Happily Losing Twenty One Pounds

I’ve been hard at work on my lifestyle change and I’m happy to say I’ve lost 21 pounds. I’m taking breaks every hour while I write to sneak in a walk up and down the stairs. I’m walking more during the day and also doing 45 minutes on the elliptical daily. I’m also eating better with a mix of more vegetables and fruits. I’m also eating carbs, although a lot less of them and making them healthier when I do eat them. But I’m also allowing myself some favs like chocolate or other “sweets.” The hard part is eating out but I’m learning to keep to a reasonable portion protein size and also getting dishes with healthier sides. If I know they’re not all that healthy, I mind the portion. Another thing I’ve been doing is eating more mindfully. What does that mean? Eating slower for one. I’ve always been a fast eater and that means I wasn’t really enjoying what I was eating. Now I take smaller bites, try to be aware of the flavors and what’s happening in my mouth as I chew. Sounds weird, but mindful eating is a big way to change your eating habits. If you want to learn more about this, check out this Good Housekeeping article on it at https://bit.ly/CaridadMindfulEating. Also, if you need some healthy recipes, please visit my Cook’s Treat section at https://www.caridad.com/meet-me/cooks-treat/. You can also get a flavor for what I cook in many of my books, including Lost in Little Havana, the first book in the South Beach Security series. Find out more about that story at https://amzn.to/3yVzgaG.

wellness wednesday