4.5 Stars for KISSED BY A VAMPIRE! Time to celebrate!

Kissed by a Vampire in South Beach Nocturne CravingWOW! I got home to find my copy of the November RT BOOK REVIEWS sitting on the kitchen table and opened it up to read their review for KISSED BY A VAMPIRE. I’m sharing a little snippet of it with you today.

KISSED BY A VAMPIRE (4 1/2 stars) by Caridad Pineiro:

“It’s quite interesting how Pineiro manages to separate Stacia’s vampire nature from her kinder human instincts in this compelling read with sexy characters and an exciting storyline.”

Woo hoo! I am so glad that they loved Alex and Stacia’s story because Stacia is one of my all time favorite characters.

So I guess it’s time for a little celebration and a lot of Friday Fun! I’m going to get you in the mood for some of that South Beach sizzle from KISSED BY A VAMPIRE with an oldie, but goodie.

Crank up the volume and get on your feet (another great song by the way!) for Gloria Estefan and the Miami Sound Machine!

If you can’t see the video below, you can click here.

Sizzlin’ Stacia in South Beach

After so long, I’m very happy to chat with you about the next book in THE CALLING/REBORN vampire series. KISSED BY A VAMPIRE will be available on October 16 from Harlequin Nocturne.

The heroine in the novel is Stacia, a nearly two thousand year old vampiress who has seen her share of pain and death. She herself experienced it in the days before her wedding when she is turned by her husband-to-be and after, when he enslaves her as she struggles to deal with her new undead life.

Stacia always presented a wealth of contradictions for me. When she first appeared in DEATH CALLS (a 2006 CATAROMANCE Reviewers Choice Winner), you knew she was brash and almost promiscuous as she chased after both Ryder and Diana with equal fervor.

I knew that her sexual pursuit hid a much greater need: To be loved.

That became very apparent in DESIRE CALLS where Stacia and Blake explore their attraction. You can read that story for free by clicking here.

Ever since then, I’ve been trying to find a way to give Stacia her happily-ever-after. There was something about her deep loneliness and the outrageous behavior that she uses to hide it that really called to me. I hope you’ll enjoy her story, KISSED BY A VAMPIRE, when it’s released on October 16.

I also hope you’ll enjoy a slightly different location for KISSED BY A VAMPIRE since I’m moving Stacia’s story to South Beach. It was time for a bit of change from the other Manhattan locales for THE CALLING/REBORN novels.

South Beach was the perfect location for Stacia to meet the man who would challenge her: Sexy DEA Agent Alex Garcia. You might also remember Alex from DEATH CALLS. Alex is Diana’s ex-lover and the events from their brief reunion in New York have had a lasting effect on Alex. KISSED BY A VAMPIRE is as much Alex’s story as it is Stacia’s and I hope you will love this honorable and caring man as much as I do.

I also had another reason for setting the story in South Beach — I’ve been there a few times and wanted to share with you the feel of the sizzling South Beach strip. To get you in the mood, here are some photos of the area where Stacia and Alex will meet and face danger as they fall in love.

I’ll be sharing more Behind the Scenes photos and history with you as we approach the release of KISSED BY A VAMPIRE!

Tuesday Wrap-up!

Today is one of those days where I just need to take a breath and catch up on all that’s been going on!

For starters, I’m hard at work on THE PRINCE’S GAMBLE, a romantic suspense novel for Entangled Publishing‘s DEAD SEXY line. If you liked MORE THAN A MISSION or SECRET AGENT REUNION, I think you will really enjoy this story about a Russian prince who owns a casino in Atlantic City and has to deal with the prickly FBI Agent sent to help him ferret out a money laundering scheme and find one of his missing employees.

THE PRINCE’S GAMBLE will be out in July 2013.

Also got the good news on the release dates for THE CALLING Vampire Novels that are being REBORN in 2013 with Entangled Publishing. Look for Diana and Ryder to return in a series of stories beginning in February 2013! The first story, BORN TO SERVE, explores where Diana and Ryder are after nearly four years in their complex relationship. BORN TO SERVE will also set the tone for the novels to come as Diana and Ryder deal with Diana’s declining health and the possibility that death may call for her soon.

The second novel, BORN TO LOVE, will be out in May 2013 and will feature Diana’s ex-partner, David Harris, and Diana’s best friend, Maggie Gonzalez. I know so many of you have been asking about David and Maggie and you will finally get to see their story wrapped up in the longer story arc of what’s happening with Diana and Ryder.

The third story, BORN TO DIE, will feature Michaela and Jesus (Jay) from HONOR CALLS. I absolutely loved the combination of the very kick-ass, break-the-rules Michaela finally meeting her match with the very by-the-book FBI Director.

SO EXCITED GUYS! THE CALLING/THE REBORN Vampire novels are a series of my heart and I am sooo sooo happy to be able to continue this series.

Anyway, that’s about it for now. Just wanted to keep you posted on what’s in the works that’s new. For those of you who’ve gotten the newsletter, you know we’ve got another party coming up in March to celebrate a bunch of things. One of the grand prizes will be this memory box I made. It’s made with some shells and other items I found along the shore along with beads and other items.

The photos inside and out were ones I snapped off doing research for the SIN HUNTER series. The memory box took quite a few days to make and I hope you’ll like it as a giveaway. I’ve also donated one along with other goodies for the Brenda Novak auction.

Manicotti recipe plus a new look for the REBORN series!

The REBORN Vampire Novels

Working on a new look for THE CALLING vampire novels as you can hopefully see above. As I’ve mentioned, I’ve gone to contract with Entangled Publishing to relaunch the series as THE REBORN vampire novels starting in early 2013. I’m already hard at work on the first Diana and Ryder book and having a blast with this series of my heart.

Look for updates at THE CALLING/BE REBORN site over the next few months. Also look for some free reads as we catch up with Diana and Ryder as well as the rest of the Scooby Gang as we approach the release of the last two books in THE CALLING and the launch of the new REBORN series!

The overhaul of the site as well as work have been keeping me busy, but this weekend I somehow found time to make an old favorite – manicotti! I just love those delicate little pasta crepes filled with ricotta and baked to delicious goodness.

They are relatively easy. The clue is to have a nicely seasoned 6″ cast iron skillet, a small ladle, spatula and just the right mix for the crepes. You don’t want them to be too thick or pancakey so getting them right is the key. If the batter seems too thick, thin with more water. So here goes!


Manicotti Crepes:

1/4 cup olive oil
3/4 cup water
1 cup milk
1 1/2 cups flour
2 eggs

Beat the eggs in a bowl, add the remaining ingredients and mix until smooth. The mix should be like a runny pancake batter.

Oil the cast iron skillet with just a little oil smeared around the skillet with a paper towel. Non-stick works well, but to keep the crepes a uniform size, make sure there is an edge to the pan. In other words, not an omelet pan so much.

Heat the skillet until a drop of water dances on the surface. Then kick it down a notch and ladle in the batter. Give the skillet a twirl until the bottom is coated with the batter. It should be about 1/4 inch thick and not much more. I use two small ladle-fulls of batter, but make sure you use the same amount of batter for each crepe to keep them uniform.

Lay the cooked crepes on a paper plate. It’s okay to stack them up until you are done. The oil in the batter keeps them from sticking to the skillet and to each other.

You will get about 12 crepes from the above mix.

Ricotta Filling for the Manicotti

2 eggs
2 pounds Ricotta (Drain it for a few hours to get rid of the excess liquid)
1 pound shredded mozzarella cheese
Chopped fresh parsley if you have it, if not a little dried (but it’s not an essential)
1/4 to 1/2 cup grated Parmesan

Beat the eggs and then add everything else (but leave a handful or two of mozzarella for a topping). Mix it all up and put about 1.5 to 2 tablespoons of the cheese mixture toward one end of the crepe. Roll the crepe to cover the cheese mixture. Lay the crepe with the rolled edge down on a greased pan with a little bit of red sauce.

Roll all the crepes and lay them side by side. A 9×13 pan should allow for all twelve crepes to go there side by side. Cover with a little red sauce and top with mozzarella. Bake at 350 for about 35-40 minutes and then serve!

For a change of pace, cook up some spinach, squeeze out the extra liquid, chop and mix it into the cheese mixture. It’s quite tasty that way also.

This is a good recipe if you need a Thanksgiving side dish for those who don’t like turkey. Me, I love all the traditional Thanksgiving foods and can’t wait to be with family for the holiday!

‘Tis the Season for Vampires!

THE CALLING Vampire Novels‘Tis the season for vampires, but not in the way that you think!

For me, the start of the fall season always gets me into vampire mode and today I’m going to try to share 13 reasons why, although I may digress with some news…

1. It’s dark when I head to the office.
2. It’s dark when I leave the office.
3. There’s a chill in the air, kind of like the temperature of a vampire’s undead skin.
4. Graveyard dampness in the mornings.
5. Fog. Today in particular, big, fat patches of it hugging the ground. Swallowing you up.
6. The leaves are getting wet and stuff is growing, giving the air that faint hint of death and decay.
7. Halloween. What better time for a vamp to go out and party?
8. Harvest moons. I don’t know about you, but whenever I see one of these, I get a chill up and down my spine.

9. The skitter and rustle of animals in the brush. Maybe it’s just a squirrel getting ready for the winter, but heck, I’m such a scaredy cat.

10. This is where I may digress. I’m writing the next Diana and Ryder book.

11. Yes, you read that right. Diana and Ryder from THE CALLING vampire novels will be back in late 2012 because…

12. I’ve signed a contract with Entangled Publishing to relaunch the series with my original vision for THE CALLING vampire novels! Woo Hoo!

13. The revamped series (BIG pun intended) will be called the REBORN series and Diana and Ryder’s first book is BORN TO SERVE.

I’m soooo excited! You may be wondering, why Entangled Publishing? Well, I’ve been hearing lots of good things about them and the books will be released in both print and e-book at the same time. I know many of you love your print books, much like I do, so I wanted to be able to go with a publisher who would do that for you!

I want to thank you all for the many years of supporting THE CALLING vampire novel series and for asking about Diana and Ryder. They are characters of my heart and I am so happy to be writing about them again. It’s wonderful to explore where their relationship is now and where it’s going to go bit by bit as they face a number of momentous life choices. I don’t want to say too much now and spoil it though!

For those who haven’t read THE CALLING vampire novels, there’s a great e-book collection with the first 6 books and the DESIRE CALLS novella. At just over $10, it’s a steal.

Thank you all for stopping by to share this Thursday 13 with me and the joy in my heart over Diana and Ryder. To visit more Thursday 13 participants, you can click here!

Casting Call!

A funny thing happened on the way to my reboot of THE CALLING series.

To be sure that I had everything just right for you, I spent big chunks of the last week re-reading DARKNESS CALLS, DEATH CALLS and some of the later books in the series. Still have to go back and read the one that is tentatively titled VENGEANCE CALLS to make sure I’ve got the timeline right for you.

So what was the funny thing? Oh man, how I have missed this world and all these old friends. It only served to whet my appetite for starting the next Diana and Ryder book!!

Speaking of Ryder, today’s Guilty Pleasure Monday is a casting call. Ryder is dark, delicious and deadly and the picture above is how I had imagined him, but I’m wondering who I would cast if I were going to do a movie.

To me Ryder is kind of a blend of Clive Owen, Pierce Brosnan and Eddie Cibrian. Maybe with a little Joe Manganiello thrown in.

How do you picture sexy Southern vampire Ryder Latimer? Who would you cast in the movie?

Tuesdays Off and THE CALLING Vampire Series

I may be taking Tuesdays off at the blog as I’m busy editing ROOKIE OF THE YEAR as well as developing the concept for BORN TO DIE which will be the next book in THE CALLING. I am so excited because this story will focus on Diana and Ryder and a momentous change that is about to happen in their lives. I plan to release BORN TO DIE in March 2012. Even more exciting, with BORN TO DIE I plan on relaunching THE CALLING series in a new direction. Think X-FILES meets BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER. Each story will revolve around Diana and Ryder and the many characters you’ve come to know and love from THE CALLING. Each story will be a new and unique paranormal suspense and I hope you’ll like this new direction in the series.

For today, I leave you with a reminder about THE LOST blog tour! Today’s stop is at YzhaBella’s BookShelf and you can leave a comment there for a chance to win a copy of the ROOKIE OF THE YEAR e-book.