The Creative Process – #WriteWed

I always tell writers that there is no right way to write since the creative process is different for everyone. The only wrong thing to do is to not write! My process lately starts with handwriting ideas for the characters and the basic plot. Letting that sit for a day or so while I think about that initial idea before refining it.

I used to be a pantser, but can’t say I’m a plotter. I’m kind of a hybrid since I only lay out gross ideas for the plot and let the story move along as the characters demand. (Damn bossy characters!)

Right now I’m working on #4 At the Shore which will feature some new characters that I introduce in #3 At the Shore – Sea Kiss Salsa. In that story you get to meet Carlo’s brothers and I’m thinking that the next two books in the series will feature the younger sexy Gonzalez brothers, Tomás and Paolo. In #3 Army Ranger Tomás is home on leave to recuperate from an injury and I loved exploring what might be happening with one of the local business owners, Jesse, who you will also meet in #3.

I’m also busy with trying to get rights back to some earlier books as well as a proposal for some suspense/thriller stories. Wish me luck with both!