Getting Ready for Christmas Eve!

It’s #WriteWed and I am writing on two different deadlines, but in between, I’m busy doing some cooking for Christmas Eve? Why you may be wondering? First, because I no longer have my big six-burner stove since hubby and I downsized. Next, because some things just taste way better when they get to meld together, like my yuca! Yuca (cassava in English) is a root vegetable very similar to a potato. You can make it in a variety of ways and we always make it boiled with a tasty citrus, onion, and garlic sauce for Christmas Eve.

We fry the leftover yuca and it makes delicious fries. Some interesting things about yuca: tapioca is made from the yuca root and it’s poisonous if you eat it raw or improperly cooked.

But when you cook it right: Nom nom.

I’m also busy cooking my black beans. They’re also better when you reheat them because they thicken up!

You can get my recipes for both the black beans and yuca at
caridad yuca recipe