#ThrowbackThursday – Me and My Bassoon

I was always involved with music in elementary school. First, it was being in the chorus and then learning to play the recorder. One day the music teacher said that we were old enough to rent instruments so we could learn to play them and be a part of the band or orchestra. I wanted to play the clarinet, but when I got there all the clarinets had already been rented. I was so sad. The music teacher said, “How about the bassoon? It’s just like a clarinet.” So of course I said, “Yes.” My mom and I filled out the form and a few days later my bassoon was delivered to me. It was a woodwind like a clarinet, but that was about the only thing that was similar. For starters, it was about four times the length of a clarinet! And it sounded like a foghorn. But the bassoon and I bonded and it was a pleasure to play in so many different orchestras because everyone always needed a bassoon player. It let me travel to other places, like Italy, and play in the pit orchestra for a production of WEST SIDE STORY, my favorite musical! I haven’t played in years, but I’m hoping to pick it up again. This throwback is a picture of me playing the bassoon.