#ThrowbackThursday – A Jersey Shore Summer and Special Pricing on ONE SUMMER NIGHT

I so love the Jersey Shore! I love the pace of life there and being surrounded by nature. Yes, there is nature there. It’s not all like what you see on that show that shall not be named. This year we’re being treated to the return of some endangered bird and plant species: the plover, black skimmer, and beach amaranth. It’s exciting to see them coming back.

I love going on my little balcony to write and then taking a long stroll along the boardwalk. Oftentimes I’ll go to Ocean Grove, one of the towns that is the basis for Sea Kiss, the fictional town in my At the Shore series. I love the quaint Victorian homes and Main Avenue with all its shops. My daughter used to have a shop there and you’ll see cameos with her in the first two books in the series!

Speaking of the series, the first book, ONE SUMMER NIGHT, is now specially priced for 99 cents. If you’re in the mood for a good beach read, please check it out at https://books2read.com/onesummernight. ONE SUMMER NIGHT was a Publishers Weekly Top 10 Fall Romance and was also featured in the NY Times. That doesn’t happen very often to us romance writers. LOL!

This photo is of the beach at Ocean Grove. It was a slightly overcast day and the yellow flags were out, something we don’t like to see, but any day you can be at the beach is a good day.

Ocean Grove Beaches