Happy Earth Day

I remember reading Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring many years ago and was influenced by it to avoid using any pesticides in my garden in order to preserve Mother Earth. But that book also kindled in me a desire to try and help the environment in whatever small ways I could. I try to recycle and shut off lights when not necessary. We reuse plastic bags so that they are not single-use and I try to remember taking reusable bags for the grocery store. I think my biggest help has been using my Sodastream which lets me avoid having lots of soda bottles to recycle and also keeps me from putting fake sweeteners in my body. I also try to upcycle as many things as I can, like making a hall tree from a door that was headed for garbage if I didn’t use it. I like to think my little bit helps. How about you? What things do you do to help the environment?
caridad romance author