Wellness Walks With Wildlife

My life has been so very different since I retired from my one full-time job and devoted myself to writing full-time. Of course, there was less stress from deadlines, office politics, and commuting to New York City. I still have some deadline stress when a new book is due, but it doesn’t compare. More importantly, I have more time to take care of myself and my family. As part of taking care of myself, I am trying to lose weight as you know. Part of that involves getting in a daily walk which I love mostly because of the nature around me. It’s just so beautiful. On Monday I was able to watch a whale breach several times as it ate feeder fish. Occasionally I can catch sight of a bald eagle or an osprey flying away with a fish in its talons. For the last few weeks, the swans have been nesting on the island in Silver Lake again. They come back every year and usually have five or six babies that hang out for a little while before mama, papa, and baby cygnets fly off. There is something so relaxing and re-energizing about being surrounded by nature. The Japanese have a practice called shinrin-yoku or “Forest bathing.” It involves taking a walk in a forest, but in reality, any walk in nature where you pay attention to your surroundings, skip the smartphone, etc. can be helpful. The mindfulness of appreciating your surroundings can reduce stress, boost immunity, lift your mood, and improve your mental health in general. So if you’re feeling a little down or anxious, take a slow walk in nature, breathe it in deeply (literally), and it may help you feel better.

swans silver lake wellness walk with wildlife