. You want me to go first?”

“I was thinking that maybe this isn’t such a great idea after all. I’m afraid everybody can see your underwear in this crazy light.”

She cast her gaze down and let out a tiny gasp. “Oh, my God, you’re right.” She looked up at him, her eyes even bigger than usual. “But why can’t I see yours?” She glanced across the room and pointed at a woman a couple of holes ahead. “I can see that woman’s panties, too!”

“It looks like the light picks up white things under dark outerwear,” Julian said, mentally kicking himself for his lame idea. The last thing he wanted was to embarrass her. “Why don’t we try the regular course instead? Or we could just leave, if you want.”

She grinned, her teeth glowing an unnatural shade of white. “No, let’s stay here. I can handle it, Julian,” she said with a little laugh. “I’ve worn bikinis that reveal a lot more.”

He smiled back. I’d like to see those.

“Okay,” he replied. “Just don’t be surprised if I can’t keep my eyes on the game.”

“Oh, you’re too much of a gentleman for such sexist behavior.”

“Tell that to my hormones.”

She tilted her head and feigned exasperation. “Are we going to play some golf or stand around here jawing all night?”

He laughed, so turned on by her easy self-confidence that he wanted nothing more than to haul her back to his hotel room and make love to her for the rest of the night.

Later, he promised himself.


If you’d like to buy CADDY GIRLS, you can follow one of these links to your preferred bookseller:

Buy from Carina Press
Buy from Amazon
Buy From MobiPocket
Buy from B&N

Windmill Hot Dogs Down the Shore Flavors

This Fun Friday I am getting ready to head down the Shore for more research and to film some videos for an upcoming Behind the Scenes look at STRONGER THAN SIN. But while I am doing all that, I will also take a break to savor one of the Jersey Shore’s special treats: Windmill hot dogs and cheese fries.

Yes, I know my cholesterol level just went up several points just thinking about them, but moderation is the key. I don’t go there every day although I wish I could.

If you are ever down the shore, stop by one of their many locations and try out one of their hot dogs loaded with your choice of condiments and their tasty cheese fries. My daughter and I share an order because between them and the over-sized dogs, it’s quite a lot of food. My favorite dog is the cheese dog!

I hope you all have a great weekend! I’ll be back on Monday and starting next Thursday you’re going to be seeing something new – a Thursday Thirteen meme. Should be fun thinking up of 13 things you should know about every Thursday!

Creativity and Chaos and Rubber Duckies

Many years ago I shared a meal with a friend at a legal conference and we got on a discussion of my writing as well as my firmly held belief that as a creative type I was allowed a little slack in the organization area. Mind you, clutter was something with which I grew up since my mother loved her little things.

In retrospect, that aspect of our lives was probably shaped by our departure from Cuba and leaving so many loved things behind. The two things I was able to bring with me were my gold Caridad del Cobre medal (my patron saint) and my little doll Pepito. He sits on the top edge of the sofa in my office in a place of honor.

But back to the clutter which invariably can lead to chaos and disorganization. In my mind I was entitled to some slack in the organization department because of my creative bent (and also a decided lack of time due to multiple jobs).

My friend looked at me and said, “Do you ever lose time trying to find something you need?”

The answer was an immediate “Yes” which was followed by, “And that was time that you could have spent being creative, right?”

At which point I was feeling rather embarrassed because she was totally right. If I spent half-an-hour searching for paper or something else that I needed, it was half-an-hour that I could have spent writing or relaxing.

Armed with that new insight, I took steps at home to clean up the clutter and get better organized. Not only did it make cleaning the house easier, but things looked neater and less oppressive. The one place I have yet to totally re-do is my home office.

There my doll Pepito sits, eyeballing the clutter, but I have started getting rid of the mess. And once a month, whether I like it or not, I get things organized. Now my goal is to just make it organized right away so that the once a month toss is not necessary. Get my ducks in a row which is in part why I chose that picture for today’s blog.

The other reason is that next week I’ll be at the RWA National Conference so you may see me be a little absent from the blog, although I am hoping to provide you with updates on what’s happening at the conference and some fun photos and videos!

If you happen to be going or if you’ll be in the Orlando area, please drop by the Literacy Signing which is taking place on Wednesday, July 28, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Walt Disney World® Dolphin Resort, Pacific Exhibit Hall. This signing is open to the public.

If you’re attending the conference, also look for me at the Grand Central Publishing signing on Saturday, July 31, from 3:00-4:30 p.m. at the Walt Disney World® Dolphin Resort, Southern Hemisphere, Salon 1. We’ll have copies of books for you as well as some special bookmarks and fun Jesse Bradford football duckies (hence the ducks also) in honor of the hero in STRONGER THAN SIN!

Jesse Bradford Football Rubber Duckie
(I swear the rubber duckie is bigger than this!)