#TransformationTuesday – Sticking to the Plan

Another day and another weigh in, but a great one! I’m down 19.6 pounds and well on my way to meeting my goal of having lost 20 pounds by the end of June. WOO HOO! I’ve been doing it by:

  • Walking a lot. I averaged 21,000 steps per day which is about 8.5 miles per day!
  • Journaling my calorie intake every day.
  • Staying active overall with 133 active minutes per day.
  • Made sure to drink enough H20 to flush toxins from my body.
  • Did strength training at least twice a week. Muscle has a higher metabolic rate which helps burn calories even while you’re idle.
  • Did cardio at least twice a week (not counting the walking)!
  • Ate more fruits and veggies every day. At least 2 servings of fruit and 3 to 4 servings of veggies.
  • Ate less simple carbs like bread and pasta (very tough for me).

Besides the weight loss, my resting heart rate has gone down to 63 and my blood pressure has improved from being on the average side to the low average side. All good things for staying healthy!

FYI, if you’re wondering how I know some of the above stats it’s my awesome new Fitbit Inspire HR that hubby got me for Mother’s Day! I absolutely love it. If any of you ladies wants to be my Fitbit friend, join me at https://www.fitbit.com/user/3GZT48.

I’m sharing a picture I snapped last week so you can see the transformation. Not that drastic yet, but less love handles and pants are way looser. I’m moving down at least a size.
transformation tuesday weight loss

Just to be transparent, I do own a tiny amount of Fitbit stock because I really believe in this amazing product.