The Writing Blizzard #WisdomWednesday

From that day in the fifth grade when my English teacher assigned our class project – to write a book – I knew I wanted to be a writer. I’d always been an avid reader, but until that day, it hadn’t occurred to me that the stories in my head could become a story that one day others would read.

I kept at it through high school, college, and law school. The child of immigrant parents and an immigrant myself, education was important, but so was a career that would pay the bills. My parents, especially my mom, didn’t think writing would do it and I am eternally grateful that I was an obedient child since my day job has provided me with many wonderful opportunities.

But so did the world of writing. New friends and new places to visit. Of course, that was balanced out by something I didn’t expect: the writing blizzard. The flurries of ideas that might not ever become anything more. The avalanche of rejection letters that gave way to an even greater avalanche of edits, marketing demands, business obligations, and more.

A lot of new writers I meet think that getting published is the hard part. I gently try to prepare them for the greater blizzard of work that comes after publication.

But if writing is your passion, you put your head down and weather the blizzard because something bright and wonderful emerges from the storm: a new story.

And then the blizzard begins all over again!

#WriteWed To Blog or Not to Blog?

Lately there has been a lot of discussion about blogs and whether people still read them or comment on them. In fact, lots of big online sites have eliminated the comments feature not because it incited sometimes unpleasant discussions, but because of a lack of discussion.

I wonder whether people still like reading blogs like mine, where I share some fun things, some serious, and of course, some book info. I love books. I love to write them and I love to read them.

I wonder if you’d like to see some different things, so here’s your chance. Let me know what you’d like to see on the blog!
To blog or not to blog

#TuesdayMotivation Inspiration & Fun at #RWA16

I had lots and lots of fun at the RWA Conference this year, but I was also inspired and motivated to get to work on both old and new projects and to try new things to improve my career. I always feel more energized after the conference and this year was no different, maybe possibly better. I managed to do my first keynote speech and a workshop on juggling careers and life. I spent time with dear friends and made new ones. All in all, a fabulous time.

So today, I’m sharing some photos from the conference and I hope you enjoy them!

Sourcebooks Book Signing Authors:

Sourcebooks Dinner:

You can see lots more photos at my Facebook Fan Page! My page is open for public viewing, so no problem with seeing the photos there.

#WriteWed Bryant Park & Jersey Girl Bridesmaids

I am so chugging along on Book 1 of the Jersey Girl Bridesmaids series! I am having a ton of fun with it and I hope you will also when the first book, tentatively titled Since We Were 18, is released in 2017.

The scene I’m writing right now is set at the Bryant Park Grill. I’ve eaten there several times and it’s a great restaurant with scenic views and good food.

Regular visitors to the blog know that Bryant Park is one of my favorite spots in New York City and I go there often, like every day! There is always something happening and I love seeing all the gardens in the park.

At one time, the park was known as “Needle Park” and it was filled with prostitutes and drug dealers. You risked your life walking through there even in the daytime, but no more. The park has been rejuvenated and now is a fabulous place for New Yorkers and tourists alike to visit and spend time.

Today’s Write Wednesday is some photos from Bryant Park since I’m busy writing this scene.

#WriteWed Inspiration for Under the Boardwalk #JerseyShore #NJ

I love the towns and beaches along the Jersey Shore in Monmouth and Ocean Counties. They each have their unique flavor and interesting facets. That’s why I’ve set so many books there in the past (like UNDER THE BOARDWALK) and why I’m setting the 2017 Jersey Girl Bridesmaids books there.

In UNDER THE BOARDWALK, which is part of the SUMMER HEAT box set, I’ve set the story in Asbury Park and Ocean Grove, two of my favorite towns. But there are lots of other fun places in New Jersey and today I am sharing with you my Pinterest board of interesting spots you may want to check out in my home state.

#ManCandyMonday Dylan McDermott

I’ve been chugging away nicely on the first book in the 2017 Jersey Girl Bridesmaid Series, tentatively titled SINCE WE WERE 18. I don’t normally pick an actor that I think would look like the hero, although I generally have a very good sense of the physical attributes of the hero (and heroine, of course). To be honest, I like to leave a lot to your imagination!

This time, I’m going to share a photo of someone who I think fits my general concept of the hero, sexy billionaire Jackson (Jax) Pierce

Today’s Man Candy choice is handsome Dylan McDermott. I first noticed Dylan in STEEL MAGNOLIAS and later in the first American Horror Story (which I could not keep on watching ’cause it creeped me out!)

The biggest difference between Dylan and my hero is that Jax has dark grey eyes shot through with shards of silver.

Dylan McDermott
By Red Carpet Report on Mingle Media TV from Culver City, USA [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons