Teasing you with a free read from Trapping a Terrorist

The tension between FBI Agent Miguel Peters and heroine Maisy Oliver in Trapping a Terrorist was really special for me. Miguel and Maisy are both wounded souls who are still carrying around a lot of baggage. But facing danger together helps them let go of the past and imagine a happier future may be possible for them.

In this scene, Miguel and Maisy have come back from dinner and Maisy has gone to bed with Miguel has gone back to working the investigation into the serial bomber. As he’s working, he hears Maisy in the other room, tossing and turning and realizes she’s having a nightmare. He goes to comfort her and… I don’t want to spoil it!


AM I OKAY? Maisy asked herself and shook her head.

“It was a dream, but it was so real. My father…he was there, and bombs were exploding everywhere. My mom was with me and I was trying to protect her, but…” She couldn’t finish because the vision in her mind was too extreme. Too scary.

Too alone, which made her lean toward Miguel, seeking his comfort.

Comfort he didn’t fail to give.

He wrapped his arms around her and drew her into his lap. Held her against him as he murmured, “Your dad can’t hurt you anymore. I’ll make sure of that.”

“I know,” she said, hating how childlike she sounded. Much like she had sounded over a decade earlier, when the reality of her father’s actions had come to light.

He surprised her then by exploding to his feet, cradling her in his arms and walking with her to his bed. “Miguel?”

“It’s big enough for both of us,” he said and laid her on the comforter.

She nodded and as he released her, she slipped beneath the sheets. He joined her a second later and as he had before, drew her into his arms, belying his comment that the bed was big enough.

It felt way too small with his hard body pressed to hers, but it wasn’t just desire that filled her, but comfort. Safety. He was a rock. Her rock and she believed him when he said she would be safe.

Armed with that, the nightmare faded into the dark, replaced by a lightness in her soul created by his touch.


MAISY WAS STIFF in his arms at first, but the tension fled her body little by little and her breathing lengthened, confirming that she had fallen asleep.

But sleep didn’t come as quickly to him, lying there beside her. Her lithe but strong body pressed to his, forcing him to tamp down unwanted desire. Desire that would only complicate even more the confusing thoughts he was having about her.

To keep those thoughts at bay, he turned his attention to what he’d been working on before Maisy’s nightmare. The list of suspects. The dynamite. Wire. Locations. Rothwell. Rothwell. Rothwell.

Annoyance at the politician flared through him, which was good. It would keep him from thinking about Maisy’s body.

Her warm breath, toothpaste fresh, spilling across the skin of his chest. Her skin, smooth, so smooth along his.

He muttered a curse as desire flared to life again, but luckily, Maisy peacefully turned in his arms and shifted away from him.

Safe. He was safe, at least for tonight. And she was safe and that had to be what he focused on: keeping Maisy and Seattle safe.

He couldn’t let anything else distract him.


Amazon Kindle: https://amzn.to/3stMJSx
Amazon Paperback: https://amzn.to/3dmWs6L
Amazon Box Set: https://amzn.to/3lWYdvf
Apple: https://apple.co/3fp4NcL
Apple Box Set: Coming Soon!
BN E-book: http://bit.ly/BNTrap
BN Box Set: http://bit.ly/BNBoxSetTTrap
Kobo: http://bit.ly/KoboTrap
Kobo Box Set: http://bit.ly/KobpBoxSetTrap
Additional Retailers: https://books2read.com/TrappingATerrorist

From Harlequin Intrigue: Seek thrills. Solve crimes. Justice served.

Discover more action-packed stories in the Behavioral Analysis Unit series. All books are stand-alone with uplifting endings but were published in the following order:

Book 1: Profiling a Killer by Nichole Severn
Book 2: Decoding a Criminal by Barb Han
Book 3: Tracing a Kidnapper by Juno Rushdan
Book 4: Trapping a Terrorist by Caridad Piñeiro


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