Wisdom Wednesday: Don’t let fear hold you back. . .

There are lots of scary things in life. Fear of heights, death, spiders, blue sky . . . I’m kidding about the last although there may be some out there who don’t like blue skies overhead.

The important thing is not to let fear keep you from doing something. If you follow me you know that I am really afraid of heights, but I force myself onto planes and have even climbed some tall places (a Mexican temple and Notre Dame) in order to experience something unique.

When I write, I take a risk that’s not only a professional one, but personal as well. There is a little bit of me in every book and criticism is tough to take. Despite that, I do it because I love sharing things I love with you. If some don’t like it, so be it. The sharing is worth the risk and any possible criticism.

So for now, I’ll leave you with a quote from Aristotle that is in part about taking risks: