#WisdomWednesday – Time to Refill the Well

There’s a Spanish saying that goes like this: Gota a gota la fuente se agota. Loosely translated it means “Drop by drop the well runs dry.”

I’ve hit dry and it’s time for me to take a moment and refill my well. That means some of the projects I planned on finishing these past few months will have to wait until the start of next year when I’ll have lots more time to work on them. It’s been hard for me to accept that, especially since so many of my friends tease me that I’m Wonder Woman, but I’ve got too many things going on and I don’t want to give anything short shrift.

That is a major decision for me, but one that had to be made for me to keep my sanity and also, to give you the best possible stories that I can bring to the table. So look for more vampire stories and #3 At the Shore in the beginning of next year after I’ve had a chance to re-focus and refill my creative well.

Original Image by David Mark from Pixabay