Three Surprising Things About Caridad!

It’s open-mic day! You’ve asked and I’m answering: here are three surprising things I bet you didn’t know about me!

The first: I wrote my first book in the fifth grade when a teacher assigned a class project, namely, to write a 20 typed page book for a class lending library. I went home and started writing and my poor mom had to help me type up by 120 (YES ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY) page book. It was a romance, of course, and it was written on a typewriter much like the one in this photo!

The second: I ghostwrote the novel tie-in for the Jane the Virgin television show! Jane even said my name on the show and called me “The Queen of Latina Romance.” More like a princess than a queen, but very exciting.

The third: I would love to own a bed and breakfast geared just for writers. I’d get up in the morning and make everyone a wonderful breakfast and then spend a few hours helping writers and learning some new things myself.

Do you have a question for me? I’d be happy to answer! Take a moment to share something about yourself!
Caridad's typewriter